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Winter&The new Woman'Top to Bottom'

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:46 am
by skooter

So, ....Where should I start....? :?

Hmmmm, old pappy used to say, ...."Always start at the top" ......'course that was easy fer him, ....he was a lot taller than me way back then..... :lol:

Okay, ....How about Winter :?: .....Yeah :!: , ..... winter :!: :!:
.........That pretty much sucked, ....didn't it? :hs

Of course, with winter, ....comes ice fishing....... :roll:

Now, .....all the long time members here are aware of my love for ice fishing, .......For those of you who aren't..... :wink:

Let's just say, fishing has carved it's own little "niche" in my list of favorite things to do, ........slightly "above" paying taxes, ....slightly "below" catchin' a cold..... :P

This year I tried something new,'s simply a matter of deduction, ...I know I enjoy the water, ....I know I love fishing, .....So,'s gotta be the "ice" that's the dinger, .....remove that, ...and it's game on..... 8)

I was gonna finally get my hands on the new ride by mid March, ......this gave me a few early weekends to kill, ....rather than just sit and mope, ....or subject myself to more humiliation on the afore mentioned white stuff,

I hooked up with a few bud's who have about the same attitude as I do about winter, ....and made a couple of trips to fish water, ....with just some ice "in" it, .....instead of ice, ....with just some water "under" it :wink:


Let's just say, .....winter didn't seem so rough anymore......






When my new lady finally moved in, ....all thoughts of fishing were suppressed for awhile, .....but these fella's continued to pound 'em week after week .... 8)

"My New Romance".....

"It was Out with the old, ....and in with the new...."


I had a lot of stuff to do to her to get her ready for spring.....and she nickel & dimed me pretty good there for awhile....This is before



.......A new prop$$$


......A new battery X 2$$$$


......A new seat, ....sort of$$$



.....Deckin' out the battle station$$$


......Wirin' up the war room


Plus dickin' around with the trailer fer a week or so till I eventually got fed up and bought new wiring, lights, ....and did 'er up right.... $$$$

But it was a labour of love, ....and eventually she was ready to go.....this is now


The finishing touch......


Now, ...... will all this work show some dividends.... :?: :?:

It was a slow start, .......Salmon volounteered to accompany me on her maiden voyage, ....and we got our first stinky, ...but I still considered the trip a success 'cause the boat exceeded my expectations.....




And with that off my mind, I could concentrate a little more, .....on actually putting some fish in the boat...... :D







Which I guess brings us to the present, ......or, ....from me pappy's point of view, ....the bottom...... :cry:

I do hope though,'s actually the "beginning", .....of a happy, and long romance..... :D

I may not be around here as much these days, ....but I'm still around, ....I've met a bunch of great people on this board, and made some good friends along the way..... :D

That being said, ...I'm open to hooking up with anyone here who lives, ...or is gonna be around, neck of the woods, ....for a day chasin' some kings & bows .....just shoot me a PM :wink:

(Token boy & his toy pic) :lol:


See ya's on the water....... :wink:


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:24 am
by JP
great pics and read


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:53 am
by almontefisher
Atta go Skoot....Great work on her...Nothing a little surgery for some tucks & nips to get her bow to stern looking good. Did ya enjoy the ride she gave ya :?:

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:38 am
by Erie-Eyes
Congratulations on your new "Romance" Skooter - she looks like a real fish catching machine. Good fishing in 2008. One of these days I'm going to have to give your end of Lake Ontario a shot.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:15 am
by Bass Addict
Great report..........

Now i think i might have to leave work early..........

8) :wink:

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:00 pm
by wolfe
Always great to hear from my bro, Skooter.

The new boat's already treating you well -- some great fish brought on board, Skoot.

Fun report, as usual. Keep it up, Fred! Don't be a stranger. :wink:


PS: have the weiners gone for a voyage yet?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:27 pm
by Muskie4L
Fantastic report :D Sure good to "look back" at ice :D :D nothing but soft water for the next few months :D

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:41 am
by Bassmaster
Well well look who's back! :D Packrat and I had wondered what happened to you.

Nice report on the boat and the fish :)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:11 am
by DropShotr
Super read!
Awesome catch!!
Hope the new ride keeps finding fish for you!


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:43 am
by Fishing 24/7
hey those are some realy nice fish you guys got there!!

congrats on the new ride and all the best for you ! 8)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:00 am
by Leechman
Congrats on the new ride and great finishing touch at the back of your boat there skooter :)

Those are great catches, thanks for sharing.

Fish Finder

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:51 am
by skooter
wolfe wrote:Always great to hear from my bro, Skooter.

The new boat's already treating you well -- some great fish brought on board, Skoot.

Fun report, as usual. Keep it up, Fred! Don't be a stranger. :wink:


PS: have the weiners gone for a voyage yet?

Sorry Sis, ....they've been a holy terror of late, ....sibling rivalry or somethin' ..... :?

So, ....As soon as they've had enough of the flyswatter, ....and it warms up a bit, .....I'll get 'em wet :lol: :wink:

Bassmaster wrote:Well well look who's back! :D Packrat and I had wondered what happened to you.

Nice report on the boat and the fish :)
Hi Gord, .....and Gord Sr., ....I haven't heard from you two for awhile either..... :lol:

That invite is still open fer a day out if the two ya are up for it.... :wink:


Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:48 am
by Bassmaster
Okie dokie :wink: Packrat is now retired so I'm sure he can find the time... 8) I'll let him know.. I'm definetly in :)