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The Kids Are Alright

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:49 am
by scarkner
A humbling weekend with two of my kids (10 and 13 yrs old) outfishing me by a wide margin!

My daughter landed a 3lb bass (big for our lake) on a rod with old line and a broken reel. She also landed some smaller bass and a pike.
My son landed several great mid side (1-2lb) bass. What he lacked in size he made up for in quantity.

Both kids fishing with lures this year, spin-cast and taking the fish off the hooks themselves.


No such luck! Even though I am finally 95% free of the typical dad-stuff dealing with tangled lines, changing lures, threading worms etc. and was basically free to fish as hard as the kids... I came up basically empty this weekend! Just a few baby bass and a hammer-head pike (that stripped line off my rod as it it was a lake-trout!).

What an awesome weekend and really proud of my kids growing independence.

Pic of the fishies..


Re: The Kids Are Alright

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:39 pm
by Peron
Way to go kids!! Perhaps it is time for you to hang up the rod and make way for the next generation.... NOT!

Nothing like familial competition to make you step up your game and it is always worth being a "tackle caddie" when the kids are on the fish!


Re: The Kids Are Alright

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:06 pm
by CBB
Congrats to the kids with some great fish and doing on their own. One thing nice about fishing with kids is that all fish are a trophy to them and they just love to catch fish and never worry about size. Nothing like taking kids fishing

Re: The Kids Are Alright

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:30 pm
by PòóF
Nice kids seem to be on the right path. I remember when I took my son fishing and he out fished me I was both proud and upset lol

Re: The Kids Are Alright

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:48 am
by ipjrobson
Yeah I was outfished by my wife the first time we went bass fishing. The grin on her face though was worth it