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A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:46 pm
by RJ
Hey folks,

First off we'd like to thank those who have sent along notes of congratulations and support with this newly taken on task. It means a lot to us today and will even more in the future. When news trickled out regarding the predicament the site was facing it took one phone call to Luke, a 2 minute conversation to confirm his interest and we were off. Mike and Rob were great right from the start of this process, a deal was struck and the rest is history.

We will admit we did chuckle a few times as we chatted afterwards with remarks like..."Are we really sure we want to do this?" Every time we'd laugh and the answer was YES.

The site means a lot to so many people, Luke and I included. We will thrive to keep it going as is with a few tweaks here and there to get it fresh. This will not happen overnight. Currently we have no plans to change anything but have began brainstorming on plans that we hope you all will enjoy in the future.

This week has been a whirlwind for us truthfully, it will take a bit to even wrap our heads prioritizing what we need to take care of first. But we're on it! Baby steps though.

We've all heard folks say "This place isn't what it used to be". I don't buy into that notion one bit but some do. How do we get it back to what it was once perceived to be? Luke and I can't, but YOU can. Yes YOU! We all play a part in creating the content of the site. Go fishing, snap some pics, post a report! Get involved, meet people etc. The rewards are huge and yours for the taking, heck Luke and I met on here.

In closing, thanks to Mike and Rob for allowing us to carry on with the site, we'll take care of your baby from now on. Don't be strangers.

RJ and Luke

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:03 pm
by Wolfy
Thx RJ/Luke for taking the reigns and running with fish-hawk. You guys will do well!!


Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:04 pm
by i got worms
Big congrats fellas! It's always been a great site and I'm confident that you two will keep it rockin' as good as ever!

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:32 pm
by Doug
Good luck guys!

I am not a huge contributor here (and not here at all in hunting season....) but will try to help out as and where I can.



Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:25 pm
by lape0019
RJ and Fatluke,

As already said, thank you for stepping up to the plate! This place has allowed me to meet some very interesting characters than I now consider friends.

Good luck with everything!

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:26 pm
by Joesalerno1
Good luck guys, I have been here from 2000 and is a site near and dear to me, glad you are doing this, looking forward to the next 15 years!

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:42 pm
by cprince
Please allow me to say welcome to the Admin section of Fish-Hawk. Please excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting anyone... if I thought I would see anyone in here I would have tidied up a bit.

To your left you will see a pile of penis enlarging pill deleted posts and free access passes to The Fapppening featuring whats-her-name from the kids movies and some guy who is likely passing out every time he gets excited.

To your right is removed posts with BassAddict and 24/7 calling eachother stupid Frenchmen and bird brains.

Just step over some of those posts some mod (cprince I think is his name, but others have much more colorful names for him...) wrote just to see if anyone was reading these things...

Enjoy the ambiance RJ and Luke. Enjoy reading the pages and pages of removed posts deemed too controversial for this site.

All kidding aside, welcome boys. Thanks for stepping up. I know this site will continue with the same tradition but with a new vitality.

One question about the Management Change Orientation Workbook you guys sent me.... is that sticker supposed to be there?



Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:00 am
by StarTzar
cprince wrote:
All kidding aside, welcome boys. Thanks for stepping up. I know this site will continue with the same tradition but with a new vitality.

One question about the Management Change Orientation Workbook you guys sent me.... is that sticker supposed to be there?

What were you expecting ? "The Book Of Love"

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:14 am
by Raydar
I'm really glad things worked out boys.
I don't get out as much as I would like with young kids and all but I always come to this site to live through all your post and dream of the next time I'll get out.
I've learned a lot from fish-hawk, enjoyed the conversations and met some really nice people who share the same passion.
Thanks again guys for keeping it alive.

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:53 am
by Doug
cprince wrote:Please allow me to say welcome to the Admin section of Fish-Hawk. Please excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting anyone... if I thought I would see anyone in here I would have tidied up a bit.

To your left you will see a pile of penis enlarging pill deleted posts and free access passes to The Fapppening featuring whats-her-name from the kids movies and some guy who is likely passing out every time he gets excited.

To your right is removed posts with BassAddict and 24/7 calling eachother stupid Frenchmen and bird brains.

Just step over some of those posts some mod (cprince I think is his name, but others have much more colorful names for him...) wrote just to see if anyone was reading these things...

Enjoy the ambiance RJ and Luke. Enjoy reading the pages and pages of removed posts deemed too controversial for this site.

All kidding aside, welcome boys. Thanks for stepping up. I know this site will continue with the same tradition but with a new vitality.

One question about the Management Change Orientation Workbook you guys sent me.... is that sticker supposed to be there?


Beautiful................. :lol:

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:04 am
by CyrusG
Thanks a bunch for stepping up guys, I've learned a lot from fish hawk over the years i'd hate to see it go.


Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:20 am
by Troutskiii
Great news lads congrats, good to keep the forum alive!!! I think RJ summed it up well, more write ups and local reports, pics etc... Would be great if everyone contributed, not everyone is going to has a "Moosebunk" quality report but every little bit counts in the end.


Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:47 am
by clint
As someone who doesn't always have much to post but is still an almost daily lurker, thank you.

With Craigs earlier post about community minded individuals stepping up, I figured the only 2 real options would have been Big Jim or you.

I don't know what your plans are for the site, but I am just saying that if you fellas need to gather a bit of cash for bandwidth, or site updating or even to break a chunk off for mods every now and then i would be 100% behind some sort of yearly premium membership if need be.

If you do do a site and logo update and you wanted to do a run of hoodies or t-shirts with an updated look to them to raise some cash or exposure for the site i would proudly rock out with my hawk out.

Even if it stays as is, thank you. Back when the big crash happened i still checked it everyday, so i know i would have missed this place if it disappeared forever. I would have been behind this stuff before as well, I just didn't realize how close it was to the end.

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:20 am
by Maple
Man, I must be spending too much time doing something far less important. I had no idea this was going on.

If came here and found Fish Hawk gone, I'd be pi$$ed. The old 'you don't value of something until it's gone' scenario. And I do value it!!! I was disappointed when the hunting portion disappeared.

What do we need to do to support this site??? Just post? Or something else?

Re: A Message from the New Guys...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:31 am
by TheMaverick
If you are fearful, a worse will back off.
If you are calm and confident, it will come forward.
For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, RJ & Luke, I am today, a Flattered Horse! ;)

This was indeed a community effort, so I thank you all as Fish-Hawk will see another day….then again that was kinda of a gimmy as it’s already tomorrow in Australia. 8-)

Honourable mention to Craiger's, you've kept it running through the good, the bad and the ugly! ;)