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Trout Trippin 08...West side!!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:51 pm
by almontefisher
So this is my version of the Trout trippin 08...West Side!! Cause I am on the west side of the lake...Anyway unlike TMH's report I had to work that day so we did not get up there till around 6:30pm and onto the water around 7:15pm...As TMH said my first intro to him was not the greatest...We wanted to try and catch some of those suckers that people saw in the lake so we went to the boat launch and fished there for a while and boy was there structure :oops: When TMH came over that was the third time we were pulling & tugging and cursing or line from some snag...Well quick hello and back to fishing, once I resest my line back up from snapping it a minute ago. @ hours of jigging earned us 24 perch with the smallest being 4" ( that was mine ) to a nice 12.5" ( that was not )..No pics as the batteries were charging for the big day on Sat.

Saturday morning 5:00am.... :shock: Image...Woke up to this mess...Contemplated going out in the rain like TMH who if you look closely is that little dot in the water...Crazy guy I tell ya same with Super who was out in full force...This is another rain shot :cry: Image...

Well we decided to get some chores done around the cottage that my father probably should not be doing so off we went at 6:30am to start chores...Image


If you notice I am not in any of the pics of chores... :wink: ...Got the chores done and the weather parted and the day was great...Just about to head out for a fish when my buddies wife called to let us know it just hailed in Pakenham and was now pouring rain...Not here...Clear as clear could be...Off we go to catch some trout...

One buddy that was with us has never caught a trout before so he was excited to get this going and it did not take long to produce for us...

This was 5 minutes after setting up the gear and tap..tap...I get a nibble...wait...wait..and set the hook...Fight is on....For a whole 1 minute and this guy was landed...Image..
This is me with no hands...Image...

Get the gear back in the water and 3 minutes later I have another one on but loose it near the boat...Another bow about 12"... Set up again, troll for 5 minutes and wham..My buddy who never caught a trout before lands this on a worm harness and regular spinning rod..I told him it would never work but this is proof...Image...Love the death grip he had on it...And like my little fish it was released for another time...Skunk off the boat, off me and off my buddy....A few hours more of trolling and nothing else so back to the cottage to meet up with the guys for a BBQ of sausages and Hamburgers....Got the BBQ going started cooking the food and the guys slowly made their way to the dock and even slower up the hill :shock: TMH is not kidding about the hill...It will get you in shape fast...And like TMH no pics of the BBQ...well not of the lunch anyway :wink: ...Image...Dinner shot...

Back on the water for the evening fish and we were going to go to Dog Leg to troll there but I was out voted 2-1 and so we went to the far area to fish and trolled there for a while...And a while later....And more later... :? ...Nothing was happening and just as I put the boat in neutral BANG my buddies rod goes off and the fight is on...5 minutes later he bring this puppy to the boat...Image
A nice 3+lbs laker returned for me to ctach next year...Well that ended the day & evening fish so it was time to see if there were catfish in the lake. We went to a little bay near the cottage a jigged with worms for a few hours ( till 11:30pm).. and finally near the end I caught this big guy,,,

Image...All 5" of it but it proved there are cats in here now..So between the suckers catfish and TMH's catch we are getting some species that should not be in a cold lake like this :?

Sunday morning was raining for a while but got out early at about 5:30am and trolled till 9:00am with nothing to show...Got to a section of the lake and the wind picked up and we started to head off course so I cranked the motor to turn us back when buddies line went off...He starts reeling in and I shut the motor off and begin reeling in my gear when...BANG on my rod....Double header...Got mine in and another bow for the boat...
Image...Kept this guy for my father...All 14" of her..
So my buddy finishes bringing in his second trout and low and behold his first Laker appears...Fishing about 5 feet below the surface too...
Image...So he goes from never having caught a trout to nocking off two species in one weekend..Good job James...And the release shot...

So that was our weekend of 8 caught with 5 boated with 3 bows and 2 lakers...two bows kept and two on but lost them. A great weekend for sure and my best weekend on this lake ever.. 8)

Thanks to Super, his son Peter and TMH for coming up..I can't wait for 2009. :!:

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:03 pm
by troutnmuskiehunter
Great report Peter!!...looks like they were hittin' this morning...I didn't even wet a line :cry: ....

Hey....that looks like a pretty nice dinner :shock: ....lookin forward to next year...

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:14 pm
by Bass Addict
Very nice Peter ,very nice..............

Sounds like all in all it was a sucessful weekend

P.S. That BBQ pic is getting me hungry again 8) 8)

Re: Trout Trippin 08...West side!!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:38 pm
by troutnmuskiehunter
almontefisher wrote: Saturday morning 5:00am.... :shock: Image...Woke up to this mess...Contemplated going out in the rain like TMH who if you look closely is that little dot in the water...Crazy guy I tell ya same with Super who was out in full force...

That boat out there isn't mine....It's Super and his son....Now these guys are real die-hards!!!!! :wink:...they were out a lot earlier then I was, and they even went out at 5:30 this morning...I woke up at 4:30 this morning, looked outside and thought, what a nice morning to get back into a warm bed and go back to sleep.... :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:42 pm
great report...looks like u all had a great weekend other then weather!


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:36 pm
by Leechman
Good to hear that you guys had fun.... that's the most important :)

Good looking fish you guys caught!!

Thanks for sharing!

Fish Finder

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:00 pm
by Badger Shark
Good report Pete, nice pics too. At least the weather turned out better that it started. Wish I could have made it.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:55 am
by almontefisher
Yeah Don would have been nice if you got up...Plan now for next year cause I will be doing this again 8)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:58 am
by Tip-up
Great report Pete, glad to hear everyone had a good time :D

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:13 am
by Mike P
Looks like a great week-end! Nice fish,sorry I couldn't make it, hopefully things are different next year.