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R J's comment

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:02 pm
by bassman3840
As a tourn & recreation fisherman i am disappointed by his comment ( other that its fair game) I ask RJ if thats your thinking i would appreciate if you would inform me when & where you will be fishing so i can go elsewhere.A statement like that sure doesnt help us get support from cottagers & other people who use the lakes & rivers.

Legit Concern or sad self entitlement.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:43 am
by kunobasski
Oh Oh! there is a bass tournament comming to your local lake....better call the cops, the enviroment, the township. Round up all the elitist water front owners who have pronounced thier claim to the entire lake, both around and on the water.

Those big bass boats will destroy the shore line, flip the tin boats and scare the loons and gulls. Not to mention they hurt the fish population and the speed the boats travel at is annoying as when the sonic boom pops, it wakes up your sleeping lab or poodle.


Does the waterfront owners of white lake own the land around it or do they own the water in it?

If you put a Horse power ban on the lake, who says what is acceptable? 200 lets say 9.9....have fun towing your ski bob behind that or getting gramps up on plane as he attempts to take his annual barefoot run down the middle of three mile bay.

What about the Personal Water craft...... surley they will have to go? I mean every year there are about 20 deaths or injuries related to these water rockets...every 10 years a bass boat registars a blipp on the bloopers chart.....but hey who's counting.

And the wake these big bass boats throw....I mean they have a huge wake...all of about 3 inch's. Not like cottage owner extrodanaires cabin cruiser that eats about 20 liters of diesel a minute and creates a sunami every time he fires her up and takes her out on the open waters.

Docks.....docks.....docks.....GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DOCK!!!!
who's dock? Lets check the rules about docks....yes...the cottage owner paid for the material....but no he/she does not own the water, land or pillar it is attached to. That belongs to the tax payers of ontario and moreover Canada. Check the floodline stipulation. See where your so called private property becomes public domain...then we will talk about who can and can not fish your dock, tie up to your dock, stand on your dock and smoke 12 inch cubans while watching your daughter sunbath on the lawn....

Fact is, I'm a bass angler. I like bass boats. Big, fast, sleek, sparkly, expensive bass boats.

I also like living in CANADA. where our water ways are considered public and our rights to indulge in thier openess is never questioned. CANADA the place where angling opportunities are limitless and the means for catching these fish are well regulated, hence the abundance.

But singling out a specified lake for private interest groups and thier private motives is just insane and sad. To the owners of water front and concerned posters of I hear you and appreciate your opinion, it is well within your rights to make voice and hold palavar on those issues in which bunch up your undies.

But to assume self entitlment in which YOU choose how I enjoy my outdoors and its waterways is strickly ELITEISM, and border line communistic actually.

I'll enjoy and respect my water, you enjoy and respect your cottage. Together we will enjoy the idealism of freedom in Canada and Respect the long standing tradition unity amongst countymen.

Besides...put a ban on white lake and me and my bassboat buddies will fire up a predudice claim that holds true to any legal, or constitutional preceeding ever documented.

The wing to your wang sir.......the wing to your wang


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:09 am
by JimmyBuffett
Kudos to Kuno... couldn't have wrote it any better :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:09 am
by fishmaster
Wow Kuno, I usually just laugh at most of your posts but this one is great. I know it's not politically correct but it had to be said and things like this need to be said more often!!!!!! It's usually a small vocal group who can get rights taken away from a larger more quite group like us (minus the 300hp kayak flipping crazies :roll: ) Keep up the fight Militant :!:

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:53 am
by Pug
I really dont understand why anyone really needs all that horsepower and speed to go fishing

I know you pro bass fishermen think you need to get everywhere first

so it ends up with the guy with the best and latest toys has the edge

the guy with the biggest bank account gets them first

but if thats what you pro bass guys want and like then go for it

just dont fish off my dock when Im standing on it trying to fish myself

NO NEED TO BE MILITANT.....just use common sense

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:33 am
by jwhite
Pug wrote: just dont fish off my dock when Im standing on it trying to fish myself
Better move your dock onto YOUR property.

Re: R J's comment

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:56 am
by RJ
bassman3840 wrote:As a tourn & recreation fisherman i am disappointed by his comment ( other that its fair game) I ask RJ if thats your thinking i would appreciate if you would inform me when & where you will be fishing so i can go elsewhere.A statement like that sure doesnt help us get support from cottagers & other people who use the lakes & rivers.
Like it or not Bassman....thats the law....Ive personally seen way more damage and being inconsiderate of others by people who are not fishing....

I'll be on Mississippi lake all be safe...ya better stay 30 HP may swamp ya... :lol:


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:50 pm
by IFish
jwhite wrote:
Pug wrote: just dont fish off my dock when Im standing on it trying to fish myself
Better move your dock onto YOUR property.
So you'd go fish his dock while he's there fishing off it? Now that'd be some majorly bad fishing etiquette. It'd be the same as boating up to and fishing 10 feet away someone out on the lake.

There's nothing wrong with highspeed boats and tournaments as long as everyone is safe and respectful to others out on the water. A little fishing etiquette doesn't hurt either.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:01 pm
by Bass Addict
I'm out on the water quite often and whenever one of those '' Bass Boats '' goes flying by at ...Wide Open Throttle my reaction is 8) 8) :lol:


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:17 pm
by Pug
Pug wrote:

just dont fish off my dock when Im standing on it trying to fish myself

Better move your dock onto YOUR property.

you are part of the problem

one should always respect another fishermans space whether he is fishing from a boat, a dock ,or from shore


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:20 pm
by MLR
Just to clarify

I only suggested inviting the OPP since it was implied that laws were being broken, in which I am a little skeptical since there are not many laws other than 10km/hr closer than 10 meters to shore.

Some times people need to see it for themselves that others are not breaking the laws.

Drop the hp rating on the lake? Go for it, watch your property resale value erode faster than your shore line ever will from a bass tournament once a year. Is it really worth it over one day of the year that you can't canoe, kayak or jig for walleye? Especially walleye, you have had the last 6 weeks to jig for walleye without the feared bass masters running you down.

But when it comes down to fishing docks, if a cottager comes down and asks me to not fish near his dock, I will move along. I have had people come and fish my dock while I am on it, and asked them to move along and got the big F You from them. So I just started fishing their boat, 2 casts and they left. But if I am not there, then have at it, I hope you catch something, but please put it back for others to enjoy another day.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:38 pm
by Bass Addict
I'm out on the water quite often never seen a Bass Boat almost swamp a canoe or run over some kayaker .. :roll:

How big of a Wave can they produce at 140 kmph when only the Prop is making contact with the water.. :wink: 8) 8)

As for the Dock issue...

Come on now,,,
If someone is out on their dock , reel in your line and swing wide past the dock..that's just common courtesy !!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:57 pm
by IFish
I kayak the Ottawa River quite a bit and I'm really shocked at how many boaters seem to do everything to come as close as they can to me when I'm fishing. If the whole river is available why fly by the kayakers and canoeists?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:41 pm
by ganman
Kudo's to you Kuno....very well written.

I used to be on the otherside and I'm still unsure how I feel about tourneys but this year I bought a bassboat, a very minor one (Stratus 176XT) and on my maiden voyage on Charleston a month ago out for pike I had a tinny pull up......acuse me of being an American and bass fishing. Well I pointed out my more than obvious Ontario numbers, who I was and whence I came from.....just down the road. Then I fired a Mepps#5 at him, followed by a 1/2 oz. bucktail jig and 6" twister tail trailer - both attached with wire leaders - at him and asked do they look like bass lures. I also pointed out if he had had a depth finder he would know I was fishing a weedline that dropped sharply from 7' of water to 20'. Not the place to be looking for bass in late May......unlike the 5' weed flat you were casting over with your white spinnerbait SANS wire leader.

I've gotten other dirty looks and smart comments. I think its just envy.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:01 pm
by plowjock
Hey Gman
Good to hear you got a Glass boat, now you'll be crucified by all cottage owners etc. for going after bass instead of Pike, Crappies, Gills.
Should've kept the Tin special.
I'm still running the old Crestliner and never get any complaints. Can't go real fast but I can get into pretty good territory.
Sure having a great season so far Crappies by the dozens, lakers by the score, bass are coming hot and HEAVY.. Be on Gan tomorrow.
So Many Lakes ... so little time... Gotta find a 7 lb pig up your way.