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Thanks for the support

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:43 pm
by Akira
Just wanted to thank all of you for your support via pms and such regarding Johnny York's threat towards me (and everyone else who isn't from Calabogie and who fishes there).

I've changed my msn/hotmail, so it is no longer "advertised" in the ether ;) I may be back later to give you all an update on the status with this threat.

Thanks again for all the support!

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:05 pm
by Moosebunk

I think the guy is a dick to be making threats.

I have not read all your posts I'll admit, but, from what I've seen alot more info from the "bogie" area has been coming up on the board. People up there in the Highlands enjoy their peace, their nature, their fishing, their lives away from the concrete, smog, garbage and people. Consider that. Consider that you are posting to 2000 members and even more lurkers. You're not just telling a bud or two, you're making it very public. Sure, we all bought our licenses and have the right to fish anywhere allowed, but that doesn't mean there aren't dummies out there that could be reading your posts and making things worse for the people of that area, and then ultimately, yourself.

Continue with your great fishing reports and have your fun... but take caution in what you post. If it's in the Bogie keep it just that... ie, I was fishing in the Bogie for brookies, bows, whatever... and the day went as such. Stocked and natural trout lakes and the land around them in those areas are true jems for people of the valley and Eastern Ontario, but, they're small bodies of water for the most part, alot of them bypass private lands, and, they're not immune to the diseases created by the many people only a short distance away. I can't recall you having pinpointed any specifics locales. I'm not sure if you've had any meet and greets on little stocked brookies ponds. But, if info like that is flowing from you, you may want to step back and rethink.

Don't want to come off as an arse with ya, and like I said, I'm not sure what's been happening in it's entirety, just giving some food for thought. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:23 pm
Well put Bunk, and Akira, he is tellin the truth, and is not tryin to come down on you in any way.

I could babble for hrs bout waht I've seen on the tribs, enjoy indeed, but be respectful in the process. You reports are GREAT!!!

but remember, your not the only one there :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:23 pm
by BBRich
Glad to see you decided to stay here on Fish Hawk Akira, your reports are great, looking forward to seeing more in the future.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:27 pm
by Kpin
You guys bring up great points but lets not lose sight of things. Ultimately, if no one is abusing the fisheries or the regs, no one has a right to tell someone where to not fish. Or ESPECIALLY threaten them. I don't think Akira has ever given specific details as to locations and I can surely understand how one's fav. local fishing hole can be seen by them as their own territory.

The fact is we all own the waters and even the wildlife contained therein.

I think if law enforcement got their hands on ppl making threats like this and they faced criminal prosecution and have certain freedoms removed, like lets say not have the right to use a computer, they may just be more respectfull of other peoples rights.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:38 am
by Fishboy
Akira...nice to see you back!

In his defense, Akira never mentioned a specific body of water in the Calabogie region and he only wrote about his experiences.

However, Moosebunk raises a good point....there are thousands of people who view fishing websites and a small number of them are not exactly respectful of the environment, private property, other angler's rights, etc.
As such, it is always wise to exercise a little caution before posting....

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:45 am
by Paya
I guess I have missed something .Nice to have you back.
I'm looking forward to go out and do some fishing together.

Don't get hang up on people stupidity



Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:37 pm
by RJ
Call a spade a spade here folks...

The Bogie is a sacred place to loads of people...and not just locals..

Lakes were named (Shiner, Limestone and Scully etc.)...Ziploc Sandwich Bag-Sized Trout were kept...Crayfish were eaten...etc.

Think about it...


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:15 am
by BBRich
RJ wrote:Call a spade a spade here folks...

The Bogie is a sacred place to loads of people...and not just locals..

Lakes were named (Shiner, Limestone and Scully etc.)...Ziploc Sandwich Bag-Sized Trout were kept...Crayfish were eaten...etc.

Think about it...

A spade a spade?

Why are you posting here and not on reelbuddies? :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:09 am
by katch moore
rj, two things for you. lakes were named??? i think not. crayfish were eaten! yeah, so what? and one more, ziploc bag sized trout! yup !!!! crap, brookies are only in the 10 to 12 inche range in most of the lakes that are in that area. except for the occasional 2 pound brookie lake. it's not like we are going to rainbow or something bigger then a brookie!! lol

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:10 am
by RJ
Rich, I am....Thanks.. :lol:...I like your vids by the way...lose Sleded and I think you'll do ok with them... :lol:

Wannafish, re-read his posts about lakes...all three are well as another creek that used to be hush-hush....


Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:50 am
by Fishhawk
RJ wrote: Wannafish, re-read his posts about lakes...all three are well as another creek that used to be hush-hush....

Oddly enough, your post is mentioning all three lakes as well.

Just an observation.

Moosebunk and Float - thanks for laying out the situation and the sensitivities of various stakeholders.

The Internet and its ability to spread information like wildfire is both good and bad. Everybody is learning how to handle this hot potato. I see message boards evolving, as people, including myself, learn what it means to have that power to communicate to many people at once. It's a two-edged sword for sure and its impact is different for every situation... whether we're talking about small trout lakes in a region or the Adolphus Reach in the Bay of Quinte.

Moosebunk lays it out well when he says
"Consider that you are posting to 2000 members and even more lurkers. You're not just telling a bud or two, you're making it very public. "

So many people forget that or don't fathom what it means and sometimes there are unexpected results when someone posts with a little naivety.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:53 am
by Jebby
i know some hotspots down in my neck of the woods... i tend to keep to my self cuz i dont like crowds but if any of u fine fish hawk friends want any info at all im always willing to share becuaes 2000 of you or not this is a great site with asome ppl and id be happy to fish along side with every1 of u..... as for my personal satisfaction id say that some little druken redneck learned how to use the net and got all big and tuf.... bet if he met up with you on the trail hed be givin u the big fake smile.....

ps.. any1 from southern ontario?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:59 pm
by BBRich
I'm from southern ont Jebby..

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:44 pm
by Akira
I did mention the three lakes that RJ says.. however, I didn't think it really mattered with those since they are mentioned in many many posts by other people other than me.

In the early days, when I was new here, yes I admit I didn't realize the full ramifications of posting locations.. I've matured and refrained..

I don't see the point of someone having to threaten someone over it. A friendly pm saying "please cool it on your posts mentioning such-and-such lake because...." I'm cool with that.. but if someone threatens me and my safety, I'm sorry.. I can't condone that. RJ, if you condone that, fine.. it's your opinion..