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Very rude and inconsiderate guy

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:58 am
by Bruin
So a chum and I went out to fish for whitefish on a local bay in town...Things were going well....We had iced a few fish and downed a few coolies....When this jacka$$ decides he is gonna rev the sh!t out of his snowmachine for 20 minutes. I finally got fed up and told the guy to take his F'in snowmachine and do his tuneups at home. Low and behold the guy puts on his helmet and leaves....He is not even in the area fishing!!!!
We finished off the day with some success but man oh man I was revved up myself after that... I understand that guys need to set up and leave and run into trouble and all that (myself included) and when that happens people come together to try and help each other, This was not the case. It was just some arsehole making sure we saw his "loud pipes save lives sticker"....OK I feel better now

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:41 am
by MLR
Sounds like the guy was doing his neighborhood a favour by not doing this in his driveway.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:46 am
by Jimmy_1
How many "coolies" did you have? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did it fuel your anger a bit?

I can appreciate you not liking the noise from his snowmobile, but if he was outside, away from the general public, he has as much right to do so if he wants.

Good on him for leaving. Did you politely ask him to stop?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:47 am
by Bruin
Its not like that....He rode in on the madhine ane left on one and the area isn't neighbourhodd ish at all...Its actually close to a steel mill

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:50 am
by Bruin
He was politely asked by a number of other people in the area. Finally someone called him a nasty. I just cleared things up and told him what everyone was concerned about....

Hypothetical question....You go to a fishing spot that is only accessable by machine or foot and someone pulls up to 20ft from where you are fishing QUIETLY and revs his motor for a while...Would you be a little upset or would you welcome him with open arms...How many of you curse when jetski's get a little to close or buzz by every 30 seconds...come on I know you are out there?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:51 am
by Jimmy_1
So why was it such a problem?
If he wasn't in a residential area then he was out in a place he felt safe to try out his new pipe (which I personally think are stupid!)

But from your posting it seems you had a bit to drink and then boorishly told this guy to F off in a threatening manner....your heading is "I almost killed a guy".......after all.

I'm not taking sides here....but what if he'd have come back with ALOT of buddies?

I know a few Harley guys who'd put your lights out if you came up to them like that about "their" pipes.

But if you asked nicely they'd have gladly stopped (but not all).

No offence intended here but I am just wondering if the point of this post is to complain about the noise, or how you told someone off in an aggresive manner?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:54 am
by Jimmy_1
Well I am guilty of that as I used to race sea-doo's.

But I agree. If he had been politely told to stop by many people (this fact was not in your post). Then I agree with you whole heartedly.

But, if I were on the other side of the lake from you....that is a different story.

I have also heard from folks that ice fish that they feel that surface noise/vibration can actually trigger the bite.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:16 am
by joco
jamers....ok true he is outside and can do what he want....but respect is something that should be consider.

i hate guys in 4 weelers or ski-doos going true my tip up and sutch went there miles off ice and go play somewhere hesle.

some just want to show off .

it would be nice if they would go play somewhere hesle.

its just a mater off respect.

i do like ski-doo myself..but wen on ice and see some ice fisherman i try to go as far as possible frome them if i cant....go slow..not trying to do some weelees.

i see a lot off this stuff at mclauren or during some ice derbys..some bring there ski-doo to just play around thew tip up..what is purpose off that..again to show off... :? ...

if they use them nicely and use them to get there fish registeerd etc its ok..but to rev it up everytime just to make sher people hear it..... :x

why ask politely..wen they dont ask us to do that kind off stupidity arund us..

there some law on ice to...nothing like a little phone call.,,if he dont stop.


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:21 am
by Bruin
He was asked by many of the guys with permanent shacks set up (locals), but did nothing. he was then told...He was then told off....I have nothing against loud pipes, loud bikes, loud boats or loud parties but there is a place for it. If you knew me at all you would know that 1) I am not a heavy drinker and 2) It is not in my nature to rap off to people. The idea behind the post had nothing to do with me telling a guy off but to the fact that he was being very inconsiderate of others there, and was not willing to cooperative when we was originally asked. I too know some Harley owners and if I asked any of them if they would sit and deliberatley annoy the crap out of people, I doubt I would find one. Actually 99% of them would do there best not to pee pee off others. For example....My neighbour who owns a very loud bike leaves his driveway in second gear so he is not creating a ton of noise when he is leaving. I used to live beside I guy in Constance bay who raced/ tunes stock cars. I too run snowmachines, four wheelers and boats, but I also have some respect of others who are also trying to enjoy the outdoors. His actions from what I saw and what the people around me were that his actions were deliberate and he had no reason to be doing what he was doing.....

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:24 am
by Bruin
Changed the heading for do you see the point

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:33 am
by Bruin
Finally someone sees my point

Thanks Joco

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:35 am
by Jimmy_1

I live in the Ottawa Valley. There are tons of guys around who behave like that.......
I always saw the point, but it did seem at first read that you had been drinking and told a guy off..............

Sorry Bruin, I am not trying to stir the pot here, but it looked as though you were all to happy to tell that tale.

It has since been clarified and the whole while I agreed with you that if he were just out to be a pain then perhaps he should have jet.

How old was he? 18?
Probably his Dad's sled.

My buddies who race sleds and who also are small engine mechanics say the best thing to do is to keep the pipe stock.

Changing the clutch, jetting the carbs (if not EFI), loosening/shortening the track, putting on need reed valve's etc will do alot more than changing a pipe....maybe 1-2 more hp and a ton more noise.....

Besides, it isn't even a pleasant sound! A buddy of mine put one on, reved it, hated the sound and sold it the next day on UsedOttawa!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:39 am
by joco
law on the quebec side. ... /motoneige

i got a question..its illigal for ex a jet skier to play around a fisherman in summer he can get ticket for that is it the same if a ski=dooer do the same in winter.?


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:53 am
by Bruin
I doubt it if he was even that...As for the drinking. We had a 6 pack between the 2 of us....and we were there for quite awhile so in my opinion, alcohol was not a factor...The mention of the coolies is that was because some people can relate to a nice relaxing day of fishing, having a cold beer or 2 and enjoying themselves. I guess I was trying to set the mood. I fully understand that noise will be made when guys are setting up and leaving and if they are having troubles.... This wasn't the case.... This was a goofball out to make noise and pee pee people off...Which he did quite well. I guess a few poorly placed words can paint a different picture :oops: I am glad we are on the same page....

Joco as for guys ripping around on the ice....I guess It could be constituted as careless or dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.....Any motorized vehicle being operated in a dangerous or careless fashion anywhere in the province is subject to the Hiway traffic act and criminal code....So ya there probably is a charge of some sort, but I would hate for it to come to that!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:59 am
by Jimmy_1
Arseholes will be arseholes.......

This was obviously some teen on his Dad's ride or one his uncle gave him, or some $1500 special he'd bought.

He put on a new pipe, wanted to go out and make noise and pretend he was Blair Morgan.

Sad part is with his mentallity and his ease of acquiring toys he may probably be dead by 24....if not sooner if he gets on a speed bike (which is no doubt on his list of "must-have's".

Only mod your stuff if required. At 50 km/h on the trail and most sleds being 100 mph+ out of the box, what more modding do you want?

Besides with sled, the more mods you do the less reliable and stable they become. I'd leave the motor and exhaust stock and invest in some nice new Fox Float shocks or better carbides.....

They come fast out of the box now, but leave alot to be desired in the realm of handling and suspension.

I can do hairpin turns on our Cat's, but I tried it on my Polaris IQ and nearly rolled it! I wasn't riding fast or aggressive for that matter either!