1st Attempt at Posting BofQ Ecursion with Pics

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1st Attempt at Posting BofQ Ecursion with Pics

Post by HitmanHill »

It all startyed Friday October29/06 when Mike leaves Orleans and picks me up in Kanata at 0330. We leave from there to pickup Tenline(kevin) in Kinburn and we hook up his boat, load up his stuff and we are on way by 0410. The sky is still very dark but you can see stars and there is very little wind at this time, hoping that the weather reporters are wrong at reporting a crappy weekend. We get into Picton by 0705 and stop at Tim's to pick-up some coffee and subs for lunch and we are off to the launch up at Adulphrus(sp) Reach.

We launch the boat by 0735 and the skys are grey and there is a little chop on the water, still not that bad of day. We decide to bet two dollars each for the person that catches the first fish and wouldn't you know are good ole buddy Mike catches the first walleye just around 0930.


And here is the fish

We fish for awhile longer and Tenline Catches a Sheephead and it is like pulling in dead weight and he finally lands the big guy.

We continue fishing until approx.1530 without any success so we decide to get off the water and head to Merlands and check in and wait for our other group of fishing buddies who were suppose to be there by then.
Shortly after checking in at Merlands I meet Bender and talk to him briefly and seen how his day was going.

Here is a picture from cabin 10.

Our other group of Rob, Frank and Randy unload there stuff and are raring to go hit the water. They tell us they had hit quite a snowstorm coming through Kingston but fortunately all we got was some cold rain.They get out fishing until dark and Rob has lande a smaller walleye and thats it for the day.

Saturday we wake up to a picture perfect day and the sun breaks out as we head out from the launch and it isn't too long when I catch my first walley of the day. Image.

Tenline gets a hit shortly after but the wind picksup and he tries to manuvuer the boat and ends up handing his rod to Mike so he can keep from going in circles, somehow Mike hand the rod to me but I notice there is no weight on the line and we end up losing whatever it was. We kid Tenline that it was a bad knot and he says it was my bad landing skills and we get a good laugh from it anyway. It must of been a bad omen because just shortly after that happens our boat motor decides to die on us as we are bobbing in Adulphus Reach. We are able to contact our other party and the pull us to shore and that puts the end of our fishing for the day. Bummer! Anyway Tenline and myself take the boat back to Merland and Mike, Randy, Rob and Frank head back out and work their way back from the cottage and believe Randy ends up catching a Sheephead. They end up getting back to Merlands by 1500 and Mike and Randy give up their spots and allow Tenline and myself to get out and try our luck. Unfortunately that was it for the day. We try our luck near the Tip of The Bay Marina after nightfall and Frank catches a walleye in the slot size and ends up returning him to see another day. That is all there was for the night so we call it a day. The next morning is check out so we pack things away but are still determined in spite of the rain to give one final kick at can before heading home. We head back to our launch up at Adulphus Reach and all six of us board the boat set the planner boards and down riggers and have two fishing off the back with very little luck until Are caption asks if we had enough and no sooner do we decide to call it a day Tenline has a fish on and brings in the biggest fish of the weekend.


Just under 10 lbs. We continue fishing for about another hour the wind picks up and the rain starts falling harder so we call it a day and put this one in the books to another great fishing experience. Hope to get to do it again next year.
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Post by matcole »

great report but no pics ! where abouts in kanata are you ?
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Post by Bender »

Hey HitmanHill, great report but although the pics didn't show I can assure everyone that they were beautiful fish :D
It was unfortunate the motor gave you problems...you were on to them early that day. Did you ever figure out the problem?

Slot size?????? I thought they did away with that last year????
Isn't it one over 19" and three under?????

Anyways I'm glad you had some success and it was a pleasure meeting you.

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Post by HitmanHill »

molecat ,I notice you are from Kanata also. I am from the Katimavik area. I was talking to Bender when I was at the Bay of Quinte and he is from the Briblewood area. You start to realize how small the world is when you can meet people almost anywhere and they almost seem to be your neighbours.
Bender I believe the motor problem was dirt in the carb but Tenline is going to get it looked at before taking it out again. It was great talking with you Bender. I noticed you had no problem posting your picture. What am I doing wrong?
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Post by spinner »

Here's the pic of the biggest fish from HitmanHill's report(the last link)
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Post by matcole »

that is one nice fish!
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Post by HitmanHill »

Hey spinner, how did you do that and is it possible to get the other pictures posted.
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Post by spinner »

hh-- sent you a pm
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Post by Gord »

Nice walleye Tenline!!! :o :)
I'm a goin' fishin', mama's goin' fishin' and my baby's goin fishin' too.

.......Taj Mahal.... "Fishin' Blues"
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Post by matcole »

man i hope there are more!
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Post by HitmanHill »

Bender, I may be wrong but what we decivered in the regs was that there was a slot size between 19 inches and 24 inches up to the ferry and no slot size beyond that. If that is right it would be nice to know for sure. If anyone know for sure please post it.
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Post by Troller »

Great report
Way to Go Tenline and the rest of the guys! Beauty of a fish
From your old squash partner Dave

Bender! You have one coming, I can feel it!! :wink:

Cheers bud. :lol:
Good luck with the antlers Tenline
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Post by Bobber »


Thanks for sharing the report and pics. I love the Bay and will get there soon.

You almost had the images thing working correctly. I've corrected them with 2 things to note....

1. Your [IMG] tages were backwards. You need to put [IMG] in front of the filename of the photo, and [<b>/</b>IMG] and the end.

2. You uploaded your pics to Photobucket. When you viewed the pictures on Photobucket, you simply copied the URL that was at the top of the page. This won't work as it pertains to the application that you are using to view the photo. What you have to do is view the picture like you did, RIGHT-CLICK on the photo in Photobucket, select PROPERTIES, and you will see the proper filename that you need to paste into messages such as you did for your story.

Make these 2 changes and you shouldn't have any trouble.

Cheers and great story again.

While Spinner didn't have access to change HH's post, thanks for helping out. I'll see if I can make the How to a little easier to understand.

Last edited by Bobber on Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by fatluke »


Nice catch.....

As for posting your pics.... the simplest way that can be explained to you is this.,.,.

go to your photoalbum on photobucket...

under each photo there are three text boxes with the titles... url, tag, and img
Simply click on the img textbox. It is automatically highlighted.... copy this, and paste it into your report.. done..

Now isn't that a simple easy???

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Post by HitmanHill »

I appreciate spinner for the advice and I will try and post these other pictures. I noticed someone edited the first picture in the post which is not the right one so I will try and post the pictures in the order they should be. Sorry for the confusion. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p225 ... 6001-1.jpg
Here is mikes fish.http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p225 ... 006004.jpg
Here is Tenlines Sheephead http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p225 ... 006007.jpg
Here is my walleye http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p225 ... 006010.jpg
And the last one of the weekend is posted.
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