Favorite Conditions

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Favorite Conditions

Post by FishingFreak13 »

I am interested in what time of year/month/day/time is your favorite time to go fishing. Doesn't have to be soft water could be ice fishing any kind of fishing. I haven't had the chance to bass fish anywhere other than Ontario more specifically out of my zone that I live in. The first weekend of bass season is always a favorite time of year because it is what I have been waiting for all winter. Early morning is definitely my favorite time of day to fish. Nothing like waking up early to arrive at a lake with the sun starting to come up and the water is glass and having fish just break the water.

Looking forward to your responses.
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Re: Favorite Conditions

Post by cgates »

I like early morning or late evening but for tournaments I like a lite rain not sure why but I seem to get good fish when it's raining
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Re: Favorite Conditions

Post by tbone1088 »

Wow what a loaded question! Any time is a good time to fish lol, seasonally though its hard to beat fall and the big fish that comes with it. Spring opener is a close second though!!!
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Re: Favorite Conditions

Post by GuinnessGuy »

It's going to sound cheesy, but my favorite time to fish is when the kids are with me. My 2 girls are awesome at following instructions and technique, and despite their ages, they see the link between doing it right and being patient and catching fish. ...and they have horse shoes up their butts because they (6 and 4 yr-old) out-fish me almost every time at the cottage.

My second favorite time is any time I'm out with my dad. He and I get to go out about a dozen times a year, and we have a blast whether we catch or not (usually one of us is on fire and the other plays net-man for the day). Good times.

Bass opener, solo, early morning, is a distant third.
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