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Post by Badger Shark »

Why is everything posted on here always so contraversial? Can there not be one time on here where people can get the jist of what is being said.

I am no ice fishing expert but I know the differecnce between somebody having a little fun and excitment about the ice getting thicker. Thats all Joco was doing by writing this thread. I seriously doubt Jackel went running blindly out onto the ice. For those of you who know him he is a big guy and he isnt stupid. And I would like to think most of you arent either.

The only thing I can see being a concern is little kids, but they dont listen to adults anyway. And I doubt any parent would let their kids out onto the ice.

Now if an adult reads this and thinks its ok to wander far out onto thin ice then that is called "Thinning the herd" in my opinion. :wink:
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Post by Tip-up »

Jackel - You are brave my friend :D :shock: I always wait until I see another person out..no rush..Plenty of fish for everyone :P
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Post by BBRich »

I agree with Badger Shark 100%

I didnt realize that Fish Hawk was now catering to the stupid. :lol:
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Post by getnjiggywithit »

RJ wrote:This post should be removed in my opinion...

FH has alot of folks who are new to ice fishing and giving them any impression that the ice is safe right now is irresponsible...

Its nice to see you are offering some good advise! and I agree with you 100%
Badger & BBRich
I agree with you also but, there are a lot of new members that have never ice fished and could very easily get the wrong impression!

I want to tell everyone about a little fishing trip that I had a few years ago. I had a friend that had just got into fly fishing and had spent the winter buying fly fishing gear, waders and the whole bit. When the weather warmed up a bit he was chomping at the bit to go fly fishing. We made plans to fish at the island park bridge where the browns get released. He was really excited to try out his new rod and left early! I arrived at the the spot and I couldn't find him anywhere so I figured that I was early and started fishing. The water was really fast so I walked out upto my knees and could feel that the current was really strong and didn't go out any farther! It wasn't long before I spoted my friends dog running around so I figured my buddy had just arrived! I stopped fishing and looked around for his vehicle and found it at the other end of the parking lot but my buddy was nowhere to be found! I started looking all over the place for him and nothing. At this point it was starting to get dark and his girlfriend showed up. We both searched for him till it was too dark to see anything and then his girlfriend called the police The police divers found his body a week later :cry: Now I know that this has nothing to do with ice fishing but all I'm saying is don't let your excitement get the best of ya... No fish is worth risking your life for!!!
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Post by joco »

this tread is already gone to far.........

sombody go on ice,6 feet frome shore in 2 feet off water and its so bad that can t say anything...........could be dangerous.... :roll:

no time its was said that somebody went fishing on ice or somthing.....................

why all this commotion................ :!:

people are fishing on ice for the past 4 weeks IN OTHER PART OFF CANADA and they did start somtime at the first ice...........jee there always a first ice.............and it always gone to be dangerous at first ice or all the season..........

if people are not carefull ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all season long,,it could be dangerous it all depend where you go.........wen you,,,etc etc.

you could have an accident in february even..........in some open water or thin ice............

i do agree wit all off you..............wathever you say........

like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,getjiginwhit it said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no life worth.,,nicely said... :wink:

this is the only site that as ice fishing in it that would even start somthing like that because somebody went on ice on shore in 2 feet off water and exited to say,i am exited,,,,,,but get slam for it..

this is very sad,,,,,,,now we will keep are exited moments to somwhere helse sorry for the inconvenient it may cause to some members.


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Post by muskymatt »

LOve is in the air....everywhere I look around.Da da da ta da da ohhh ...love is in the air ...from the heaven to the ground ...yeah yeah yeah .... :lol:
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Post by Duck Gunner »

Jeez Louise...

I go away for a year and it's like I never left...
Same crap different day... :cry: :? :(

You know people... I am sick and tired of the sanctimony in today's world. People preaching and offering "their advise" as if they know exactly what is happening at all times. If you were out there and have information on how much ice there is then by all means speak up. If you're just talking from "experience" then pick a different forum. Don't confuse the issue or people by spouting a lot of unnecessary BS. You're only saying what we've heard year in and year out.

I say it is time people stepped up and assumed responsibility for their own actions/well being... If you were driving a car for the first time, would you charge right out onto the 417 and speed along at 150km/hr??? No, you would stick to the side roads/streets and get a feel for operating a car. Same thing applies here. COMMON SENSE!!!

If you don't know then don't go!!! But don't listen to people spouting off their opinion on a computer chat room. Call the local bait shop or take a trip over with a spud bar and check it out. Just be SAFE about it...

So simply put, "Use your head and watch your footing :!: :!: :!:"

And, God forbid, but if anything should happen, have the sack to admit it was your choice to go out. Don't pass the buck and blame somebody on a computer. Take responsibility for your ownself!!!

So end the rant...

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Post by eddie43 »

I agree with you Joco,

A whole lot of hoopla, over nothing... I read your original post, and it was simply excitment over the forming of the ice, not an encouragment to go fishing tonight, or an invitatino to play ice hockey at petrie...

Everyone should posses some form of common sense about safety first, at least I would hope.... Although we do have to write on coffee cups now "caution contents maybe hot" cause some people don't think there coffee is going to be hot? :?
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Post by RJ »

Rather than reply to your PM Joco I'll just do it here...

Why do I do this every year?...because every year someone goes down to Petrie on 2 inches of ice and comes back to tell everyone about it...why?...a pat on the back? :?

Nowhere in your post did you say he was 6 feet from shore and in 2 feet of water....and you did mention it was strong enough to hold a man...nor did you mention that he wasn't fishing...

Yes last year this came up as well.....on the Tuesday...(just like this year)...and yes by the Saturday the ice in my eyes was safe....so I went fishing....and in reality....I will likely do the same this Saturday...if this weather holds...

Joco, believe me...you have made yourself to be an ice fishing ambassador on FH with loads of posts regarding the subject...and when you say something about ice fishing....people take it seriously...and when you post that someone was on ice today....they'll think...."Well Joco didn't give him heck for doin it...and he knows what he's talking about, so it must be ok"....not everyone will think that way......but if one does....it's bad news...

Clearly you are excited about gettin out on the ice....we all are....I've spent a few hours sitting in my shack in my laneway already....how sick is that?...but the time will come.....and likely this weekend is it....

WallyBoss....Good Luck Friday... :wink: I hope the weather holds for ya!

Badger Shark....Controversy?....I hardly see this as controversy....

BBR...you are hardly in a position to be critical of stupid people.... :lol:

Duck Gunner, How ya ben Paul?... :wink: ....Agreed on checkin for yourself...but alot of people do and should be able to rely on ice reports from members of FH....safe ice reports that is... :wink:

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Post by joco »

hi duck gunner.....its great to see you again . :P sorry its in this discution,, :roll:

you say.....

If you were out there and have information on how much ice there is then by all means speak up.....this is very well said. :wink:

we did had some great info about one spot,,,,how mutch ice where etc etc.,,,,,,,,,,i was thinking it would have been fun to say to people that are exited like us to go on it.............but i gues i was wrong........ :?

people dont want to no...........where there is ice (now)or wen....it will be good.......to go on.

we just want to share are exitement and say to people that love ice fishing that it was coming realy soon.............now that the ice season is at the door,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or even closer........its dangerous to talk about ice.

AT first ice..........................its always dangerous somwhere actualy its always dangerous somewhere..............people have to be carefull.................but there always acccident stil.........and thats a sad fact.

sad to see how an exited moment for some people can become a tread like this.. :? ...i think its my first time in here(3years) that i feel like that. :?

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Post by JimmyBuffett »

If someone 30 years old runs out onto the ice because someone said it was safe..... :roll: The same goes for driving trucks out, you go through with your $20,000 vehicle, and then chew out the MNR because they said 12" was safe for a truck :roll: :lol:

Badger: "Thinning the Herd" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like Joco said same crap different pile last year... Don't read the MonsterRelease Ice Guidelines... very unsafe :lol:


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Post by joco »

hi rj.........

you say...

because every year someone goes down to Petrie on 2 inches of ice and comes back to tell everyone about it...why?...a pat on the back?

not for a path in the back bud................it to say to people that have ice fishing in there heart ,,,,,,,,,,that are realy exited that the moment is very close..........

i would love to see or have info off ice info frome all over..........the region to no where there will be first ice.

bud,,,, i dont need or we dont need a pat in my back at all........

its so sad like i have been saying that a exited moment for some ice anglers is becoming sutch a tread,,,,,,,,,just because somthing have been said that sombdody went on ice.....

its true....i did not mention the 6 feet frome shore or not going fishing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but did not said that someone was gone in middle or did ice fish to...thats the fact.

by any meen i never said anything about petrie................never.

just said sombody went on ice this morning.....jee ,all off this for this................nothing about fishing or helse.... :roll:

i wish a great ice fishing to you all..............soon or not.

this is going a bit to far for my taste....

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Post by Duck Gunner »

RJ wrote:Joco, believe me...you have made yourself to be an ice fishing ambassador on FH with loads of posts regarding the subject...and when you say something about ice fishing....people take it seriously...and when you post that someone was on ice today....they'll think...."Well Joco didn't give him heck for doin it...and he knows what he's talking about, so it must be ok"....not everyone will think that way......but if one does....it's bad news...

Hey RJ!!! How's it hangin???

I put an exerpt from your last post because that is the kind of thing I am talking about. People should think for themselves and assume responsibility for their own backside. I am sick and tired of choosing words so carefully because some "princess" might misinterpret and get the wrong idea. Their misinterpretation is Their mistake. Not mine.

Just because I walk across ice that is 2" thick, does not mean anyone should blindly follow. If someone does and goes through, that's their own tough luck. If they survive, they will have learned a very important life lesson, now won't they???

I know it sounds callous but, "People need to use their head and the Common Sense the good Lord gave us."
Now for some that is a challenge :lol: :lol: :lol:

If anybody reads information on here, they should be looking for things like ice thickness. If you aren't a seasoned vet or suicidal, then err on the side of caution. Even when reading ice reports on here, check before you go too far. Especially on a river!!!

See ya on the ice RJ!!! (At least when there is a good 4-5 inches, that is...
Some of us carry a little more weight in this world :lol: )

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Post by Eli »

I didn't bother reading the whole thread...

I'm more interested in whether or not anything was caught...so...did he catch anything??
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Post by Duck Gunner »

Clap_For_The_Wolfman wrote:I didn't bother reading the whole thread...

I'm more interested in whether or not anything was caught...so...did he catch anything??

Finally, someone who gets the point of the whole story :!: :!: :!:

I heartily "Clap for the Wolfman"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, good question... Did he catch anything???

DG. 8)