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Opinions are like *s...

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:58 pm
by FromTheNorth
Well, I'm not expecting to make any friends from this post, but it has to be said.

This board is an amazing tool for fishermen/women. The ability to reference over 2000 people's lifetime of experience from my living room has DRASTICALLY improved my fishing. Someone posts a new idea, location or strategy and if I like the sounds of it, I'll give it a go, most of the time with great success. (Thanks All!)

If by chance, it doesn't turn out to be helpfull advice for me, than all I've lost was a couple hours of fishing, but it still encourages me to experiment. A bad day on the water is still better than a great day in the office.
Fishing is not just about techniques, there's the equally important aspect of equipment, and transportation.

A vehicle is an important aspect of fishing. There recently was a post asking for suggestions on a suitable vehicle. The User was quite specific about their needs; In good old Fish-Hawk fashion, people stepped up and tried to help. The problem is that bad advice was also posted. Not only did the user post this bad advice, but started discrediting good advice given by users.

I have no problem with someone having a different opinion from my own,(that's how I learn) but to try and discredit good advice when you have no idea what you're actually talking about is misleading to the user seeking advice. The reason people ask questions of all 2000+ of us about equipment is to save making a costly mistake. They're asking for help from those who have actual experience, not just anyone who feels like typing something that day.
Other than a good boat, a vehicle is the most expensive piece of equipment most of us own. It may not cost anything to post bad advice, but it sure can cost a lot to listen to it.

If you're not 100% sure of the equipment advice you're giving...
A) don't discredit someone elses advice, they're probably right
B) write in the post that this is more opinion than fact. Opinions are great as long as they aren't passed on as fact.

What makes this website so great is how many experienced opinions you can get when asking a question. It's quality information that keeps us all coming back.


Musky lures are best for catching crappies; Buy them up!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:06 pm
by steve-hamilton

if our friend here only knew. :D
They're asking for help from those who have actual experience, not just anyone who feels like typing something that day.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:28 pm
by FromTheNorth
You're pretty quick with ambiguous statements to avoid looking bad.
I guess it's better than having to appologize to people.

I singled you out because you nearly cost a struggling student what sounded like his last couple of bucks.
As I mentionned in this last topic, I have no problem with you stating an opinion, but don't try and discredit mine. Especially when you seem to have very little automotive knowledge. You are very lucky that your lumina hasn't died. It's only rated for 1000lbs, and has a very weak motor. I guess the fact that you didn't research your own purchase explains the bad advice you offer others.
The fact that you didn't know that the Safari/Astro are actually trucks screams to your ignorance. Even that you ignored the users posted needs,(clearly stated that he was looking for a truck) shows even further how little consideration your advice had for this user.

If you're going to give advice under the guise of someone's best interrest, and are going to discredit the advice of others to make yourself sound smarter... Do the research to ensure you're actually helping, not hindering.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:40 pm
by JustinHoffman
Not sure your point here, FTN...

What Steve stated is fact - he drives that car, has for three years, and has pulled a 17 foot boat fine with it. Don't see anything wrong with his statements. He recommends it, as it's worked for him.
I pulled my 14-foot aluminum with a Chrysler New Yorker for 7 years - never had a problem at all. I now pull it with a pick up.
Everyone is entitled to give advice here. Why is your advice anymore relevent than someone elses? If it's worked for them, then it is good advice in my eyes...
If something has worked for someone else, I don't see how that can be construed as bad advice. If that's the case, then this board is full of it.

Don't think people need to get their feathers in a ruffle. It's threads like this, that make people "not" want to give advice, in case they are called out on it publically.

Just something to think about..

Good Fishing,

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:47 pm
by steve-hamilton
Justin, thankfully i haven't done very much fishing/towing in the last three years to form an opinion .... :twisted:

It should be said though, that after five years of lots of use, and over 220K of towing, my car has finally died.....

Jebby....just buy something that you can afford....cause you'll be ok in a few years down the road....and you can purchase something more comfortable....

I test drove a Yukon XL the other truck. 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:07 pm
by FromTheNorth
Hello Justin,

I agree with you, it was after Steve stated his opinion that he continued on to call me out on my advice. This wouldn't have been so aggravating if his advice where sound. The lumina, despite horrible reliablity ratings, isn't rated to pull the weight requested. The user also showed a desire for a more truck like vehicle.
I gave, and others agreed, the most viable option on the market.( and was called out for it)

I later (nicely) explained one of the reasons the Lumina wasn't a viable option and was attacked for a joke I made.

You're right, steve stated fact, he has owned and used a lumina. But he's lucky the thing didn't blow up on him.(joke) Not only is the frame or transmission not designed for that weight, the motor can barely support the vehicles own weight without problems.

I would never have argued with his opinion if he weren't discounting good advice to push REALLY bad advice. Having sold cars for years, I know there's nothing more aggravating than buying a car that doesn't suit your needs (or a lemon).

I agree that attacking someone's opinion discourages further posts, but costly($$$) bad advice reduces the credibility of this board.


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:20 pm
by FromTheNorth
1991 Safari- 397K towing a 16ft fiberglass ski boat with an old 80hp, still going.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm
by BBRich
You'd doodle in your pantaloons if you saw what we towed with a Ford Taurus! :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:57 pm
by FromTheNorth

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:57 pm
by carp-starter
I will not say much about his XUV. I think that I do not have to. This XUV can tow just about anything and it would be good for ice fishing.

Does anyone object?



Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:06 pm
by muskymatt
There are plenty of other ways to see if you are safe towing a boat with a certain vehicle, most opinions stated are based on personal experience. Human error and personal ability are another thing . Anyone who takes info off a board as absolute accurate is only looking for trouble .

If you don't like the info you got then double check it to be sure ....simple enough.??

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:25 pm
by Jackel
I have not been on this site for long but it did not take me long to find out that some people belong on a HIGH SCHOOL chate site NOT Fish-Hawk. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:35 am
by Badger Shark
That doesnt mean you K-pin! :lol: :lol: Now stop cooking with cheese!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:27 pm
by Lookinforlunkers
I must be ignorant too cause I thought the Safari/Astros were vans :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:11 pm
by Muskie4L
by todays standards the Safari/Astros are trucks because of the full frame and rear/all wheel drive that makes them a much better towing machine :wink:

Like the old saying goes "They don't build them like they use to"