Clarification on patterns before & after Fall turnover

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Clarification on patterns before & after Fall turnover

Post by littleking7 »

I've been doing a lot of research on this lately as I haven't fished much in Fall before, but will be - so am trying to get a good idea as to what to expect. Mainly referring to SMB and LMB here.

I understand how turnover works and the science behind that. But, main thing I'm having a hard time finding clear info on, is WHEN I can roughly expect this to happen. I know it's variable by lake, but even a rough range would be helpful. For instance, does it usually occur in Sept? Oct? Or later? With current weather and forecast, have most lakes already turned over now? Or not yet? I fish some deeper lakes up to 120ft near Gatineau, Quebec, if that's any reference point.

I've also read some sources that say the fishing can be good, with aggressive fish bulking up before that happens, but once turnover occurs, they're not longer aggressive and going to chill in their winter haunts. But then some say they can still be aggressive once turnover settles..?

Then, some say they're going to be shallow. Some say deep. Some say at middle grounds between the two. I know those are probably all true sometimes, but what's your experience in their positioning relative to turnover? (before/during/after)

All late Fall/turnover tips appreciated. Thanks all! :)
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Re: Clarification on patterns before & after Fall turnover

Post by JZ »

Lots of variables to turnover. Officially a lake isn't turned over until there is a constant uniform temp. At 39F degrees water is at its most dense state so it sinks but turnover will happen well before this temp and I find that wind plays the biggest factor because it mixes the water up way before the 39 degrees point. It varies greatly but I find as soon as the water gets into the 50s it is dense enough coupled with the strong fall winds to turn things over. As of last week water was still in the low 70s where I live so will probably mid Oct before it dips into the 50s around here.
Once a lake does turn over the fish can be anywhere because there is uniform temp and oxygen but don't automatically think now that they can access the bottom portion of the lake they just go there and sit for spring. I don't think bass generally set up in their winter pattern (glued to the bottom) until the water is well into the 40s. So I don't change the way I fish too much until its in the 40s. Spinnerbaits, Jerkbaits in 6-8 fow still produces. Some experts say after turnover in a clear lake fish deeper in a murky lake fish shallow right up until the 40s. I can't confirm this because I don't fish a lot of clear lakes in the fall but like I said the murky lakes I fish hold bass in the shallows when the into late Oct and sometimes Nov.
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