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The Mad fly ...

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:57 pm
by dead_weight
Hi .. i post in the other forum but this is my first post in the fly fishing forum ... I like to fly fish and am taking a trip down the lower madawaska in sept ... I was wondering aside from the usual flies (wolly buggars, nymph, etc.) is there any special fly that anyone thinks might help to land some bass or pike? I also have poppers, streamers and a mouse that normally work well. Just wondering if anyone has any experience in nthat area with a particular fly.


Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:07 pm
by beachburger
For largies and pike, a #2 Stealth Bomber or Gartside Gurgler stripped over weeds, around lily pads and beside fallen trees will work very well. Not sure what size rod you will be using but I use a 8wt to punch these bulky foam flies out there.


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:17 pm
by JVE
The Madawaska has some good SM fishing so any of the fly's you mention will work. The Woolly bugger has got to be one of the best all-round patterns for SM. In regards to colour, I like olive, rusty brown, orange/black and just orange tied in various sizes. Also, Zonkers work well tied in white, olive, orange/black, pine (pine squirrel strip, olive or natural body). The bigger the fly, usually the bigger the fish, but, you will not catch as many. Using nymph's also work in fast current - indicator or czech nymphing - but not something I normally do. Dry's are always fun for SM. As beachburger mentioned, stealth bomber works great. Also try simply foam poppers (make sure it has legs) and your typical dry fly patterns if there is a hatch going one - big stone fly patterns and any grass hopper (yellow/white) works normally always produce. For the past little while, I have been tying large tube fly's and have been getting great success catching larger SM - not sure if this is something you are interested in.