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Not so sexy loops... And a few fish

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:16 pm
by Hookup
Made it out for the first fly fish of 2010. I was traveling this week and was able to jump an early flight home...

I headed out to long island and started to whip line at the water...

There were a good few bites on bead head buggers but I saw a good number of soft rises so I thought I'd go for small floating terrestrials... Hoppers.. I was hoping they were looking up, and figured I'd give it a try..

The thought paid off and the bites kept coming. Not much of size, but I was just out to rem,beer how that kit works... And to relax..

All too soon the sun was down and it was time to pack up...

Great night, happy to be throwing ugly loops again and looking forward to the next time... Maybe tomorrow...

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:35 pm
by Todd B.

You should have hit the Jock with me instead. The hole I usually fish wasn't very productive, but I did manage to find another that held plenty of 9-12" SM, not to mention two respectable 14-15" eyes.

It's a shame it's not a cold water stream that could support trout. The hatches are always great and tonight the air was filled with golden stoneflies.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:40 am
by Hookup
I staid away from the jock because I wasn't sure how the construction was affecting thing... Apparently things were good..

I'm traveling again next week on a crazy schedule so maybe I can get out for another round before Tuesday....