another day of good brookie fishin

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another day of good brookie fishin

Post by pikeie »

well got out to another stretch of the same river i have been fishin latly. dont want to pressure that spot too much. so as im walking the river banks with a comparadun size 12 on my line, i stop next to a nice deep slow pool but has a nice current coming into it at the fare right side. i was standing on the shore looking into the deep water and could see 5-6 brookies sitting on the bottom of the pool, so as im filiping rocks to get an idea of what they might want i watch a little tan coloured damsel fly, fly close to the water and as its hovering over the surface a brookie decides to jump clear out of the water and get the fly lol i love seeing this happen. so insted of taking the comparadun off a cast it out and let it drift while twitching it on the surface, a brookie takes a swipe at it but misses i twitch it agian and the brookie comes up agian, this time i got him on! this fish sure liked to jump lol he jumped probably 7-8 times coming completly out of the water. no pic of him as i didnt want him out of the water too long. he was around 12" long. he takes off strong back to the depths.

i take a cast back out and get another fish this fish wasnt as big but still nice, it was around 8 inches long. then the action died down for a whil so i moved on but didnt get anything else. so after an hour i moved back to the pool i was at before and agian with another comparadun i got a fish on agian another beauty fish! fish measerd 12". ... 1185498598

a few casts later i get a huge boil behind my fly and i twitch it and the fish expodes out of the water. after a great fight with some nice runs i got him to shore. ths fish which i forgot to measure was around 13-14 inches a definate beauty! ... 1185498748

i caught a few other small fish before i had to go but it was another good day goin 6/8 not a bad day i thought!! i love finding the small creaks and not knowing that it holds these nice colurful fish, but when u hook one its all worth it :D .
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Mike Lennox
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Post by Mike Lennox »

Great report Pikeie! Sounds like you've found yourself a really nice trout creek! :D
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