Wacky day on the Miss

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Wacky day on the Miss

Post by almontefisher »

Well did just enough reno's over the weekend to have the warden give me a few hours of outdoor time. Now when I say warden I mean the most loving caring person in my life...my wife 8) Got out for about 3 hours and in after thought only needed the last 40 minutes...So we launched the boat at my regular quick fish day spot...Appleton! Got on the water and dragged the slop with Buzzbaits in black, black yellow, yellow, orange, yellow orange and some inbetween. Got lot's of boils but no hookups....so frogs it is...tossed the same assorted variety as the buzzbaits with the same return on our investment....nada. Wait is that a blow up...nope just a beaver going for the frog!! :shock: . Did not set the hook in time and away it goes. Well anyway we tossed our arsenal of go to lures at these guys and finally about 2 hours into it I get a LM bass...all 4oz of it. Got it on a crankbait bringing it in from 4ft to the edge of the dropoff at 20ft. what a fight and unfortunatly I lost grip of the behemoth and he went back in before a pic could be taken :lol: :wink: . Well fish....fish and more fish and nothing to show for it. " Well " I said to my buddy..."Let's try ole faithful for some small bass or pike to make the trip worth while. So off we treck back down the river and into "Ole Faithful". Since nothing else worked we decided to try something new. It is this style of fishing called wacky style. Not sure if any of you have heard of it before :roll: . Well anyway it is now in the good ole go to lures for sure. Who would have thought that a simple hook and rubber worm would produce these boys...Why did someone not tell me about this set up before :evil:

One of my 3 nice bass


And another one


My buddies PB


His cover mag shot cause I like them so much


And about 15 minutes later his new PB again. No scale but 20" and a huge girth on it...No nickle but we like to think so :lol:


So off I go to purchase some of these rubber worm things and hooks. So if you need help with this style of fishing it is real difficult to get into and would not even attempt to try it...Especially in my spots!! 8)
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Post by gonefishin »

Nice report. I started using the wacky setup this year as well and love it.
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Post by almontefisher »

So as most of you know I am more of a trout guy than anything else so if this is a silly question I am sorry. Those bass were so yellow on the bellies that they almost looked like a nice golden walleye. Do bass get more dark and yellow in the fall.
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Post by JustinHoffman »

Some nice, chunky fish there, Almonte.... :D Looks like a good day in my books....

As for the colours - not sure if it such a seasonal thing (although during the spawn some fish do change colours) but more so due to what they are feeding on, structure they are relating to, water clarity, etc...just my thoughts.

Good Fishing,

Justin Hoffman
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Post by muskie_magnet »

Some nice bass there.....

My buddy suggested we try wacking rigging for bass after reading an article in a mag. It has been money every since. The first time out we must have put 50 bass in the boat in 3 hours. It has been so consistent that it is now the go to technique when we hit bass territory.

We've been experimenting with weighted worms and hooks and adding split shot on the hook to get down deeper where the big ones seem to be this time of year. It takes a ton of patience to wait for it to fall when you're in 20 feet of water but well worth it.

I've been using a # 2 wacky rig hook or a # 2 octopus hook. You don't have to really set the hook, which is different, but almost all of the fish are hooked in the top of the mouth or lip and are a breeze to release.

Nice report - Keep up the good work.
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Post by wolfe »


Psssst....I have discovered the top secret Senko and Yum Dingers, too. Ssshhhh....they really, REALLY work. :lol:

Glad you finally connected. Looks like a pretty decent outing, despite the start (and the soggy weather)!

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by Fishing 24/7 »

20'' is a 4 lbs bass bud!

a sure BRUTE!
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Re: Wacky day on the Miss

Post by GR8-Scott »

GR8 report AF....thanks for sharing

Love this pic! AWESOME !
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