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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:51 pm
Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And extremely well said John-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F.F :D

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:31 pm
by muskymatt
I haven't been on any sites long enough to form an opinion, but Hell if there were 50 sites I'd try to visit them all .. And try to inform and gather from all of them
I guess i'm just a site sl#t :lol: :lol:

Fishing is serious----fish talk is entertaining!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:40 pm
by New Kid
FLOATFISHIN wrote:I do have to ask MManiac:

Markus does have a site that is set up and is formed around A handfull of close personal fishing friends, that doesn't mean that everyone is over there, I mean c'mon now!!!!


Why do you appear to try and stir things up on such topics? You have 6 posts since Nov 2005, and all of a sudden you say that all have moved over to Markus's site? I don't know where you are getting your information from, but heck, there are still alot of the same names on here on a daily basis, but yours seems to pop up only to flam someone else for whatever reason! All I can see is you are tryin to stir a pot towards something you are clueless too. I don't see how you can vote that all have moved over to one site???? I have no clue why you must try to point fingers towards anyone let alone try to stir the pot for FH and all its members along with your posts!

Next time, have some fruit to your posts, people might be more inclined to read them.

Couldn't have agreed more. I've never wanted to say anything bad about anyone on this site, but MManiac: I've read your other 6 posts, and you seem to be trouble. This is a great site! Other cities around North America would love and I mean LOVE to have a site of this calibre.
I think everyone got to get some sunshine and be cool, like Seaweed says. If everyone's doing it, why don't you join Markus's site? I'm sure he would love to have someone who has shown such an intimate knowledge of fishing in his 6 posts. (Note Sarcasm in text).
This site rocks! But...its a free country, if someone else wants to form his own site then more power to him! I just hope they can do it without needlessly slagging this site!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:47 pm

In no way is Markus's site slaggin this one budd, this site has been and IMHO will continue to be a great board!

Sure hic-ups will happen, but safe to say, now that Bobber, and FH following close behind, there will be some changes, but not only for the better, but the growth of this great site!!!!

Glad to hear you and Mike are ok Rob :D :D :D :D :D :D



Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:56 pm
by SkeeterJohn
Agreed Float... The main thing is that they're both doing fine. Everything else is water under the bridge.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:39 pm
by bottom feeder
I used to go to another local site but found it was mainly tournament fishing and then found this one. I love it and have made some great friends and will continue to be here daily. I also joined two other sites strictly because friends are there as well and it is good to meet new people and share ideas etc.
I am sure this site will continue to thrive,, recruiting new members while others drop away.This is the way of the world.
My thoughts

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:59 pm
by wolfe
bottom feeder wrote:I also joined two other sites strictly because friends are there as well and it is good to meet new people and share ideas etc.
Ditto, Norm.
bottom feeder" wrote:I am sure this site will continue to thrive,, recruiting new members while others drop away.This is the way of the world.
My thoughts
I really hope you are right about the site.....and I do agree that there will always be a member turnover.


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:23 pm
by Bobber
OK, so hear it is straight from the horses mouth.

First, I don't hold anything against Markus for starting his own private site made up of a handful of friends that are invited to join. Markus has contributed to fishhawk over the years and nothing can take that away. The model that he wanted was not one that Fishhawk and I were going for, so he started his own. Our loss?....maybe.....maybe not.

Second, is not a site that is build for making a profit. Neither Fishhawk nor I receive any payment for hat sales, advertising, or anything else. Every $$$ that is made here goes right back into the site and the entity called Fishhawk for support, prizes, payment for help, sponsorships to other organizations, and equipment that is needed to make Fishhawk what it is. Yes, we use equipment obtained from the funds that our supporting vendors provide, so if you want to call that profit, then I suppose we're guilty, but saying we can't expect the "business" not to suffer if we're not here just doesn't cut it. John, we do this for fun, you know that.

Third, the Rumble in Rockland outing was always welcomed, just not as a Fish-Hawk.Net event. There are liabilities that must be considered that we were not in a position to take on last year.

Fourth, if Mikey and John want to setup their own site as well, then all the power to them. Perhaps they have come up with a better model for running a board, but I'm having a difficult time in trying to figure it out.

I suppose if the fact that Fishhawk and I have been away taking care of a few things during the hard water season, has caused people to go elsewhere, then we'll just have to deal with it.

Fish-Hawk.Net is still the same place, perhaps with different people, and now perhaps with new people who may have some new ideas.

I wish Mikey, John, and Markus all the best. You're always welcome back here if you are so inclined.

There, you have it. I'm not looking for any debate here, I just wanted to set the record straight and avoid rumours of how we feel about our own, once dedicated members, starting their own sites. I still hope they drop by every now and again.

Locking...just cause I don't think this discussion is contributing anything further. Send me an e-mail or PM if you have anything further.
