I kinda feel ripped off....

This is where it's all going on. One can ask for advice or general information or simply chew the fat about fishing tackle, tips, and locations.
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I kinda feel ripped off....

Post by ManInBlackForever »

Now I pay taxes, license fees, mores taxes, and more license fees, and god knows what else. Yet, when I want a Topographic map, I have to pay hte government for that. I want a map of the country I pay to live in, and more specifically to help me enjoy paddling and fishing(as well as look for some hidden ponds), and when I arrive at this website, they ask me for more money.

I can understand for paying for licenses and other forms of identification that need to be maintained and updated on a contiuous basis. I can accept the fact that for the most part, my information is taking up space on harddrives, and hard copy, and there is reason to pay for a lot of the services that a re provided by our government.

However, this service, I believe should be free to the public. Updates are few and far between. The maps themselves are used not only by the adventuring citizens of out beautiful country, but also by tourists, and outdorr enthusiasts from all over the world who are coming to visit our antion and bring business to the more remote regions of our beautiul country. I feel like our government is soaking us in this case, yes we pay taxes but we get a lot from them, and yes we pay for services but they require maintenance, this however, astounds me.

Sorry I had to get that off my chest.

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Post by Markus »

With a little effort, you can find maps that are free. However, until we find a company that gets free materials, doesn't have to pay labour, has free distribution and doesn't have to pay taxes themselves....we'll just have to keep paying for them.

I share in your frustration too. I pay so much fuel taxes, there must be a gas station out there that has free gas.
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Post by ManInBlackForever »

REally, my problem is with, the government itself. You are dealing with private companies, I am talking about dealing with OUR, countrys business, you have probably paid for this when you didnt even know it, same as paying for the free flags. The real basis for my problem is this, this is INFORAMTION, its not a consumable good, not a long term issue, it is a piece of information that would be sued to enjoy a legislated right. I am trying to put this into better words so it makes more sense, ahh, there are certain government programs that you have paid for in your taxes, that because of there nature allow you to participate and use that information as you see fit, this is usually in the form of reports or studies, when these are done they become public knowledge, I feel thats maps are much the same way, I am not tlaking about road maps, I am ONLY tlaking about Topo maps.

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