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Fishin Clayton with RJ last night

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:59 pm
by Fishhawk
It's pretty hard to catch up to me these days to get out for a fish. My time is not my own anymore. But RJ lucked in Wednesday night when I logged into my laptop and MSN opened up. I hadn't even thought of fishing Thursday evening but all of a sudden it did look very possible. I got the green light and looked forward to tossing my Vomit tube at Clayton all evening.

Ahhhhh! The Vomit Tube. My confidence level in the Vomit tube was at an all-time high. RJ took us to one of the billion square miles of great water that Clayton has and within a half dozen casts I was pulling in the first bass of the evening.

And then it turned into the RJ show for the rest of the evening. He was catching them here, then there and on this and on that. It was a great topwater bite for RJ. I went topwater too. Nuttin but two explosions that resulted in me swearing at the fish that would taunt me like that.

While the fish weren't big, they were plentiful... for RJ. I think the final score was somewhere around 20 or 25 to 5. It was infuriating!

On a bright note, this plastic frog that I bought at Reel to Reel worked well... accounting for 40% (for those who can't do the math, that's two) of my bass. I may have to put a picture of this unlikely thing up for people to see. I call it The Frogman. Everyone who has seen this thing being retrieved has said "My gawd that looks like a mini human being swimming through the water!!!" Very strange bait indeed.

That was a lot of fun RJ.

Ohhhh, and good to meet you again Fat Luke. And Slop. Fat Luke made it to the post-fish Thursday night garage session in Bobber's garage.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:13 pm
by fatluke

Good talking with ya last night..

And don't feel so bad.. your not the only Admin to be outfished by a site member last night... haha.. we told ya we caught lots, but we didn't day who caught the most.... (sorry Bobber, just trying to build his confidence back up.. hahahaha.. JK). Although I didn't out do him like RJ did you!!!

The garage night was perfect. Totally reminds me of hanging out with my buddies every weekend. The garage, the beers, and the boys go hand in hand (or beer in hand)..

Beware. I know when and where these nights take place now.. lol..

Good haul on Clayton boys..

I spoke with slop about it today and we're trying to set something up!!


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:34 pm
by RJ
It was great hookin up with ya Mike...been too long...

Some shots from last night....

Mike with possibly the weirdest looking frog in history... :lol:

Some of my better fish from last night...




Let's do it again soon Mike..... :wink:


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:28 pm
by Musky51
beauty fish lads!