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Rods And Reel Coupling - What Goes With What?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 5:34 pm
by cprince
I have an idea of how I want to set stuff up... Based on species I target 95% of the time (Bass) I keep a couple of all purpose setups at the ready too.

But.. I would like to see some different opinions about what reel should go with what rod... and why and for what application! Any suggestions about gear you think I am missing would also be welcomed. Due to restrictions on room in the boat and in the car.. I go with 5 regulars setup usually.

Keep in mind, some of these are meant to be used only as back ups.

What should my regular 5 setups be?

Curado 200E7 7:01
Curado 200E7 7:01
Curado 50E 6.4:1
Curado CU-200 6.2:1
Curado 200BSF SF Bantam 6.3:1
Citica 200E 6.3:1
Caenan 6.5:1
Castaic 200sf 6.2:1
Callisto CSO100 6.2:1
Crestfir CR100D 6.2:1

Dobyns Champion Extreme 702c - 7.0 Med.Light Fast - (Picking up from Biggs this week!)
St-Croix Legend Tournament LTBC711HMF - 7.11 Med.HVY Fast
Quantum Smoke HSX70 - 7.0 Med.HVY
Quantum Smoke HSX70 - 7.0 Med.HVY
Shimano Cumara CUCX711MH - 7.11 Med.HVY Xfast
Shimano Crucial Flipping Stick CRC75HA - 7.5 Heavy Fast
Shimano Crucial Worm&Jig CUCX72MHA - 7.2 Med.HVY Xfast
Rapala R-Type RT45TR72MH2 - 7.2 Med.HVY Xfast
BPS Crankin' Stick - 7.6 Med Fast

So.. there you have it.

If you have line suggestions too that would be great. I know that including the Crestfir and the Callisto is stretching it... but like I said.. they are back ups to the back ups!!

I will move this thread to a tackle section should I be successful in getting one put up on this site.


Re: Rods And Reel Coupling - What Goes With What?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:39 pm
by RJ
Cool topic Craig. One that confuses many I bet when it comes down to what to use with what.

Shimano Cumara CUCX711MH - 7.11 Med.HVY Xfast teamed with your Curado CU-200 6.2:1. Spool it with 10-12 lb Fluro mainline. Cranks and Wakebaits. That has been my goto crankin rod for two seasons.

Shimano Crucial Flipping Stick CRC75HA - 7.5 Heavy Fast teamed with your Curado 50E 6.4:1. Mean flippin stick. Nice and light and the 50E is nice and small to palm. 50 or 65 lb Power Pro is on my flippin sticks, depending on what I plan to flip. Lighter stuff I go lighter line.

Shimano Crucial Worm&Jig CUCX72MHA - 7.2 Med.HVY Xfast teamed with Curado 200E7 7:01. Great Senko/Tube combo. Spooled with 30 lb braid to a Fluro lead.

St-Croix Legend Tournament LTBC711HMF - 7.11 Med.HVY Fast teamed with the Castaic 200sf 6.2:1. Never played with the pole but at 7'11" it could be a decent punching rod. Heavy Braid if thats the plan.

Dobyns Champion Extreme 702c - 7.0 Med.Light Fast teamed with Curado 200E7 7:01. Going to be a finesse setup. Drop shots, and tubes I guess. 10 lb Fluro at most if thats the plan.

I know you hate spinning rods but you are missing out when it comes to finesse presentations by leaving them out of your arsenal!


Re: Rods And Reel Coupling - What Goes With What?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:11 pm
by lape0019
Hey Craig,

I would start with that gorgeous dx 702 (Biggs must really want another xx rod :P ) and mount the curado 50e on it. I would use 15 to 20 lbs braid on this and use a flouro leader for any application but especially if you were to use it for drop shotting.

Shimano crucial flippin stick with the castaic. It isn't so long that you couldn't use it for pitchin but it would still work good for flippin. Without holding the stick, I don't know but this might also work for hallow bodied frogs in a pinch.

I echo RJ with the Shimano Crucial Worm&Jig CUCX72MHA - 7.2 Med.HVY Xfast teamed with Curado 200E7 7:01. Great Senko/Tube combo. Spooled with 30 lb braid to a Fluro lead.

Bps crankin stick with the curado cu-200 or citica 200E with 10 flouro. I am running flouro this year for the first time as a main line and it sinks a little more, is pretty much invisible, and has just enough stretch to not rip the hooks out. I say pick one of these two reels because they are the slowest reels you have. I use a 6.4:1 for mine.

And last, quantum smoke HSX70. With a curado 200e with 15lb mono for spinners and buzzbaits. It's the closest thing to what I use (Dobyns Champion 734c with a curado 200e or a Plueger Patriarch xt). Works good for burning the spinnerbaits.

I don't know what you fish the most but I would think this would cover off most of the applications you would use.


Re: Rods And Reel Coupling - What Goes With What?

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:18 pm
by biggs
I would pretty much agree with RJ but here are few changes I would do and suggestions on uses for the rods.
RJ wrote:Shimano Cumara CUCX711MH - 7.11 Med.HVY Xfast teamed with your Curado CU-200 6.2:1. Spool it with 10-12 lb Fluro mainline. Cranks and Wakebaits. That has been my goto crankin rod for two seasons. I would also use this for soft swimbaits like RI skinny dippers, I've also heard of people using this rod for frogs with success. Not sure this would be my choice for cranks but I bet RJs right and it will work very well. Here is a good review of this rod

Shimano Crucial Flipping Stick CRC75HA - 7.5 Heavy Fast teamed with your Curado 50E 6.4:1. Mean flippin stick. Nice and light and the 50E is nice and small to palm. 50 or 65 lb Power Pro is on my flippin sticks, depending on what I plan to flip. Lighter stuff I go lighter line. I would switch the 50E for a 200E

Shimano Crucial Worm&Jig CUCX72MHA - 7.2 Med.HVY Xfast teamed with Curado 200E7 7:01. Great Senko/Tube combo. Spooled with 30 lb braid to a Fluro lead.I am thinking RJ hit the nail on the head here

St-Croix Legend Tournament LTBC711HMF - 7.11 Med.HVY Fast teamed with the Castaic 200sf 6.2:1. Never played with the pole but at 7'11" it could be a decent punching rod. Heavy Braid if thats the plan. I have never held this rod so I can't really comment but I think RJ has it right here

Dobyns Champion Extreme 702c - 7.0 Med.Light Fast teamed with Curado 200E7 7:01. Going to be a finesse setup. Drop shots, and tubes I guess. 10 lb Fluro at most if thats the plan.I would put the 50E on this rod as its a much finesse reel than the 200E. I would throw poppers and 4" senkos and other weightless plastics on this rod also, its a fun rod to fish with. I'd also run braid on it