First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

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First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by iankrzyzanowski »

Its been a long time since I have put up a post on FH, other than in the classifieds, so here it goes.

This spring was going to be a bit of a maintenance year for my rig. Burnt out bilge pump needed replacing which was is no big deal. Quick Splice and the new one was in. Problem was it would not stop running while connected to the battery even when the switch was turned of. General consensus was that I had float stuck in the on position which was the likely culprit for the burnt out bilge and the likely reason I was noticing some unusual draw on my battery last year. Problem was I could not find a float switch. Quick solution was to tie into the other bilge pump circuit which was working normal. Quickly cut the wires and just after doing so what did I find. A non traditional style of float switch called a "water witch" It has no float arm to get stuck so a quick chat with the company, and a quick clean on the metal diodes and problem solved. One switch controlled bilge pump and one automatic controlled bilge.

Next was a nice little upgrade to my riggers. I still cant justify owning electrics, but I went and got myself the next best thing. I got an absolutely smoking deal from another board member who won a Cannon Uni troll 5ST in a tourney. Came complete with everything including swivel base. So quick buy for the other side and I was good to mount. One thing always leads to another problem for me usually, so sure enough with the swivel base mounted it was to hgh for my boat cover to come down over top of it and there would be some serious rub. Instead of having the cover adjusted I bought tracks and risers and in the end I am really happy. Here is what they look like on one side:


My guide arms and bunks are in need of some new wood and carpeting so the arms have been changed. Just waiting for the boat to be of the trailer for a day and ill do the four bunks.

Made it out for a quick fish with my dad last Friday and went chasing some crappie. In short order we found them and we had a blast. My dad had never fished crappie before and loved it. Who doesn't love non stop action. Size could have been a bit better with the biggest just shy of 12", but enough 8-10's to put a smile on anyone's face.



I needed new tires this year as they were the original ones on the trailer and after a trip to Nipigon on back it was time. Noticed some unusual rubs on the inside of the tires and I noticed that both tires were rubbing on the wooden fender backing. Had the garage take a look at the axle, which I feel in the end they did not. They put my new tires on and sent me on my way. Well only trip out which was the one mentioned above saw one of the tires rub again!! GRRRRRRR .. Its going into a trailer shop on Thursday and hopefully they can find out if there is a problem with my axle or leaf springs.

Was hoping for a good year out on the water this year and hope to get my young lad out in the boat in the boat more this year as he's loving the water and fishing:

But as quickly as summer started, its ended for me. Well not quite ended but has gotten quite busy around the house. Emma broke her for in five places and just had surgery to have a few screws put in. Six weeks with the screws in, then back to get them removed, and physio its quite busy chasing the 3 1/2 year old and 7 month old. Hope to get a few more reports up this summer!
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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by Moosebunk »

OK... Few things bud!

1. Nice to see ya. Hopefully we see more of ya. We're long overdue for a fish. :wink:
2. Shiznitty break by the sounds of it for sure. Best to Emma of course but, dooooooood, you're summer ain't over.
3. First tires with my trailer, right side tire only, I ripped the outside tread to shreds on all of them. Rotated and all were done in 3 years. Not an axle issue... "maybe" a pressure issue but not likely that either. Bought the same brand of tires but 4-inch instead of 4.5-inch width and, those longs hauls you're talking about, they haven't done squat to the tread in two years. Nearly good as new still. And that's plenty road time.

Thanks for reporting Ian. Be seeing ya around here more I guess. :D
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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by nighttroller »

Nice slabs! Great you could get your Dad into them. Riggers look great... Port Hope here we come!
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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by Walleye'm Fishing »

Great stuff right there!!! Hopefully we'll see more from you soon!!!
Walleye'm fishing, you're sleeping.
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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by Dcaster »

Nice setup, nice crappie, nice post.

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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by Jimmy_1 »


How did I miss this?

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Re: First Trip of the Season and a Little Update....

Post by RJ »

Nice to see ya back on FH Ian though I know ya never left.. :wink:

Nice to hear today the trailer is all fixed up. Nice to leave it to the guys who have a clue what they are talking about... :lol:

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