Paddletales last day

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Paddletales last day

Post by toobinator »

Saturday July 10 at 3 pm Paddletales Tackle will lock their door for the last time.

It's been an unbelievable run and I never would have dreamt what was possible when we began. As I've said in earlier posts, I've made more friends, been to more places, and fished with many people that I never would have had it not been for Paddletales.

I'm sure on Saturday there will be a few (lot) tears as this has been our lives for a long time, but I must say I am looking forward to retirement. I have a beautiful boat and now will finally be able to use it much more than I have in the past. We have a grandson from Abbottsford coming in August for a week, followed by the rest of his family the following week, and we'll have time to spend with them. There's a ton of things to see and do and I must say we are looking forward to it.

Thanks from the bottom of our hearts one last time for the support, loyalty, and friendship over the years to the sales people, distributors, and, most importantly you, the customers. We will be forever greatful.

Ed & Sandie
Save a bass. Eat a chicken
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