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A different kind of fishing - Report

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:09 am
by Jimmy_1

Back from a week in Cayo Coco! +40 daily, minimal rain and endless beach with gin clear water....

I'll start off by saying that fishing was a DUD! We went out one day on a small catamaran and landed 3 barracuda. No pics as our camera's would have been wrecked as it was windy and wet and no place to put em. Needless to say they were all 36" sea snot rockets...nothing to see and the locals sure appreciated us donating them afterwards.

One afternoon the Missus and I took a nice long walk along the beach. We ran into a very nice German man from Toronto who was staying at the resort next door.
He was sitting on the beach cleaning conch shells.

We struck up a conversation and he happily showed us how to find them.

We spent the better part of the next morning snorkeling the grass beds for conch. We found a few small ones but the further out we went the bigger they got!
Finally I found to real nice beauties about the size of a dinner plate. Conch like to tell you their displeasure if you pick em up by using their "fin" to smack your hand to let them go lol.

I took them to shore for a nice pic and then let them go. It was neat to watch them "swim" back out to the sea beds.

I realize this isn't a "fishing" report per se but it was still a lot of fun. I will post pics later.

If you have young ones this is a great activity to do! We found plenty of sea biscuits (the fatter sand dollars) and a few starfish also. The blue crabs were nasty and claws up within seconds of knowing you were nearby!

Glad to be back....June will see me doing lots of reno's on the Missus place and a ton of US travel at months end for work. Maybe July I can fish....I have my doubts!

Tight lines all!

Re: A different kind of fishing - Report

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:03 pm
by ShawnD
Looking forward to some pictures Jimmy, sounds fun!

Re: A different kind of fishing - Report

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:24 pm
by fatluke
Just another fishing story Jimmy!!!!
Till we see pics. lol

Sorry the fishing was a dud, I am sure the trip was great in all other aspects.