First time dock/cottage owner

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First time dock/cottage owner

Post by david »

We bought a waterfront cottage earlier this year. It is in a protected bay on the Ottawa River. I have a few questions now that winter is coming.

I have a 4 stroke 75HP Honda outboard. The shoreline is very shallow and mucky, so for mooring I usually till the outboard up until it is just out of the water. Will this drain all the water out? Or should I leave the outboard in the water?

And when do you take your boat out of the water for the season? I found one article that calls for 3 consecutive nights of -10°C (but higher temperature for stern drive or inboard) . I am not comfortable with that, unless more of you do the same thing :-). I did ask the neighbors but none of them are fisherman and they take their docks out in early October. I thought that's a bit too early to stop fishing...

Thanks in advance.
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Happy Hooker
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Re: First time dock/cottage owner

Post by Happy Hooker »

Taking out your docks can be a puzzle in regards to time.
I have been taking mine out sometime after Thanks giving or when the weather goes into -1 or -4, for a couple of days, believe me you wait to long it is a miserable experience, snow, cold rains to mention a few. No matter when you take your docks out the weather seems to get better but is short lived.Far as your motor goes try to get all the water out of the lower end before the freeze comes, leaving it down can come with risks depending on the weather.
Good luck, I myself like to get one last fish in before the minus temps come on strong.

Happy hooker
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Corvus Lacus
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Re: First time dock/cottage owner

Post by Corvus Lacus »

Do not leave your outboard tilted up in sub-freezing temperatures. Water is trapped in the needs to be down for the water to drain completely. As for when to give it up...I leave mine in the water sometimes into December...once fished on New Years Eve. As a rule of thumb...yes, a few consecutive nights of -10C is usually time to pull it in. Outboards are generally rated to operate down to -15C...but I've seen the lake freeze up in a flash and that poses its own problems.

Good luck biggest fish of the year are usually caught after the fall turnover.
The tug is the drug..
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