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Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:45 pm
by Fishoholic
Here's another 2015 recap for all you f'hawkers. 2015 was another great year. I got to get out with a bunch of familiar face and also met a few new ones from here. Just like most on here I started off my year on the ice:




















Come May it's time to chase the specs. A couple of annual fishing trips were another success this year.







Once summer rolled around it was time to do some work at my parents new place in Westmeath. We are still learning this stretch of the river and its got a lot more current than I am used to fishing. We managed to get a bunch of eyes and smallies all summer but no big ones yet. Looking forward to the many years of exploring we have ahead. I also managed to sneak out to the backwoods for some splake with some success:





Somewhere in there I got out for a weeknight fish night with some fish hawkers. Thanks to Adam (lape0019) for taking me out, I had a blast. It was my first time fishin with a bunch of boats blasting off all at once which was pretty cool. I also got out with Paul aka Bassaddict to fish lake x, y and z. Had a blast, thanks Paul and Adam. Hopefully we can fish again next year.



August was my bachelor party and that meant 5 days of camping and fishing in the middle of nowhere. It rained the first couple of days but we had a good tarp set up so no problem. Spent the days catching lakers and a buzz, great times. On the last evening my dad and I in one boat and a couple buddies in another went out for an evening fish. We boat across the lake and get the lines set and not 5 minutes in a small laker is landed. The fish got off itself in the boat and I tossed it back into the water. Well during the scuffle my lure was embedded in my backpack. Being lazy and not wanting to retie I grabbed the pliers and gave er a yank........straight into my thumb. After circling for a few minutes trying to remove this out of my thumb the other boat came to investigate. They tried yanking with no luck. Back to the campsite it was. Back at the site there was a bunch of drunk guys all giving their expertise but we couldn't get it out so off to Maniwaki to have it removed. The doc ended up having to freeze it, push it all the way through and snip the barb off. Good times. Here is my bro/best man and a couple groomsmen with a Cliffside view of our campsite:



Got out for a weeknight muskie hunt. Also ran into Marty aka Ivace out there, was good fishing with him again. Ended up landing a small one last minute.


On October 3rd I finally did it, I caught the one of a lifetime. My PB was finally landed on the banks of the Ottawa. I am now limited out for life:


After the wedding I managed to get out on the Ottawa for another Muskie fish and ended up landing my PB. Not huge but it was a chunky one. I also stopped for a couple shore casts on the way to Westmeath a week later and ended up getting a fat pike. It also wouldn't be October without a few backwoods brookie trips with some friends:







November has been a bust for me as I have not been able to get out due to busy schedule and just life in general. I was hoping to be out on the ice by now but who knows maybe I'll be able to get out in the boat one last time or even for my Christmas vacation. Now wouldn't that be something. Anyways I hope 2016 will be another good year and I wish everyone the best of luck out on the ice/water. Thanks for reading.

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:15 am
by Moosebunk
Lemme be the first bud! Big congrats. She's a beauty... and the lakers were all awesome too. :D Best in 2016

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:02 am
by zeke13
Now that's a full year! Congrats on your year and getting married.

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:20 am
by EagleEyesFlash
Great Canadiana report, lots of pretty and line tugging fish there !

Your PB catch looks awesome too, way to go !

Brent :)

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:21 pm
by Walleye'm Fishing
Congrats on getting hitched Brad and 2015 was yet another fantastic fishing year for ya! All the best in 2016.

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:44 pm
by RJ
Congrats on the nuptials dude! She's certainly a keeper!

Great year on the water for you. You should target Trout more next year. :lol:


Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:39 am
by Mike P
Great year for you! Some nice trout in here.

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:31 am
by Tip-up
Great year ender Fishaholic! Troutlife in full effect!

Those lakers really took a haulin' last winter. Some brutes for sure!

Re: Another 2015 recap - Also heavy with pics

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:39 pm
by Fishoholic
Great year ender Fishaholic! Troutlife in full effect!

Those lakers really took a haulin' last winter. Some brutes for sure!
Thanks Tip-Up, you can tell what I mainly like to target eh! Most of those lakers are hopefully even bigger this year!
Great year for you! Some nice trout in here.
Thanks Mike. Hopefully one day we'll eventually get out for a fish!
Congrats on the nuptials dude! She's certainly a keeper!

Great year on the water for you. You should target Trout more next year. :lol:

Thanks RJ, I would have been a fool to toss her back into the pond! I just might do that, still have yet to catch a brown ;)
Congrats on getting hitched Brad and 2015 was yet another fantastic fishing year for ya! All the best in 2016.
Thanks Yves, all the best to you in the new year as well. Let me know when you're ever free and we can hit up some eyes or specs! I didn't get downtown for late eyes at all this year.
Great Canadiana report, lots of pretty and line tugging fish there !

Your PB catch looks awesome too, way to go !

Brent :)
Thanks Brent! You were putting together some nice reports at the end of the season yourself. Just a matter of time before we get out for a fish together!
Now that's a full year! Congrats on your year and getting married.
Thanks zeke13, now that the wedding is all taken care of hopefully I can re focus more on fishing next year.....until a baby comes :shock:
Lemme be the first bud! Big congrats. She's a beauty... and the lakers were all awesome too. :D Best in 2016
Hahaha thanks Bunk, she's definitely the good looks in our relationship! All the best in 2016 for you too, I know you'll keep the stellar reports flowing.

Now bring on the ice so we can start seeing some weekend reports rolling!