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Well there should have markings or tags on the nets indicating who the net belongs to and what dates they are allowed to have the nets there and hopefully a permit number??? then again the poachers would find a way to make there own tags. :cry:

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Post by fisher »

If you noticed those fish have rotted,and lost their color,seems like they have been trapped for days and no good for human consumption.This is a "BRUTAL WASTE" ,NOT personal use,NOT cerimonial use,and certinly NOT for research. :x :x :x
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Post by M.T. Livewell »

Fisher, I don't disagree with, I'm just making a little point.

Ever catch a fish on a dead minnow? Fish eat them, and are attracted to them. Juding by the fish in the net, they were NOT keeping pike, so likely the walleye was their target.

Anyway, I don't like it more than anyone else. I just don't like calling anyone a poacher until I have the whole story. Poacher or not, certainly not a very responsible fisher person to say the least.

M.T. Livewell
Last edited by M.T. Livewell on Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gordo »

The only thing I can say is BRUTAL

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don't they understand..

Post by fish_bowl »

This is rediculous. Native fishing rights are left in place so they can practice the way of the ancestors and all that. I don't understand this, because in the past, i doubt they would waste fish like that. Nothing would go to waste. This is all a joke. Sorry.. I am just upset. Seeing a big waste like that. then we wonder why the number of fish are decreasing in our lakes.. some of those fish were of good reproductive size. Not to just say this happens with netting, it also makes me sick to see people pull out 10 bass out of a lake.. of all good size.. just to fry up.. and usually its more then they can eat.. grr.. why not take one here and there and just enjoy the day out fishing.. frig.

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Post by Legend »

:x Snap! I lose it!

:shock: I head fake him with an out of season bass and of course the moron goes for it. Uppercut, straight right and a flurry to the solarplexes.

:x As he's lying there I say, "How's that pal, is that destruction of the environment enough for ya?!"

:roll: Ever since I've been the Champ!

Seriously, people like that should have the boots put to them.

:( Legend
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Post by Markus »

Whether it was unintention neglect or accidental, waste like that is unexceptable. If the nets aren't marked with the owners info and/or not being's poaching.

Destruction to the environment like this really upsets me.
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Post by fish_head »

wolfe wrote:Those pic's sicken me. I can feel that rage starting. Isn't there anything people like us can do collectively to curtail netting? There were so many muskies in those nets.


Unfortunately, no. But, as a group, with enough watchfullness (is that even a word?)and enough (sorry if I offend) balls so to speak to actually step up to the plate and do something about it...within the law of course...if it is indeed illegal for them to be doing this, then unfortunately, sometimes vigilante law is all that can be understood. I don't mean start beating people up and such, just actually doing something, cutting nets, freeing the fish, getting the proper authorities to do whatever it takes to stop it. On my end, I will for sure be looking extra hard when I'm out there.

This kinda stuff makes me very angry and sad at the same's senseless and stupid.
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Post by fishforfun »

Two mistakes have been made here. You are or some at least, assuming this net to have been set by a native. Was it? Mistake #2 cut a net, you would be a bigger arsehole than the person that set that one, ghost nets are horrible killers that can't be found.
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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

Say what you want...NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!
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Post by ganman »

I have to agree with fishforfun's post. I've been following this thread thinking much the same thing. Whats the outrage about?

Nasty pics but after all nothing of the circumstances surrounding the pics are known. Who did it? When? Where? maybe there is an explanation. There is reference to Lake of the Woods but thats it.

Folks are you as outraged at a poorly run tournament put on by anglers? A catch and release tourney run by amateurs simply for bragging rights. What's the point? That goes on almost every weekend.

Where I live we have a problem with an inordinate number of pro bass imitating guys fishing spawning bass.

It's also politically incorrect to say its non resident anglers that are the biggest problem but it's the truth. That is here in Leeds County not a thousand miles away in NW Ontario.

Someone mentioned the environment....let's start with horse power restrictions on some lakes. Lord knows we could use it. But I suspect that wouldn't be popular with most fisherman and boaters alike.

I've probably offended someone although that is not my intent. I apologize if I do.
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Post by fishforfun »

There is no excuse. What happened can not be defended, but don't jump to conclusions or promote vigilante activities. It can only be dealt with by those who have the authority to do so. Having fished Lake Huron and Georgian Bay for over 30 yrs now, nets have always been there. I have learned to live with it, many can't. The nets are still there nothing has changed. Its politics and we don't want to go there.
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Post by wolfe »

Many good points raised, as always, on this thread. Ganman, yours included, particularly about cutting nets, as I think FFF is correct in that they are a hazard to not only fish, but aquatic birds & mammals free drifting. I might be sorely tempted to remove the nets entirely, but the best thing we can do is report, report, report. Make pains in the asses of ourselves burning up the phone lines to complain to CO's and local authorities. Regardless, Ganman, in my opinion, here is what I see the "outrage being about".

Yes, there are many other points of conservation and lack thereof that need addressing. And maybe some anglers should examine their own practices. However, 2 (or 3 or 4) wrongs don't make a right, so how can we be complacent when we see something like this? Those photographs say it all: rotting carcasses of gamefish needlessly killed -- not harvested -- just wasted. To me, this is morally wrong and it angers me. It's a sorry shame.

Also, Ganman, I don't take offense at your statement of non-resident anglers being the biggest offenders, but I practice 100% catch & release and live in NY. Many of my fishing friends here do as well. It's a pretty broad blanket statement to lump us all into a bad seed category, but perhaps you are working off statistics. Just know there are good and bad folks wherever you live.

I like your arguments regarding HP restrictions, etc.; it's good to know there are fishermen of a like mind out there who want to protect our lakes and resources for future generations.

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by big-o »

I havent said to much on this subject, my post with the icons discribed how I felt, but I read all the responses, and i thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth.....THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE...wether the nets are legal or not, this is waste on a grand scale, :evil: We as responsible anglers,should be and are out raged by this shamless waste,what we are seeing is one net...there are thousands of them out there :? I will not condone any willfull acts of vandalism,there are poeple that make their living by this means,and who do every thing in there power to stay within the guide lines set down by the fisherys.....then there is this.....there are about 1000 members on this board, and that many again that are lurkers, if we could get together, wether it be a letter writing campaign,or e/mail or what would be one voice....and it would be hard for the officals not to hear, we can talk about we can type in our out rage, but we are the only ones to see it,lets pull together.and stop this !!!! Spinner can you find a link or some where we can start. I'll be making a few call to friendsto see if i can stir them up also have contacts with the the outdoor writer from the Sun...I'm sure if he heard our 1000 collective voices, there would be a artical in his paper about this crime!!! Sorry I'm rambling on......Lets get together on this and make our outrage heard :!:
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Lets talk about this on Saturday....see what we can possibly do!
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