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Switching gears with the season.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:54 am
by Markus
It's been a long winter and spring has been slow coming.....but we're ready to switch gears at the Hell Bear.

March 31st brought the official end to the 2014/15 trapping season and ny trapping partner and I hiked in a week ago to gather up the last of the traps. We had a couple pole and box sets that needed to be snapped and we packed out the remaining sets. The snow was so deep in some spots we had to dig tunnels down to the sets. We finished the day with a couple hot beverages and made a few plans for next season.




Yesterday, the mrs and I decided to hike in and just check on the camp and see how the thaw was progressing. Still a good 4 foot base of snow on the mountain, but it's starting to drop.


We put some fresh bait in one of the DNR marten hair traps we have on the property. We're happy to be a part of this effort. One trap down by the river has already got a confirmed marten hair sample.


We put out the remaining bear fat we've been saving for the birds. They really appreciated this extra food with the extended winter we've had.


We'll be starting our Spring chores soon. Wood supply is high on the to-do list and we'll be up to junk up the logs we have down once we can use the bikes on the trails again. And we'll get the mineral sites kicked off once the snow is low enough to expose the stumps and logs we put the mineral on.

We rationed the meat supplies so they'd last to summer, but I've nearly found the bottom of my last freezer with meat in it. It's amazing how fast 3 deer and 2 bear disappeared.


Everything we do now until Sept will be to increase our chances of replenishing that meat supply! Cant wait. Feels great to be kicking off the 2015 season...we've got lots of plans.

Re: Switching gears with the season.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:04 pm
by Kerrazy
Great winter report!

Re: Switching gears with the season.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:37 pm
by riverdog
Love the Hell Bear posts! Still amazed by the depth of the snow!