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The true North.....Kind of Canada Day

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:17 pm
by kunobasski
Happy Canada Day folks.....

Is not like the Canada Day you may remember.

Today it's more like some of the residents of this country's rejoice in its worth and initially fragile culture.
While other "Canadians" don't celebrate it at all as they don't care about its history, cause its not coherent with their cultures interest.

Please, I encourage the women to wear your Canadian colored birka, and the men to turban up a Canadian flag in their wrap.

Please enjoy our social assistance programs, I pay taxes so new Canadians may live well while our "lifers" struggle to retire on a meager fund. Please acknowledge.

Happy Canada, middle east, asian, non discript other multi-cultural day.

Think what you want.

But Canada is not Canada when it was a world of admiration.

Please place hyper sensitive politically correct comments here...........................................................................

The truth hurts.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:32 pm
by cprince
You insensitive ba$tard...


Wanna go fishing with me, or marry one of my daughters?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:02 pm
by TLunge
HOW HORRIBLE OF attempt to tell the actual truth like that!.............SHAME!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:07 pm
by troutnmuskiehunter
Did you sing "God save our Queen" today??????......what did her visit cost us taxpayers in security alone??????
:roll: :roll: :oops: :evil: :x

WE Canadians just keep bending over and say "can I have some more please".....:lol: :oops: :cry:

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:46 pm
by Robert Goulet
Having spent a great deal of my life travelling the globe for work and pleasure and witnessing how awful the vast majority of the rest of the world lives I am a pretty proud Canadian no matter how frivolous we can be on some issues.

I am of the opinion that it's best not to think about and waste time on things like this. No matter how many posts we make it won't change a damn thing. Just be happy we can fish pretty much when and where we want and forget about taxes and royal visits.

My .02

Happy Canadian,

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:03 pm
by ganman
Have you been drinking Kunobasski? I hope so because I make stupid posts when I drink too.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:47 pm
by Eli
Not perfect, but still the best country on the planet. I wouldn't live anywhere else :!:

My opinion on multiculturalism: look at what happened to France over the last 30 years. Happening here slowly but surely.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:57 pm
by Bass Addict
ganman wrote:Have you been drinking Kunobasski? I hope so because I make stupid posts when I drink too.

Why let off blaming it on DRUGS or PILLS so easy.......... :wink: :idea:


Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:25 am
by Bait&Fate
TroutnMuskieHunter wrote:Did you sing "God save our Queen" today??????......what did her visit cost us taxpayers in security alone??????
:roll: :roll: :oops: :evil: :x

WE Canadians just keep bending over and say "can I have some more please".....:lol: :oops: :cry:
Hmmm .. And this compares to what? .. How much Canadian taxpayers money was spent on say ... representing the so called rights of .. Karla Homolka and that element. Or the E-health scandal of Dalton & Co. Lest we bring up the sponsorship scandal of the past federal Liberal rabble. C'mon put things in perspective. The reigning Monarchy is a figure head that spans hundreds of years of history ... Compare that to south of the border! The 143 years of Canada as a nation is founded on a parlimentary system under a reigning Monarch (BNA act 1867). The latter of which function no more than a representation as head of state in this day and age. Nonetheless institutions such as the Canadian Military, and all levels of Canadian government therein acknowledge the reigning Monarchy as the head of state of Canada: Queen Elizabeth II. Her visitations to Canada and acknowledgement of the Canadian people and country, have probably done more to reinforce a pride of identity and belonging amongst many Canadians that most homebred politicians could only hope to achieve.

B.T.W .. Notice how much your hunting / fishing License fees increased today in Ontario .. Thanks Dalton & Co!

"Je me souviens Dalton" ....... New slogan on Ontario license plates perhaps? :wink: :wink:

Happy Canada Day!

God Save The Queen :) :)

Re: Patronage

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:47 am
by Wall-I-Guy
B'Limey wrote: "Je me souviens Dalton" ....... New slogan on Ontario license plates perhaps? :wink: :wink:
Couldn't agree more!

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:34 am
by kunobasski
Stupid post some say?

Please I encourage you to look around and ask yourself if you really think your comfortable with the progression of Canadian Society.

The politics is the starting point.... twas those idiots, no mater who you voted for that has allowed the erosion of our once proud heritage....

And before anyone says..."we all immigrated here" I'd say your right, we did. But then I'd say, look how those immigrants bonded as a whole, by chance or by choice to establish a fantastic country and a world renown global image.

That image is gone....its a new image these days. One that in time will filter through to changes in out outdoor systems, forests and waters. Already our rules devised by our leaders have adapted foreign persuasion and are sometimes made with "cultural" consideration.

Who said we had to change? What was wrong with the old Canada? Why do I feel uncomfortable and risk persecution from short sighted do-gooders for saying that I'm not %100 on board with multiculturalism.

You could say that in the old Canada ya know....

Mr.Goulet, you are world traveled and appear to have a very objective view, please share your thoughts on how Canada is viewed world wide these days....say in comparison to 20 years ago? Being Canadian does not carry the same mystique it used to, does it....not when its so watered down and dis-associated with the base cultures that designed the initial Canadian Theme.

The best part is, none of this is going keep this post in your history and re-read it 10, 15 and 20 years from now......your going to say to yourself, wow, kunobasski's crystal ball is really frickin accurate.

Cheech Martin

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:08 am
by joco
still pround to be a canadian and a quebecers.... 8)

sher we are not perfect but we sher are better then a lot otter part off the world by far. but we could do beter for are wildife and more green..think about futur generation ..better healthcare..spends are monney a lot wiser then those none sence spending we do .

if some think its not they just have to do something and get vote mabe we can see a few face on the next eletction. :lol:

this would be nice in the none fishing section the happy canada day i gues to i post.

politic talk never end in good way..

so guy go back fishing. :wink: and bring reports.


Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:44 pm
by Trisomy21
Screw this, I'm moving to Australia.