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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:42 pm
by Wallyboss
It is a pekan.

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:10 pm
by Joe28
Great pics!

I've got a few on film of grouse and rabbits... need to transfer them over to post...

I've seen a few fishers in Lanark the last few years... all were on gravel roads/trails and ran across. Saw a wolverine too this August... right up at the cabin...

If anyone read the OttawaSun article last month, they said that the MNR stated that there was a 'better chance of seeing Elvis in downtown Arnprior then there was of seeing a wolverine in the Lanark area' after a woverine sighting report to them. Coincidence? Guess the wolverine population is coming back in Lanark!

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:22 am
by JC
I have only 2 years under my belt of hunting and have not harvested a single thing :?
This is my year I hope, been on the crossbow the last 2 and this year I am buying a rifle, so hopefully i have some pictures to share soon.....


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:09 am
by Jimmy_1

I was sitting in my stand on Wed (archery opener) and within 20 mins I had this HUGE doe walk by...I have an antlerless tag for my WMU. 30 yrds in front of me too!

But I had 4 trees in my way so no clear shot and she would not come into the woods, she was walking along the corn line....

Oh well!!!


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:12 pm
by Buck Fever
Opening day I had a spike about 35 yards away but no shot, then a short while later I had a 3 pointer get close, real close. He was 4 yards away and broadside. It was his lucky day, I only have 2 tags and a 3 month season :) I am holding out for something bigger till at least November :)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:23 pm
by Yannick Loranger
Shot my first moose in 2005. 36" bull. That afternoon when we were skinning the moose a bear pops out in my parents' field, I stalked it for a bit and ended up about 20 yards away. Just a little guy, but with only 5 days left in the season, it did the job. You havn't lived until you've had a bear fillet mignon :wink:

p.s. Like Elvis in Arnprior, wolverine would be way out of their natural range in Lanark

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:24 pm
by Robert Goulet
I was hunting today and I came across what turned out to be a Mink...I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was at the time but once I got home I took a look online and without a doubt, that's what it was.

I started to look under the small-game section of the hunting regulations and didn't see Mink under the "fur-bearing" section. What is this animal classified as? and is it considered fair game?

It was quite the curious little thing...standing up on it's hind legs while sniffing me out. I thought it was a Marten for a little while but I didn't see the nasty looking fangs, so I figured it was either a mink or a weasel.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:15 pm
by Wallyboss
a weasel or mink is about the size of a hotdog, maybe a bit smaller, a marten is about the size of a standard size cat.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:55 pm
by Jimmy_1
Not sure if its fair game or not....

But why would you want to shoot it?
What would you do with it?

Not sure what you meant by your post. But the only non-edible I shoot is coyotes. Cause they are a damn nuissance and they kill alot of live-stock.
Don't think for a second that the losses aren't passed onto us in the form of higher prices to compensate for lost animals....


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:36 pm
by Yannick Loranger
hey guys,
I'm a wildlife technician so let me help. You're right about a weasel being hot dog sized, but a mink is considerably bigger. You'll often see minks on shorelines when you fish, they're about the size of...say...a very large black squirrel in the city, or a smaller skinny cat. Martens are somewhat rare in these parts as they require large undistrubed conifer forests, but they're about the size or big cat. Fishers are common around here and are about the size of a smallish dog. All these animals are fur bearers. Hope this helps. By the way heading up north (Kirkland Lake-ish) to my hunting camp tomorrow morning and not coming back until next weekend. No moose tag this year, but I'll surely come back with a limit of grouse. Tight lines and hot barrels to everyone.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:42 am
by Robert Goulet
I suppose I could have been a little more clear in my post...I wasn't interested in shooting it whatsoever, I was more curious about what the heck it was and more surprised to come across an animal that I had never seen before in the bush or really ever heard anyone talk about coming across.

But seeing as Mink coats fetch a ridiculous price in fashion shops (not that I've ever been in one) I can see people wanting to hunt them for their hides...however after seeing the size of one I can see that you would need about 20 of them to make one Kramer Approved Technicolor Dream mink coat.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:04 am
by TLunge
Hey Joe28, I think the MNR is right on that one, the wolverines range is only in the extreme northwest of the province. If you drove 18hrs to thunder bay then went north for annother 12hrs or so you might be getting close. I think what you saw was a large male fisher, they look just like a wolverine and are wolverine size, also wolverines have light coloured stripes on their back like a skunk.
Cool experience with that mink RG, they are really inquisitive and brave little buggers.
With a small game license a hunter is allowed to harvest certain furbearers only, bear, raccoon, coyote and fox I believe. Hunters can also prepare and sell hides of these animals to fur companies like a trapper can. Raccoon is selling very high this year$$. Oh ya hunters can take and sell wolf also and good wolf pelts can fetch$300+

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:29 pm
by Joe28
Tlunge, I know it sounds crazy but it was not a fisher. I have seen many fishers and am actually quite familiar with what they look like up close as my buddy has a big one stuffed and sitting over his tv!

The one I saw had the same markings you describe and looked pretty much just like all the pictures I have seen. They even move differently than a fisher.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:32 am
by orrsey
I guy I know has a fox pelt....hes not a hunter or trapper but it was given to him. He has no idea what its worth, and neither do I. Any ideas? Its in really good shape.


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:20 pm
by TLunge
orrsey im not sure what you have but you can buy a new fresh from the tannery red fox for about $130 for a nice one. A trapper or hunter would probably get $30 or so for a good pelt (fresh un-tanned), other coloured foxes are worth more.