Custmer Service RANT

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Custmer Service RANT

Post by Fireball »

OK so I decided to rant for the first time on Fish hawk
Happy new year to all .Please do not take this personally
So I decided to get my ice fishing gear load up my truck and after work today try a little ice fishing First things first Need to renew my fishing license So I call my once favourite Local fishing shop Hence East end Ottawa
To find out if the ice is good and if they have Minnows and the 2009 Fishing License we.. Surprise The guy who answered was very blunt.
When I asked him if they have Ontario fishing license I was told that he does not carry or sell them because he does not support the Ontario goverment.Well that just pee pee me off. So I asked him this by not selling Ontario fishing License is he planning on making a living with the new Store that he purchase or is he in it for greed. I know my self in the past
5 year when I went to by Minnows or launch my boat I always spent about 30.00 to 40.00 bucks in gear or minnows and worms /he clearly stated since the Ontario government does not pay him to sell Fishing licenses he believes that he should not provide the local fisherman with the service. Ok so I understand his point but look at the bright side Fishing License sold = Possible Minnows purchased + possible lures that goes directly in the cash register. This would be the type of service Voyageur Fishing Depot would Give Thanks Petrie Island you lost me as client their for you lost my respect my money and also a friend

Fishing Store that does not sell fishing license what a joke

Sorry to all readers if you don’t like well don’t read it
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