Quinte Firday February 4th

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fish and hunt
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Quinte Firday February 4th

Post by fish and hunt »

After last Friday's success we made plans to get out on the bay for Friday afternoon. My fishing partner worked nights so we were planning on hitting the ice around 12 or 1. After the Alan Jackson concert I was happy to have the chance to sleep in anyway. We planned on calling eachother before we left.

After numerous phone calls I began top think I was going to have to do homeowrk for the afternoon instead of going fishing. Finally at around 1:30 i get a text saying he had slept though his alarm. We made plans to meet shortly after 2. Just before I left my dad decided he would join in which took an extra half hour for him to get ready. Luckily Dave had had trouble getting the plow of his atv so he was running late too.

After a quick stop for minnows, in Napanee we were on our way. My dad reaches in the back to grab his rod to tie a new lure on only to find that about 4 inches has been broken off the tip. The luck continues... We were joined by two others and were finally get setup around 4 oclock.

After a slow start the other two guys came to chat with us in our four man tent. Kinda tight for five men. I had just finished tying a silver and green sidewinder on when my dad gets a bite on the rod sans tip. I drop my lure down the hole and a fish has it when i tighten the line. I set the hook into a good fish and start to reel. One of the other guys grabs my line and starts to pll my fish up. Knowing that its a good fish i don't want someone else to catch my fish so i grab the line below him and just as the fish (definately over 5 pounds probably six or seven) comes into view the line snaps. One wet arm and a few choice words and inappropriate names later and the fish is gone. The gong show continues. At least we had something to laugh about after i cooled down,

The other two guys went back to their tent and we continued to fish. Soon I felt the thump of another good fish. After a good fight I iced a 5 lb 7oz walleye.

Not long afterward i feel the thump again, Reel up one around a pound. Released to catch another day.

My dad leaves the tent to talk with the other two guys and both dave and i start gettin hits. I quickly realise that our hits are happening when the other guy is setting the hook. Our lines were tangled. He reels up and having the younger eyes i begin to untangle them. After getting the first tangle out i start on the next. I happened to glance at my dads rod to see the line moving around the hole. I reel up one just shy of 2 pounds on the tipless rod.


Finished the night with 3 fish (shoulda been 4). Not bad for 2.5 hours. Will hit the bay again next weekend. Hoping to catch a fish with a sidewinder in its mouth.

Fish and Hunt
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i got worms
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Post by i got worms »

great report! sounds like the bite was on.

ps - never let another man touch your rod :lol: (or your line for that matter) :lol: :lol:
I got 99 problems but a fish ain't one...
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Post by fishlover »

nice fish--last time i was in quinte I thought I had the fish of a life time--saw the side of it a couple of times down the hole--finally get it up, and voila!! a 14 pound....sheephead... I have never been more dissapointed with a 14 pounder in all my life

still have yet to catch a walleye as big as yours--way to go
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