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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:35 am
by Iceman
Musky51 wrote:I am still amazed that Mark Messier came up to fish the outing and won!
So am I :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:18 am
by Wallyboss
That's what happens when you have "The Great One" as a teammate :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:20 am
by Wallyboss
Somebody opened the door for me :wink: :wink: Just had to do it!!!!


Dan aka Gretzky aka WB

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:25 am
by Markus
Regardless of whether it was a solo or group effort it doesn't change the fact that what you guys accomplished was absolutely fantastic.

Kuddo's for job well done fellas.

See ya's on the ice. :P

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:26 am
by JP
This is the email I sent the Orleans Online last night.

To: Fred Sherwin

You recently reported on the Ice derby we held at Petrie island in support of cancer research. You got many facts wrong and would like a correction printed ASAP.

First off the name of the Ice derby was called the K-Pin Ice derby "Fish for the Cure" in support of cancer research. This is very important since the friend that we were holding the event for is named K-Pin. You failed to mention that in your article..

Second, you wrote that I, JP Ostiguy, was the brain child of the event. This is not what I explained. It was a committee of anglers who volunteered time to organize this great event to support a great cause.

Third, you wrote that I picked the location at Petrie Island. Thi is not true. I said WE picked the location because it was close to Ottawa and had facilities to house the event.

Fourth could you please note the winners of the Pike and walleye derby the names were incorrect.
first place ...PIKE... mark macey (not Mark Messier).............AKA ICEMAN..30.5inch

second place....pike... DON CHAMPAGNE..28 inch

first place...walleye... BILL BRATT....AKA ERIE-EYES...19.75inch

seconde place...walleye...ERIC RILEY (not eric Rolly)...AKA...THE FISHSTICK.....19.5inch

The donation is also approaching $4000 to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Thanks and could you please let me know when this correction will be made.


I am waiting for his return email with corrections made.
Again this will be resolved ASAP.

To get one thing straight since I have been getting alot of PM's and hate mail on this matter. I did not nor have ever reported that I was the brainchild of the event.
Second, I was asked to fill in for K-Pin who was not feeling well enough to do it himself so I wasn't out to take credit.




Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:55 am
by bts
Just my opinion but I'll pass it on anyways. If you are doing something like this for the personal credit or pat on the back then you are doing it for the wrong reason.
I'll say it again Great job and congrats JP and Crew!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:33 pm
by JimmyBuffett
Congrats to ALL on a job well done :D But Brian(BTS) definately said it well... who cares who gets credit as long as you know you participated and contributed :wink: :roll:


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:03 pm
by Seaweed
Wow how ironic is that.... :lol:

I remember the same thing happening to me and Bacon and RJ I think it was RJ... could be wrong.

We met with a reporter the week prior to the other Petrie Fish-Hawk derby and got our face on the front page.... some of the facts were a bit wonky and it painted the three of us like the ring leaders but... hey the message got out there that we were doing a derby and the event was well attended... which was the goal right.

Some members took offence for us getting some press... but in the long run it got the message out .... and that message was.... was a great website where anglers met to discuss fishing and also where they met others who liked to fish and were willing to help others learn how to fish... and yes were ready to donate money to help out others .... like Christie Lake kids and now.... Cancer Research.

Thanks to the hard work of many... many will learn to love fishing.... and many anglers will be viewed as caring individuals who willingly help when asked to do so... be it putting a worm on a hook .... or helping to raise money to help others. I wear my hat with pride. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:03 pm
by wolfe
JP, you are a class act.

Anyone sending you "hate mail" is definitely NOT.


The Snowbound Wolfe

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:29 pm
by Kpin
I think we're all in agreement. Anyway you look at it, the derby was a success for an honourable cause. It's unfortunate the "journalist" had his facts so badly off track.

We as a community of anglers should be damn proud of what we accomplished for a good cause.

I hate the idea of something this positive turning into something negative because one tiny online story was written by an obvious baffoon.

I ask you all to NOT let that happen and for Gods' sake not send hate mail.

Let's not lose sight of the big picture here and what was accomplished.
It's a positive thing anyway you look at it, let's please keep it that way. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:54 pm
by Jackel

After speaking to you on the phone last night, it got me thinking. I know, it's scary, I do think sometimes :lol: Don't even worry about it, I'm not looking for a pat on the back for what I've done and I'm sure you are not either.

As for the hate mail. WTF is that about??? :evil: Who cares who did what. It was a team effort and thats that.

The end for me on this tread. Way to go guys, 4000.00 for cancer. My mother would be proud if she was still alive. :)

Jackel 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:49 pm
by Wallyboss
JP a lot of people would love to have the gift of the gab like you do. You have no problem whatsoever talking in public, I am not known to keep quiet but put me in a room with a bunch of people that i don't know and you might see a different guy. My brother is just like you, he is a born salesman. One company that he worked for when he was younger as a salesman, he won salesman of the year nationally and he only worked 4 months in that year, and he won it for the next 5 years that he was there.
I wish I was as outgoing as that sometimes, but put me in a room with a bunch of frenchman and I'll talk there head off. You have nothing to be ashamed of , as for the journalist he probably tought that you were the SPOKESMAN for the group.

as for the Hate mail I'm pretty sure that it was all anonymous right???? and gutless!!!!!

I think that everybody involved did a wonderful job, and like everybody said it was to make money for the cancer society.

Proud to be a HawkTalker
Dan aka WB

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:12 am
by almontefisher
J.P.: My hate mail is in the mail...If it smells familiar it is the corn you left in the green shack.... :twisted: On another note I was part of this event and not for publicity but moral and physical support. If the article is incorrect it should be corrected but this was for Cancer and not personal publicity. I believe that no one but the Derby needs to be mentioned and a thank you to all who supported either by donations or volunteer. Like so many have said I am a bit dissapointed by the article but guess what guys...thats how news works. We never get the right reports anytime...Just what is needed to sell papers...KEEP FOCUSED ON THE GOAL PEOPLE WHICH WAS CANCER :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Thanks

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:23 am
by SkeeterJohn
bts wrote:Just my opinion but I'll pass it on anyways. If you are doing something like this for the personal credit or pat on the back then you are doing it for the wrong reason.
I'll say it again Great job and congrats JP and Crew!!!!!!
EXACTLY !! Who cares who gets credit everyone knows who was involved maybe there needs to be a public awards night to thank each person individually. :roll:

Congrats to those who made it happen for all the right reasons !

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:05 am
by JP
Thanks for the support everyone. I am glad that the main focus has not been lost in this whole thing. AS A COMMUNITTY we raised $4000 for cancer research.
Great job to everyone who participated and organized the event.