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Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:36 pm
by smitty55
More gobblygook from the Fiberals who can't even answer a simple question on why it takes two years for them to produce a 10 page statement on where our license dollars are being spent. They keep taking more money from anglers and hunters while cutting the MNR budget. Methinks they speak with forked tongue. It's now almost $50 for a big game license and soon seniors will not be able to fish for free for the first time ever. What a joke. That money is going somewhere...


Re: Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:17 pm
by smitty55
Here's something else to review. Basically it's their strategy to suck more money out of us. ... 110525.pdf

Re: Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:39 am
by Todd B.
I recall a couple years back that the MNR actually published the breakdown as to how the SPA money was spent within the fish and wildlife program. The key point was that funding for the fish and wildlife programs is provided exclusively by the revenue generated by licenses, tags, etc. That being said the government has admitted that the current funding model is not sustainable and the challenge now is to develop a sustainable funding model as well as how to maximize the value of the money spent (i.e. stocking, enforcement etc).

Another way to look at it is as a taxpayer and non-golfer I do not want to see my tax dollars going to subsidize golfers' green fees. I'm sure non-anglers/hunters are of the same opinion. In a nutshell the only way to keep fees down is to increase the number of anglers/hunters.

Re: Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:39 pm
by Bear
there are several thing in the works, we are / were the only province that did not charge seniors 65+ for a FISHING licence and in North America.
Now that the liberals have made this once Proud and Prosperous Province a needy one they will require all the funds they can STEAL
Watch for a tax like the enviro tax that mcsquintie put into place on our fishing gear ...... I will say though that it appears to work in the US as long as it's directed to the proper place

Re: Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:49 pm
by Bear
just watched the video ...... FN BS ...... Want to know where the moose are going ..... Just ask your Favorite I#&I@n ..... Now you got me thinking of the Land Claim :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Minster gets grilled on Special Purpose Account

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:35 pm
by almontefisher
Here is the BIG question...why the Flack do we pay these guys so much to sit there and bicker back and forth with each other and never come up with answers. It sounds like a game of he said she said with no answers ever coming out of it.!!!!!!

What happened to the worlds most respected government??