The Walleye Federation

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The Walleye Federation

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The Walleye Federation
Industry veterans announce the formation of
The Walleye Federation, (TWF)

For Immediate Release – Dec. 8, 2010
Walleye circles have been buzzing about a “new deal” coming to the walleye world. Details were unleashed today when industry veterans, The Bass Federation, (TBF) announced the formation of The Walleye Federation, (TWF) a new organization based on the TBF’s grassroots model successfully used for 40 years.

“Walleye anglers the world over have always been the same great anglers bassenthusiasts are. They care about the same things; club and angler camaraderie, sharing their passion for the sport with young and new anglers, and supporting commonsense conservation issues,” Robert Cartlidge, President of TBF and the new Walleye Federation said. “The one thing walleye hasn’t had is a unified voice through a grassroots member organization guided by its members like bass anglers have for 40 years. Walleye anglers and their families should have the same opportunities and benefits bass anglers have been able to enjoy for decades. At the end of the day we’re all fishermen; bass, walleye, or perch it’s the challenge of fishing and the tug on the line that has us all hooked. So, we’ve joined forces with other industry leaders, drafted a plan unlike anything walleye has ever seen, and met with walleye clubs across the nation to get feedback. The result is The Walleye Federation (TWF).”

TWF is founded on three core values: Youth, Conservation and Fishing. Everything about The Walleye Federation is built around member opportunities and benefits. TWF is backed by industry veterans to get it off the ground in a big way right from the start. The Walleye Federation will work to enhance walleye fishing in America and provide walleye anglers and the industry the same support, sponsor benefits, and unity for youth, conservation and fishing that have been afforded to bass anglers for years.

“The Walleye Federation has our full support,” Tom Rosdail, Cabela’s VP of Marketing stated, “as well as support from across the fishing industry. We are excited to see the changes and benefits that will come to walleye anglers nationwide because of the formation of TWF and we’re happy the Cabela’s NTC will continue to be the pinnacle event in showcasing what grassroots walleye anglers have to offer.”

The list of TWF member benefits is extensive and unequaled in the walleye industry. A full list can be found at . In part they include: full member benefits in TWF, FLW Outdoors Walleye, and North American Fisherman all for one membership, TWF club level Living The Dream Program, spots in the Cabela’s NTC for TWF clubs, insurance coverage for each affiliated club and event, support for youth and conservation projects, and free Reel Kids youth casting competition kits to any TWF club. In addition, a National “TWF Living The Dream” offer to the winner of the Cabela’s NTC for TWF members along with fully paid entry fees into their choice of MWC regional division, a travel stipend of up to $500 for each event, TWF custom Living The Dream jerseys and use of a TWF Living The Dream custom wrapped 600 series Ranger boat for the winning team to compete in for the season!

For more information on The Walleye Federation and its impact on the walleye fishing world, and full details of the program, like how to join and form a club please log on or call The Walleye Federation at 580.765.2319.
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