Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

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Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!


Well, where to begin…. This July was my 40th Birthday. So as a present to myself, I said fishing trip. I had hatched a plan back in January with a longtime friend, and longtime member here on FH by the handle Muskiemagnet. Some know him by his handle, or Pat Boyd. We made a plan to go north, where Pat and his family now live. We were going to do Lake of the Woods, Rainy L and maybe another for October Muskies. Plan was hatched. Though, now, Pat guides full time for a living, up north into Manitoba, and also manages a lodge on Rainy called Slippery Winds. In months that passed, Pat had a cancellation on one of his guiding trips, and a window opened to fish Lake Nipigon mid-August. I was IN! I had done Nipigon 2 times before, and that is where my brothers ashes lay, so getting back was a no brainer! I flew to Thunder Bay on the Wed, and Pat picked me up for the short drive to Nipigon. We fueled, got ice, last minute snacks and beverages, and within 3 hrs of my flight time, from Thunder Bay to the boat launch it was 5.5 hrs from Ottawa airport. All in tow, camping gear, food, and boat, gas we were at camp and set up in no time. To the fish we go. We went out late in the day on The Wed. We spotted a few roaming specks, but no takers. Moring came fast. A bagel, and go! We found tough fishing. The pike were not in the weeds, nor were the specks on the shoals (In numbers that is) We plugged away over the day, not thinking of putting the riggers on for lakers, we amounted a few high 20” pike, and a few speck sightings. We both said, riggers on the boat tomorrow morning just in case. Day 2 morning, a quick coffee, and a quick visit to our local ummmm place of business lol. This was a pic of a scroll re-dedicated in 1982!


We headed out right away. Right to a spot Pat knows for a good early am bite on the Specks. Well, 7 casts in, I CRUSH my pb speck!!!!! I am dancing while fighting this 23+” speck, and Pat says, “It’s a walleye LOL” Nope, no walleye, just a giant specimen of a speck, and my pb crushed!


Not only was I over the moon with that fish, Pat said, well, I think this spot is done, next cast….

Image Pat lands a beauty too!!!!!!

So, then it was ok, pb Speck, done. Wanna try lakers???? OK! We set up on the east side, and it was 180 FOW right off this cliff!

We began the troll… I’m a down rigger dummy, but my bud Pat was all over the back of the boat. Riggers, boat control, and stories that made me laugh till I cried! So, pb laker???

Yup, that was my new pb laker! I know, many have caught way bigger, but that was my pb. 2 down, one to go.

Next morning we were met by rain. No problem, lets go right for lakers….


PB broken!!!!! Another 2 boat side, and I was ecstatic!!!! We mulled for pike, but again, not giants in the weeds. Many low 30”ers, but not the beast I needed for the 3 time world heavy weight champion of Nipigon, the Triple Crown eluded me. Though, we headed on a troll for specks, and BAM!

!st ever speck on the troll!!!!!! Pat Was on fire with the specks also,
So, the next day it was a laker mission…. This is where it gets ugly….. We set up in new water to Pat, and began the troll. The second rigger was not even off the boat and this unfolded…..
PB AGAIN!!!! The next few pics was just anarchy!!!!!!








And then THE SLOB
These pics I know the dates are on them, but we were shaking 12-14 lbrs off saying we want pics of bigger! We caught over 50 lakers in 5 days, and at least 10 went over 20 lbs!

Now, back to the specks. Pat was on fire, over the course of 8 days we landed 12 specks. Only 2 went onder the 22” slot limit. I got 3, Pat got 9. Here is some of my favorite shots of the specks we caught. (By the way, all fish were released, Lakers, pike and specks.)



This one, Pat saw it eat my bait in 4FOW he yelled SET THE HOOK LOL Image

My favorite shot


So, on the night of day 4, I know this report is all over the place lol. We were still searching the weed beds for big pike. Mid 30”ers were around, and many bite offs while trolling for specks on the reefs, and shoals. While heading back for dinner on the speckie troll, my rod went. I said fish…. This battle ensued for 10-15 minutes, it’s almost a blur. I was using 8lb fluorocarbon, on a 6’6” St Croix Med rod, no leader, just flouro to jig The fish comes boat side, Pat said “Float, it’s a GIANT! I am not aware, until Pat says “This is the biggest pike I’ve ever seen!” Pat has guided for a few yrs now and caught numerous giant fish before his guiding days. So I get excited to say the least!!! This was an emotional fish, for my brother 5 years ago got a pike in the same area over 50’s long. It was not 50”s it went 44”s bang on, but as thick as a truck tire! My new PB pike, in the same area my brother got his, it was truly a moment I shall never forget, and cherish for the rest of my life!



The triple crown accomplished!!!!!

The day before we were to leave, we came upon the MNR doing netting for research on the lake! I asked politely if I could take a few pictures.. The 2 were quite happy to oblige, and many questions were asked, and answered. They were doing a “Pike” survey, also with 3 other boats to the north, a sturgeon, and laker survey. I took a few shots of the nets being hauled, which was cool to see. In the nets were, pike, 1 speck, whitefish, perch and suckers. Out of 3 nets, we followed, one was for lake sturgeon, but was empty.




Just awesome to see, and get information about the lake, and their program!

So, we head to our last day of fishing…… We just went out on a search and have fun mission. We found a few high 30 and 2 40”ers on some new weeds, and I got a bonus Whitefish trolling for specks in 3 FOW!




This was hands down, the trip of a lifetime I flew from Ottawa to Thunder bay, return for 450$ as opposed to a 17hr drive. I owe sooooo many thanks to my family for making this happen, and 85 million thanks to my long time bud, and guide who I would recommend to ANYONE. If anyone wants to think about a trip up north, and wants not only hospitality, whether it’s a rustic setting like we did camping, or a lodge aspect, trust me, and the pics are the proof, contact my buddy Pat!

Until I go back next year, hope all enjoy the pics.

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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Troutskiii »

Great report and beauty fish, congrats!
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by smitty55 »

WOW, what a fantastic fishery. Big congrats on all your personal bests. Great report, you'll have a hard time beating that trip.


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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Walleye'm Fishing »

Dude!!! Great report and that was one sick trip results-wise for ya. Now that's the way to treat yourself for your 40th. You've inspired me to plan a trip like this as I will hit the big 40 in a few years as well.
Walleye'm fishing, you're sleeping.
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by scuro »

Happy for you, excellent report!
...anything to bend the rod
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Bass Addict »

And yet another Awesome report from Moosebunk !!!

When will it ever end ? :icon-wink: 8 ) 8)
There will be an influx of Great Grey Owls in the winter of 2017
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Gord »

EPIC DUDE!!!!!......'NUFF SAID! :D :D
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by CBB »

Great Pics

Great Story

Congrats on a great trip with real nice fish
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by emeraldpirate »


Now that right there is heaven on earth. That is a fishin trip that dreams are made of.

Note too self....Nipigon is definitely a go to destination on my BUCKET list.

Thanks for the amazing pics!
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Maple »

Cough.... big were those specs?.....amazing fishing there buddy....kiss and release.

I'm way older than you and haven't been there yet.

Thanks for the encouragement. Note to self. Go there.

PS. could you PM me Pats contact info please. I feel a birthday gift coming on.
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Out4trout »

Superb report Float!
That is some awesome fishing, and a great way to celebrate a 40th.
Fantastic pictures and a lot of effort went into the report - Thanks for sharing that!!
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by banjo »

Nice fish.
Nice pictures.
Nice work.
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Oneeleven »

What an amazing looking trip. Wow! :shock: Great pics and love the MNR interaction. What a cool job that would be.
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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Wallyboss »

Nice fish Float!!
When hell freezes over, I'll be there icefishing!!!

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Re: Lake Nipigon PIC HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Post by nighttroller »

Awesome report,this is one trip I keep telling myself I have to do...
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