Clyde River

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Re: Clyde River

Post by threeparrots »

Hi everyone!

About three weeks ago I made it out to Joe's Lake and launched my kayak. I hooked into a couple decent sized large mouth as I headed East towards Clyde. There were about 5 other kayak anglers out there doing there thing -- not sure about their luck.

Spent about 6 hours on the Clyde with my 6wt. Made it about 2/3 of the way to French Line before heading back.

Long story short: endless amounts of small bass, pumpkinseed and fall fish/chub (whichever they are). Also, ZERO trout.

I caught almost all of the fish at the end of each section of rapids. These fish were feisty and I had a few runs of back to back (x10 :D ). The scenery was absolutely amazing and I didn't see another individual all day. Some of the rapids were too shallow to kayak so I had to wade through, lifting the kayak up enough out of the water to finally float. Other wide sections were as deep as 18 feet (says the fish finder). Also, many species of birds out there - from herons, kingfishers, woodpeckers, flycatchers, etc..

At the end of the day, was fun to visit a new place. I don't think I'd return given how difficult some areas were to navigate, but was still fun nonetheless.
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