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At what age?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:42 pm
by Jimmy_1
Hello all!

Hope everyone's season is going well so far?!

I have a quick question.

At what age did you introduce your little one(s) to fishing?

For me they were 3 and 4.
My son took to it, my daughter not so much.

Just curious as to what folk might feel is "too young".

Re: At what age?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:12 pm
by lape0019
I bought both if my kids the Shakespeare rods when the were two. We used the rubber fish for a year and then at 3 I tied a hook and sinker onto my boys rod. My daughter just got hers so she has another year before that happens.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:56 am
by Todd B.

I don't know if any of the old posts on this topic are still available, but the overall theme was that once they get bored it's game over for the outing regardless of age. Snacks and beverages are also a good idea to help pass the time, but picking a good location where the bite is active is key.

My personal preference for young kids is to use the precision Thill floats that require very little weight. Even the smallest fish will pull one under, which is always exciting for the kids. For hooks, you can't beat circle hooks, as no hook set is required (just reel in and apply tension) and gut hooks are extremely rare. A #10 tipped with a piece of Berkeley trout worm does the trick. :-)

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:07 am
by Farlane94
I started at age 2, got a basic rod and reel and caught perch off the dock with my dad and grandpa. Caught a 3lb walleye when I was 3, :)

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:20 am
by Jimmy_1

Here I was hoping someone would say 6!

Yes, I agree....snack, worms and an active area will for sure keep kids engaged and interested.
I can't imagine myself taking my 8, 10 year olds + my step daughter (9) on a musky hunt.
I don't think I can handle her belting out Bieber songs or Glee songs all day! :lol: My step-daughter would sing all darn day.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:26 am
by rod84
Grandpa took us out in the boat, we would fish until bored then go for a boat ride, then fish until bored and boat ride, continue until grandpa was out of coffee.

I was the patient one, I could care less if I caught anything at 5 and still don't care, fishing with the girlfriend though is like fishing with a child, she needs fish to stay at it.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:15 pm
by mcwalleye
My son Logan caught his first fish before he turned two.. since then hes caught over 40 fish and he just turned three this month:-) Last week he caught 15 rock bass and a couple cats and had a blast:-) Once he gets bored... Game over.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:10 pm
by gethooked
I got my son travis into fishing at age 3. He is still going at it full tilt.He and his partner won the 2011 bassmania classic in smithfalls.he rubs it in that he was 20 ,but then i remind him who his teacher was then he is lost for words.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:54 pm
by wolfe
Both Ty and Shane cut their teeth on fishing, literally. I can't honestly say their exact ages, but we had their baby seats strapped in the boat before they could walk, and the natural progression to holding a rod and reeling in a fish soon followed. Shane had a passion for throwing things into the lake just to see the splash and watch them sink: his 1st rod, our pliers, etc. :roll:

We still fish as a family, and aside from my remarks that we bicker like the Castanzas, I wouldn't trade those times for anything.


Re: At what age?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:59 pm
by Walleye'm Fishing
My son went fishing with me for the first time when he was 2 years old. We shore fished in the fall and the action was non-stop so he loved it. We ice fished together for the first time a few months later. He wasn't as patient this time around... When he tried to throw the rods down the holes after 20 minutes of fishing, it was time to call it a day. :lol:

Re: At what age?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:26 am
by Hollywood
As soon as both my kids could cast a rubber fish with a thumb button spinner reel, they came pan fishing. By age 4 my son was picking out his own jigs, worming his own hooks and out fishing me for bass in the lilly pads hahah

Re: At what age?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:12 pm
by bcjohnso99
My boys both started the summer before they turned 3 (Fall birthdays).

My older son is fantastic at casting (skipping lures off the water to get under docks and overhanging trees) but won't let the lure sink before he burns it in!

My younger boy has incredible concentration but the attention span of, well, a 4 year old ;) He catches two fish fairly quickly and quits.

The key to fishing with young ones is to leave your rod at home.


Re: At what age?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:04 pm
by lape0019
bcjohnso99 wrote: The key to fishing with young ones is to leave your rod at home.

This is so true.

I have literally just cast out a line and I needed to go untangle something or change a lure out. If I am fishing and end up catching something, I automatically have to switch his lure over to what I am using.

I have also spent more time packing the boat up and bringing it to the launch to be on the water for 15 minutes and have him tell me he wants to go back. For the most part I do and he says he has a good time. On other trips, I don't but I always make sure he knows what my plans are. As stated before, I try and make a point of going fishing with my little guy. If I am planning to go out for a few hours and he asks if he can come, I say sure but tell him to be prepared to be out there a while. He usually manages a max of 3 hours which I think is great but when he asks me in the morning if he can come and I tell him I won't be home until his bed time, he has yet to come. I think he knows his limits pretty good as well.

Re: At what age?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:13 pm
by Bear
agreed ..... introducing the young ones ...... YOU dont fish ..... Just keep them entertained :D :D .... tangeled lines gutted hooks are all part of the fun .... dont get frustrated :D :D :D

Re: At what age?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:06 pm
by Moosebunk
Had wished it'd been easier with the girls, my oldest especially. No panfish up in the north so it was summer creek specks a little & summer fallfish and walleye that the girls had to start out with. Short windows and not easy pickins. My oldest isn't very into it now, but my youngest has had a little more early opportunity for pannies, bass and just reeling fish in. This coming month we'll see if I can convert her fully with a planned trip.