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Tell your Best ice fishing Story!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:01 pm
by Fishing 24/7
hey guys!!

heres is where we talk about the best ice fishing frenzy we had this year!!

mine has to be at mclaurin bay!!

in one houre i cought my pb 8lbs and change! pike

and 4 more 4 + lbs! was i running everywere!!

i had a cut on my finger so deep at the end i think it was hitting the BONE! 8)

man o man does that ever burn!! :shock:

tell me your best feading frenzy !! cant wait to hear them! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:14 pm
by Chevy Champagne
mines at the ottawa river
trying to get my fire started and i heard a ring of a bell and i hook onto this monster of a fish and around 10 minuites into the fight i see those big eyes of a walleye just looking at me i bring him up to the wjole and im flipping out right i through it on the ice and since im only 13 i run home on my sled tel the folks the news and catch another 4 pike that day all over a pound.

oh and ps the walleye was 4 and a half pounds :D
wat a great day

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:21 pm
by rfunfarm
The wife & I were in the Hut---Slow bite---got to fooling around----MOST ACTION I'VE HAD FISHIN IN YEARS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:19 pm
by Chevy Champagne
wow must suck :cry: where do you fish :?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:20 pm
by Chevy Champagne
oh nvm i get it lol

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:39 pm
by TLunge
After a night of snowmobiling, partying and having fun at my hunt camp, which is on an X lake in the Perth area everyone was crashed in the camp except me and a buddy. We were in the shack with wood stove heat waiting for that school of giant eyes to come by. Eventually we were both asleep
I awoke to the bell tinkering on my rod and stumbled over half asleep and set the hook, it felt like a nice one, as I'm fighting it I hear buddies bell start ringing . I yell to wake him up "HEY wake up you got one on" he gets hooked up and is battling one too. Right away they felt VERY BIG and I remember calling out 'THERE MUST BE A SCHOOL OF BIG FEMALES MOVING IN WOOO HOOOO'
We fought them for awhile and they were taking huge power runs like pulling the dacron line to the breaking point over and over. I was calling out these must be HUGE eyes, buddy was saying the same thing. Eventually when the haze cleared up a little I realized whenever I would pull up hard on my line buddies would pull down and vica versa :oops:
Oh well as Jeff Foxworthy says "if you're too drunk to might be a redneck"

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:43 pm
by Bass Addict
So 24/7 and i go to lake xxx ,,walk out 150 feet,, punch hole in ice,,

install tip-up,, as line is going down ,,fish on,, 3lb smallie,,remove hook,,
lower line,,3lb smallie,, remove hook ,,lower line 4lb smallie.......etc ,etc

:shock: :shock: :shock: 8) 8) 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:19 am
by Leechman
Mine was at Lac St-Marie fishing for eyes on hard water with Bass Addict. The weather was gorgeous and the bite was on. Caught 10 eyes, about 20 jumbo perchs and 3 pikes.

This one walley, once out of the hole, unhooked itself and started to fell right back into the hole. :shock: My reaction, kicked it with my right foot out of it's trajectory and landed on ice next to me. :D

Not long after that caught a 17.5" one. :D :D

Fish Finder

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:28 pm
by almontefisher
Well my season was terrible as my seasons go...I did not get the shack out this 1 walleye about 18" and about 40 perch with the biggest being 10"...Lost a rod down the hole, missed the splake of my life, what would have been my first bow thru the ice and lost my sunglasses in the top water. So the way I look at it is this...Next year can only get better................Right??? :oops:

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:14 pm
by Chevy Champagne
it always gets better dont worry
every year gets better for me

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:06 am
by bottom feeder
The fishing line in the hut reminded me of an incident at Hyatts on Nippissing.
We were in another hut,2 lads I was sharing our hut with went back to ours. I got back 1/2 hour later and the 2 lads (drunk at this point) were pulling 1 line and watching all three others move with it, laughing. I grab mine and yank and was going to cut it but I felt a tug back. "Fish On"I yell and the others laughed at me. Well they wouldn't beleive me,so I told them "any fish comes up out of any hole is mine". "Ya, Ya, no fish there,it's all bull".
So I had them cut their lines and slowly pulled out an 73/4lb whitey. Within 10 minutes he was in the frying pan. They are so good out of the water like that.
Yum, YUm.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:31 pm
by beeman
I woke up in a really bad mood, absolutely nothing was going right. My wife finally told me to go fishing and get out of her hair, so I decided that it was the perfect day for for the speck lake that I have been eyeing up all season. It is a long approach to the lake. Getting to the lake was an epic, I forgot my bungy cords, snowshoes, and gators at home and that was an hour away so I decided to carry-on. I lost my gear from my sled about 6 times on the way in. The snow at almost every step was over my 18" boots and up to my waist frequently, and there was a 2m high drift at on one side of a ravine. I lost my snow blowing / fishing hat and somehow I split the seams in both of my boots where the rubber meets the canvas making each foot step squish water between my toes. More than once I wondered what the poop I was thinking. In all the trek in took 2.5 hrs and by the end of it I was soaked from the waste down, exhausted, wondering if I could make it back out in the same day and even more grumpy than when I started. It was a good thing it was not a cold day.

When I got to the lake, I found the nearest little stream trickling in, and decided to drill some holes / collapse there. Luckily my first two holes were in 6' and 8' of water so I set up a set line and a jigging line. I got there at 11:15. Nothing hit in the first hour, I was just as happy to not catch anything at that point - I was just too exhausted and needed food, some liquid and some time to dry out. I went about making my tea and KD and drilled a few more holes. (This was the turning point of the day). The second hour was almost non-stop fishing. At one point I almost lost my jigging rod down the hole as I was rebaiting the set line from landing a fish. I rescued my jigging line, landed the fish and had a solid hit on the set line again and landed another. The third hour slowed down to a gradual stop at 2:00. In the beginning, the fish started hitting only on the jigging line, and then hit both the set line and jig at the peak until the end.

In short in 1.5 hrs

1 - 8" speck
1 - 11" speck
2- 13" specks
5 - 14" specks
2 missed hits

After the heat of the day changing the snow, a mostly down hill return, and having broken the trail on the way in, the return trek only took 1.25 hrs - In addition, I found my hat and my gear did not fall off of the sled.

Although no fish were huge, it was a fantastic lake and a great day.

My lesson for the day was that there is nothing a little tea and Kraft Dinner can't fix.


Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:33 pm
by Spoonman
Excellent thread! 2008 started out really well for me - first fish of the year was my first-ever crappie. (I have to thank Tip-Up: until recently, I have had virtually no panfish experience. I did a search on ice reels before buying my first combo, and stumbled upon <a href=" ... rt=2">this informative piece</a> that got me interested in panfish. I've been hooked ever since that first crappie on an ultralight ice combo!)

My best story so far though, has to involve the time I tied on a 2" firetiger jigging rap, hoping a fish would not bite.

See, I made a trip out to the Ottawa River, hoping to ice a few perch big enough to take home and sample for a meal. It turned out to be a moderately successful day: in a good few hours’ fishing, I caught about two dozen perch all told. By 4pm, I only had two perch large enough to fillet and fry. (I tend to keep fish alive, which helps me harvest selectively. I release the fish if I end up catching too few big enough to keep. I don’t want to come home with only one perch or one crappie.) Night was drawing near, it was time to pack up.

So, I figures, I’ll just take a picture of these two perch and let them be on their way. I attempted to do a solo shot (<a href=" ... t=25718">a la Justin Hoffman</a>) with the timer on my digital camera, but the batteries died on me. “Ah well,” I says to myself, “I’ll just snap a shot with my cellphone camera and that’ll be that."

So I end up taking a few shots. Content I finally had one decent enough for a “screen saver” on my phone, I stuffed the phone back in my sleeve-pocket and fixed to release the perch.

Leaned over the hole.


The image is burned in my brain forever: silver cellphone falling bullseye into the black water, through an 8″ hole on the blue-grey ice.

It’s not that I’m all that materialistic or anything. The photos, phone numbers, and all that other fun stuff I had packed onto the phone were all either backed up, expendable or replaceable. No biggie there. But the main reason I spent the better part of a minute cursing myself out loud was the sheer stupidity of it. How could I be so dumb?

I had three things working in my favour, though:

* I was fishing in only 5′ of water
* I had a lanyard strap attached to the phone
* I chose to bring some heavy tackle that day

So I tied on my jiggin’ rap, and started bangin’ it off the bottom. “If a pike bites now…”

No pike. After a minute or two, I felt the weight of the phone, and gingerly reeled it toward the surface. The nose-hook of the jiggin’ rap snagged into the lanyard, and I had my phone back. Frozen, shut down, and probably beyond repair I figured, but at least I had it back!

Up to this point, the perch had gone from being lively in the livebucket, to fairly beat out after all the commotion and time out of the water. They were in rough enough shape for me to decide to bring them home for either a small snack or the freezer.

Here's the crazy part: after a thorough disassembly and dry-out under heat, the phone worked the next day. The wonders of solid state technology.