OOS bass fishing a joke(now with pic)

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Post by dana »

Thanks Matt..

Its not the first time i have made a fool of myself with my big mouth.

There are places where the season is open in Quebec.
The weather conditions are the same as here the opening day is not.

The mnr cannot do anythng unless the person has a fish in the boat

nothing can be proven

OR like in your case admits it.

The 5 gal bucket full of bass worries me more, rather than some guy who

just cannot wait until today if that was on the quebec side of the river..

Yes this is a fine site and has more than few times got up in arms over OSBF

it seems to be working right now.

i'll crawl back to my hole now sir..LOL..

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Post by Bass Addict »

I just reviewed all the comments............

1. Whoa , things are really starting to heat up,

2. There has been some really concrete statements made here

3 . Seems like this topic is bringing alot of guys out of hibernation

8) 8)
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Post by RJ »

Like all controversial topics I bet this one has tripled FH's traffic since yesterday... :lol:

Relic...relax...havin a bit of fun with the Musky fraternity....

So how was the MCI outing?...other than Mr.J's report not a word on anything else caught.....Did Mr. J outfish you guys with his basement Frankenstein baits?... :D

It would have been very interesting had you guys spotted me on Saturday....fishing in 18 inches of water on the Ottawa....sightfishing.....I'd be the Anti-Christ by now... :lol:
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Post by Chevy Champagne »

that lowkey guys has got balls to admit it and not care i HATE it
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Post by bucketmouth »

So, what have I learned from this post?

- the guy fishing in the tight jeans with the 80s-haired gal is a poacher.

- it would seem that not all bass boat owners are OOS poachers, but the dozens who fish on this stretch of river sure are.

- pike fisherman should stay away from shoreline weeds, no matter what kinda boat they're fishing from.

- Diehard muskie guys care an awful lot more for bass than I thought they did.

- Tipup owns at least 5 rods but likely more.

- Corvette owners drive fast.

- dana f. is still alive.

- this thread will be a distant memory the very second someone posts a picture of a vertically held esox...

(this was meant to be light-hearted, not chirping on anyone)
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Post by Billy Dee »

While the picture itself proves little, and the claim that “he told me…” is merely hearsay, the COs would not be able to do much with the photo. That said giving the COs the photo could certainly give them a target when they are doing “random” checks. I think you should at least file a report with the Ministry and give them the pic. I urge others who care to do the same.
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Post by Bobber »

I was waiting for this one, it comes up every year.....and you know what, while many may be tired of it, I'm actually glad it does come up. Obviously for some, the message is not getting through, so reminders may be good. Good on ya Matt and thanks.

We do need to keep on topic though, there seems to be a couple here. People who own Bass Boats are not guilty just because they own Bass Boats, let's make that clear. I know a lot of them and they fish other species as well. Those who break the law and own bass boats absolutely give other Bass guys bad names.

People who "admit to practising" before the season opens, are definately guilty. One may argue that if they are "practising" with NO HOOK, just a weighted tube or something to find where the bass ar hitting, then that's OK. I don't believe it is personally, and may be a good topic for the Opinion Search, so we'll see about that one.

People who are openly catching Bass after Bass and taking pictures of them our of season, are definately guilty, and should be fined if they are caught.

People who come to this site and openly admit to being the person in the photo is either not very smart, or just stirring the pot to get more reaction and their 15 minute stage. Lowkey, is this really you, and are you admitting to being the guy fishing for bass out of seasion, or are you just stirring the pot again?

Matt, if you do find and <b>"confirm"</b> that this person is a member here, could you please let me know.

Please continue the discussion on the topic, however also please keep it to the topic without bringing in other "feelings" that some may have for other debaters. Remember, let's not make this a fight between ourselves. It's about the guy in the photo fishing for Bass out of season, admiting to it, and then continuing after they have been told otherwise. Matt, I must also caution that before you identify this person, you need to 100% sure of who it is. Lowkey may have given you a lead, but you need to be sure. :wink:

Carry on but keep it clean folks.
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Post by muskymatt »

Oh, I will Rob...

When and if I confirm who this is .....everyone will know..... :lol:

This is exactly why I posted this....to raise opinions and to not give up and let these guys win.

Everybody learned here...

Some still make excuses but haveing such a good variety of responses certainly proves anglers are passionate about their resources.

It is , after all, up to us today to keep it healthy for tomorrow.
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Post by Paddler »

Call the MNR and pass it on to the CO's.
Provide the info and let them make the call.
Typically, a few charges in a particular area sends a clear message.
Atleast for a while.
The law is the law.
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Post by Leechman »

I just could not stay away from this one,

you sure did the right thing about reporting the incident to the OMNR but for the pics, not so sure. I looked at the pics that you posted and did in any way find this guy guilty of wrong doing.

But must admit, kudos to you for doing so. I for one, would'nt of gone as far as posted pics but that is the way you chose.

I got to put myself in MM situation and wonder, what would I do if I SEE THIS HAPPENING on the water I fish on....WHAT WOULD I DO THEN.... IGNORE IT or ACT ON IT??

It is our responsibility as anglers and our rights to speak and report any wrong doing.

As for the Bass Boats, come on guys, can't finger point them because it's a Bass boat.... anyone with any type of boat and for that matter, off shore, can target OOS species.

Again Muskymatt kudos to you.

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Post by Bass Addict »

Well OH MY GOD ................

Look who's back :shock: :shock:

The guy with the big fur hat, has returned

So whats it going to be , Lurker or Member :?: :?: :roll: :roll: :wink:
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Post by farmerkid »

i knew we wouldnt see the last of you fishfinder :P

Anyway to the guys ranting about people fishing for pike in bass spots, isnt there a simple answer? WIRE LEADERS. Almost anybody who fished for pike knows that you need one or you'll get break-offs. I think that is a good way to figure out which species they are targetting.
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Post by Bass Addict »

Hey Farmerkid..............

Wow, thats a pretty clever idea , especially if the is using '' MONO ''
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Post by Jimmy_1 »

Hey Lowkey,

Regardless of if that is you or some idiot stirring the pot.


Get that buddy!?!

This topic isn't even funny. But that 80's looking lady is! :lol:

And I look forward to buying that nice looking Skeeter at the repo auctions!
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Post by bucketmouth »

Jamsers, why would you want a Bass Boat? I hear you can only use them from the end of June 'til November :lol: :lol: :lol: