Awesome Fishing Simulation Game

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Awesome Fishing Simulation Game

Post by Karack »

This topic has been talked about from time to time in the past, but I'm now happy to report that if you or your kids have an XBox, you will be able to buy a fantastic fishing simulator. The game is called Pro Fishing Challenge and here is a description of what you'll get....

Taken from

"The majority of fishing games are more arcade than sim. When most folks think of a fishing game, they think of the simplicity and fun of games like Sega Bass Fishing. Atlus' Pro Fishing Challenge is one of the rare fishing games that leans much more towards a sim experience. That's not to say there aren't some arcade touches to keep things fun, but if you're hoping for a quick and easy experience, PFC is not for you. However, if you want some extra depth to your fishing, this may be your game.

When you first hit the tackle shop, you'll need to create your character. There are close to 20 skins between men and women fisherfolk, along with choices for your attire. The different clothing options are minimal, but as you win tourneys, you unlock new clothes and gear. The creation system is really the only minimal aspect of PFC as the rest of the game really forces you to have (or gain) some fishing knowledge. Anyone who has fished, loves to fish, or just wants that realistic experience will probably get a kick out of PFC, I know I did.
Know Your Stuff
There are numerous rod, reel, and bait options. You're gonna have to know where certain fish like to swim, know how temperature affects where fish congregate, understand which lures to use and how to use them, and even consider the color in terms of attracting the right fish. There is a lot of depth just in trying to catch fish. Now if you don't know this stuff instinctively, don't worry, as there is text information for just about everything in the game. With the click of a button, you can find more details on how to read your map, better understand the depth finder, different lures, reels, and even boats. It's a lot of stuff to read and learn if you aren't up on your fishing, but if you do buy PFC, there's no reason you can't become an accomplished video game fisherman.

Your entire experience takes place above water, unlike the majority of fishing games. This is for realism and does make it feel more like a true fishing experience. Once you're in your boat on any of the four massive lakes, you'll have to patrol for fish, cast your line, and convince the fish to take a nibble. Casting is the only aspect of the pre-catch experience that is lacking. While there are three different casting styles available, each one measures your cast power by the simple press of the A button. The power meter fills in about a second and you have to have incredibly quick reflexes to earn a good cast, much less a great cast. It's not easy to get a great cast and really it just seems cheap. Why not an analogue casting system? That would have made much more sense. As it is, you may have to recast several times before getting a satisfactory line.

By Hook or by Crook
Once a fish has taken a nibble, the real success of PFC begins. You'll have to battle with your fish to wear him out and keep him from getting free of your hook. This is done by maintaining your line tension. You can't just reel in and hope for any success. Instead you'll have to counter your fish's struggle by pushing the Left Thumbstick in the opposite direction it's moving. If your fish is hopping out of the water, push your rod down. Try and wear the fish down by quickly snapping left and right. It's not hard to have success, but it is a real battle and it's pretty exhilarating.

Once your fish is near your boat, you have to land it. This, like casting, isn't quite right. If the fish is small, you instantly catch the fish, without any proper animation showing you reel it into the boat. Instead it just jumps to a "you caught it!" cut-scene. If your fish is still strong, you'll need to wear it out before pulling it on board. I wish that more care had been taken to the presentation. While the brilliant above water battle is unique, the cut-scenes for catching and weighing in fish are generic.

The Virtual Lake
Online works really well. There's no slowdown of any kind and there's a good variety of different types of games you can create. I like the free fishing option that drops you in a virtual lake with a bunch of other fisherman. You can talk to one another through your Voice Communicators and see other fishermen out on the water. Of course, this means enduring such quality phrases as, "Dammit, I casted my thing into the grass!" But, such is the nature of Xbox Live. While there don't appear to be any options for major tournaments (which is a shame, as Clan support would have rocked), those who want to fish in a community can do so with games supporting up to eight players.
Great gameplay and online support are really the big winners here, but unfortunately, everything else pretty much falls flat. From the weak cut-scenes, lack of true character customization, and recycled elevator music, there's a lot of peripheral elements that detract from Pro Fishing's overall quality. The graphics aren't up to par with Xbox games, minus some nice glare effects on the water and some decent ripples. There's nothing to write home about, unless you like to write about average visuals. If only Pro Fishing Challenge came with all guns cocked and loaded, it would be one great fishing game. As is, if you only care about the gameplay (as you should) this is a bright spot in a sea of mediocre fishing titles.

Closing Comments
Now, I'm no professional fisherman. I used to fish about four times a year in high school and college, so I do know a bit about fishing, still PFC is almost daunting in its information and stress on realism. I dig it, but outside of gameplay, there's nothing that hasn't been done before and better. I realize that fishing games are often made on a small budget, but the presentation in games like this have not taken much of any step forward in the past decade. Pro Fishing Challenge does not step up to the plate here and offer something more in terms of game modes or anything particularly unique outside of the gameplay. That's what keeps the score from soaring higher, but overall it's about as good a fishing game as I've played, just from a gameplay standpoint. I hate the casting, but I really enjoy the above water fishing. If you want an arcade fishing game, this is not it. If you want to try something that is a bit more technical and demanding, give PFC a shot. "

I've been playing this game for a couple hours now and it is truely amazing. The species list hold every fresh water Game fish that you could ever want to fish for. The on-line tournament action with up to 8 other people fishing simultaneously is very cool. The game keeps track of your best catch for each species, and there are on-line leader boards so you can see how you measure up to others. In short, this is the fishing simulation that we've all been waiting for.

PM me or post any questions that you might have here.

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I wan't that.... :)
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another one:
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