river brookie report

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river brookie report

Post by pikeie »

well me and my brother decided to go out for the day to see if we could catch some local resedent brookies. i decided to fish a stream that i havent fished in about 2 years. we used to have a bit of luck with some small brook trout, with no more fish caught in a day then 3. so i wasent expecting much considering that a housing devlopement was put in 1 year ago on the bank of the river.

on my third cast i get a nice solid hit, set the hook and a nice brookie jumps out of the water. after a few more jumps, i get him to the bank, a quick measurment and back in the water he goes. he measurd 12.5 inches long with a nice girth and some beautiful colours. i forgot to bring the camra so no pics of today. next cast and i get another tick and i catch a little 7 inch brookie. no more fish to be seen so i decided to scout out a few more sopts, i try a nice small but very deep pool and i get a 9 inch trout, wow ive been here for 20 minutes and i am allredy doing better then i have ever done on this stretch of the river. and the action doesnt quit until about 1.5 hours later. so after the fish quit hitting my bait i decied to throw out a #0 spinner and as im brining it back just under the surface a very nice speck hit it but it didnt get hooked, this fish was around 14 inches long. after we didnt get any other fish we fishd a slow riffle and the trout were jumping everywverywhere, i couldnt get them to hit tho, they were feeding on the damsel flies, when ever the flies went near the water. i knew i shoudla brought my fly rod lol, i will next time for sure. so for only being out for 2 hours i went 7/10 with an avrage size of 8 inches or so not a bad day at all .
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