Ice Conditions - Bolingbroke/Maberly

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Ice Conditions - Bolingbroke/Maberly

Post by Wader75 »

Hey All;

Isn't this winter weather great? Now we can get to some real ice fishing. On that note:

Does anyone know what the ice is like in the Bolingbroke/Maberly area? I'm thinking of heading to Silver L, Christie L or Farren L on the weekend. Any info on ice conditions in that area would be greatly appreciated.


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Post by lenb12 »

I can tell you that at Christie Lake, there is open water over quite a large area in the bay near the bridge at the Tay River(Jordan's).

I've never ice fished Christie Lake, so what kind of gear are you using and how are you obtaining access to the ice(do you know someone with a cottage with good winter access) ?

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Post by Wader75 »

Hey Len;

Thanks for the info. I've never fished Christie L before so I'm not sure about access. On lakes with a lot of cottages I'll often find a suitable parking spot on the side of the road and hike into the lake through the bush. It is a bit of extra work, but I don't want to trespass. Stuff like that can give ice fishers a bad rep with cottagers.

As for tackle, I've got a rod with light line (6lb) for panfish and trout and one with 12lb for the walleye and pike. Apparently there is respectable trout fishing on Silver and Farren lakes.


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Post by lenb12 »

I should mention one more thing. The Tay River does hold walleye at some spots year round. I caught a really nice one(24 inches!) at the bridge at Jordan's(fast moving water which is 7-9 feet deep with rocky bottom) around 10 PM one October night in 2006. I fished there a couple of times until I found out that the bridge itself was private property. One can't ice fish on the Tay River, so casting offshore can be an option(which is what I do now), but it's hard to find a spot where shore ice isn't a hinderance.

If this deep freeze that we are currently in continues, then I will be using a sled to tow (by hand) a light weight tent and space heater onto Christie, Crosby or Bennett. I just started fishing the Perth area last year because my girlfirend lives in Perth. I think one has to get to know people in the area to be able to get some tips on access and techniques for ice fishing on these lakes. I really enjoy ice fishing, but at this time I need all the friggin advice I can get!

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