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Charleston Lake Adventure Weekend Report....

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:09 pm
by RJ
I'm sure many will say this is one of their favorite Fish-Hawk Adventure weekends!...Allowing our families in on all the fun was great!

I'll leave the story telling up to the others.....I know my family had a blast.....and had rave reviews from all others...on a personal note I was thrilled to help put this flew without a hitch.... :wink:

Great meeting all the folks who made their way out to their first FH outing....and always great to see the returnees...

Fishing was so-so....for most this wasn't a fishing was a family outing with a bit of bonus fishing....well some got more than bonus...(myself included... :wink: )...The bass fishing was tough....jigging bass from 30 plus feet of water didn't excite many... :? Ransome joined me one night for a few hours....we picked up 6 or 7 bass in about 2 hours.....nothing exciting...I basically ignored the bass for the weekend after that....I thought it was going to be great after on my second flip I picked up this smallie...


My main quarry was the great Lake Trout fishing on Charleston....has success all weekend long....lots of fun watching those downrigger rods bouncing!....Nick joined me for the early morning Saturday fish...5AM wakeup call it was...we hit em pretty good...Nick was thrilled for sure....



Saturday afternoon was spent tubing.....Thanks to MT for his boat....and Muskimagnet for the use of his cottage and dock....While at Magnets cottage I found the new Herbal Essence Shampoo model... :shock: :lol: :lol:


Then it was on to the Kids Olympics!...Fish-Hawk and Family had clearly spent some time setting this up for the kids and their efforts were appreciated by everyone!

Here's a few shots...




The kids had a blast and the parents had a good laugh...great stuff!

Some of the kiddies takin a break!


Saturday night turned into a family laker troll for us....which turned out awesome!....with rain in the distance the lakers were on!....5 minutes with the lines down....double header..... :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: ..lost both....complete pandamonium.... :lol: ...after making a few rules on who goes where when a fish is on.....we were back at it....minutes later....Ariel nets her first ever laker....


Next up was Nick....he had some fun with this one!


The rain came...and it poured....The Livewells went in....Markus and family went in....not the RJ boat... :lol: ....batten down the hatches kids...Birdee and the kids huddle under my rain jacket....we all got soaked....I told them it's going to clear up....and it sure did!...we were treated to a double rainbow.....very cool!


One of my favorite moments of the weekend was upon heading in on Saturday night.....Markus was in the midst of taking Conner (Livewells oldest son)....out for a fish with Muskimagnet....I said I'll take em out and join off Connor and I went....having never caught a laker before, I had 45 minutes to make it happen....well hopefully Mom or Dad Livewell snapped a pic for him when he returned with is first laker.... :D ...great spending some time with you Connor...played it like a pro... :wink:

In closing.....thanks to all the kids who helped us out this weekend....taking care of Sinker....he was never alone.....and was toast by 8 PM every night..... :lol: :lol:


Thanks again everyone!



Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:40 pm
by Pepe
RJ - excellent report - that is awesome when you said it wasn't a "fishing" weekend but a family weekend. Great to hear it was a awesome weekend.

Love your pup - my black lab (Diago) is a year old and loves all that family stuff (swimming, chasing balls, frisbees, rabbits). You definitely have a keeper there that the kids will love.

Look forward to hearing from everyone else.

C ya


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:19 pm
by JP
Great report and pics RJ. Nice to see the kids got into some fish

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:21 pm
by jazman
What a great looking weekend. wish I could have made this one and my commitments from the weekend as well.... hate to miss the gang getting together....

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:35 pm
by Dartee
Glad everybody had a blast...and the weather was fantastic..
Even with the obligatory FishHawk rain :lol: :lol: :lol:

I left the lake about 4:30pm, had the barbeque going by 5:45 (trout) and we had a bonfire after..and not a single drop of rain or any threatening skies. I only live 20min from Charleston :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 6:46 pm
by Wall-I-Guy
Great report RJ!

Nice to see someone (the whole group of you), enjoying the Summer :!: :lol:

Once again, great report :!:

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:26 pm
by Gord
Great report!! Glad to see everyone had a good time! I love those lakers!! :D

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:45 pm
by Jale
Great report RJ.

Charleston just keeps on producing every time.

What % of fish were natural/stocked?


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:50 pm
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Amazing report bro!!!!!!!!!!!

Awsome that everyone had a great time!!!

Another F-H sucess :D :D :D :D :D :D

I know there is more pics a comin!!!! So cant wait to read, and see reports :D



Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:16 pm
by Moosebunk
Capn, you'll have to excuse me but I didn't know you had kids. Hmph, learn sumthin new everyday. Certainly great to hear all went so well. I think so far, of all the gatherings, this one may be the one I should kick myself for missing the most, because I'd love to get my 3 girls to a gathering that really caters to them so they might learn to enjoy fishing more. I got a whole family for ya RJ that's never caught a laker either :lol: and if you can do that in 45 minutes I'll give ya a medal bud.

PS, that model, I think I've seen his kin come and go with arctic tides. Real white, always on the water, big blowhole, chases and consumes pounds of fish everyday..........


:P :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:28 pm
by crash
great report RJ. Sure looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:56 pm
by iankrzyzanowski
Well it was a great time, and it was great seeing the known faces and the unknown ones to!!!

Fishing was really, really slow if you were targeting bass, and i tried lots... Jiggin, cranks, in 3fow to 30fow and we could onyl manage a few small ones! Oh well thats fishing!

Great trip was had by all I think.... And the Toronto leaf fan sure got what was coming to him :):) Ill let him post more about it!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:06 pm
by wolfe

Thank you for the excellent report on the Charleston Lake get together. I really enjoyed reading it. It sounds (and looks from those wonderful pics) like it was a definite success. The kids must have had a blast!

(Sinker is getting big!)


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:42 pm
by Fishhawk
It was a great week-end for sure. It even had hints of Fish-Hawk weather as a couple of thunderstorms rumbled through and dumped a couple of soakings on the us. When we arrived in the middle of Friday afternoon we were amazed at how the camp had already been established in such an orderly fashion by those who arrived before us.


Oh - sorry! That's the wrong photo... it actually would have looked like this - less the kids running around. We arrived in an electrical storm.


I have to hand it to Nancy and Meg and Grace for organizing the Fish-Hawk.Net Olympics. The kids had a hoot with the relay races - most of them involving refreshing water.

On Saturday night a pinata in the shape of a fish was a real hit as well. Repeatedly a real hit. Over and over again a hit. (mental note to self, don't stuff pinatas with candies that will get destroyed by a savage assault from candy-hungry kids).


Each night saw a grand campfire built up in the firepit.


And the group shot. We'd lost several people to an early departure by noon. What a great group!

Ya wanna get to know someone? Go camping with their familes! I gurantee ya that memories will be created.

Thanks goes to RJ for thinking of the location way-back-when and following through to organize a great escape from the ordinary for everyone who went.

I know my family will be eager to get together again with new friends we made this week-end. Many people have suggested that this be an annual event. I think it is a great idea.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:45 am
by Mr.J.
RJ and Fish-hawk

I would like to plead and beg with you guys to make this an anual event, my family and I had such a great time. I bet my son is upstairs asleep with his fish-hawk hat on, I know he wouldn't take it off all day aftr he got his.

We'll have to wait for pics, I used an old fashioned one that uses something called film.

It was great to see some new faces and always such a warm feeling to see the familiar ones again.

This was one event no one should have missed. And here's the really big news.....

I got skumking to go out in the Red Rocket :shock: