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New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:23 pm
by muskie_magnet
We did a guided sturgeon trip on the Frasier river last week. It's something my brother and I have talked about in the past and the stars finally aligned for us. Our guide explained the finer points to us during the 15 minute run out to the spot. I guess he was convinced we knew how to fish - he told us he would set the hook on the first one, then we were on our own after that.

I'm watching him bait the 3 lines - 1st one gets two good sized strips of fresh salmon. 2nd one gets a giant salmon head and the 3rd one gets a couple of smaller strips of salmon. Just as I'm thinking I want that middle rod to go off, the guide says "If we get a hit on the middle rod, hang on - it will be a monster". 20 minutes later we get a bite on that rod. Nibble would be a better description - just a tap tap. He slams the rod back but misses. Damm! A couple of minutes later - same thing - another miss. On the 3rd hit, he sets the hook hard, hands me the rod and it's game on. I can barely move the fish but seem to be making progress. Just as I'm thinking I've got control, the guide tells me the fish doesn't even know it's hooked yet. Right on que - massive head shakes and it peels off 100 yards of line and I'm hanging on for dear life. A quick look back and the guide is nowhere to be found - he's up at the front of the boat disconnecting from the anchor - "We're going to have to chase this one" he says - it's big.

My brother and I team up to fight the fish for about an hour - 9'4" of sturgeon on the beach for pictures.
sturgeon_1.jpg (66.77 KiB) Viewed 5261 times
An epic day and it's only 9:30. Back to the same spot. We are flying solo now - the guide lets us know when, but we are setting the hook and fighting the fish. We hook and land a couple under 4 feet and just shake them off at the boat. I'm next up and set the hook into a 7 footer. A few minutes into the fight the guide says "watch this". The fish races to the surface and jumps completely out of the water - 3 times. It took about 40 minutes to get it to the boat. There are regulations about taking sturgeon out of the water. A fish this size needs to go to shore to be landed but we're pros now so we release it at the boat and don't even take pictures.

An epic day is now off the charts and it's still not even noon. We change spots a couple of times and settle in close to where we've seen another boat hook a 7 footer. It took about an hour, but the big bait rod went off again. I set the hook into what felt like a small automobile and it goes crazy. Head shakes, charging left, then right. I pass it to my brother and an hour later, our second 9 footer (9'1") is on the beach.
sturgeon_4.jpg (50.47 KiB) Viewed 5261 times
At this point the guide is losing his sh*t. He's never landed two 9 footers in the same day and is pretty happy to have bragging rights on his boss.

The other boat close to us hooked a very large fish (over 10 according to our guide) and fought it for over 2 hours. At that point they tried to muscle the fish and snapped their rod. Over the coarse of 6 hours, we've caught over 25 feet of sturgeon and seen another 17 feet landed/fought from the boat beside us.

This was the trip of a lifetime !!

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:10 pm
by smitty55
WOW! Way to go guys. That is incredible. Absolutely a trip of a lifetime. Must have had real sore arms after that day.


Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:37 pm
by plowjock
Congrats on a great day on the Fraser river.
How are you ever going to top that outing?
Guess you 2 had sore arms after that wrestling match.
So now you're back to catching Muskies, boy, what a let down.

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:07 pm
by RJ
Thanks for sharing Mike! Sure am glad we did the Laker trip in the Lund before that! :lol:


Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:44 pm
by Peron
Arrrggghhhh! My brain is overheating with Jealousy! In one of my first posts on Fish-Hawk Fraser River Sturgeon was listed om my fishing "bucket list" and it sounds like you caught them all!

Awesome post!


Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:47 am
by tidefighter
Congrats. That's unreal.

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:17 am
by muskie_magnet
Thanks guys. We used Lang's Fishing Adventures for the charter. I lucked into choosing them and it turns out they are known for putting clients on big fish.

Back to muskie fishing last night and the thrill is definitely not spoiled. Landed a small one (34") and had a follow from what would have been a PB for me. Too shy and wouldn't go but the adrenalin rush of seeing a big fish was still there.

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 9:00 am
by YakAttack
Holy crap that was amazing!

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:18 am
by TheMaverick
If Musky is the fish of a thousand casts...what would this one be? lol
Congrats on an amazing catch!

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:20 am
by AcDcRocker1209
Wow, great job!

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:23 am
by AcDcRocker1209
You have to love when the guide says,"he doesn't know he's hooked yet."

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:32 pm
by CBB
Congrats on the nice fish and they are a blast to fish, I fished for them on the Columbia and it is something everyone needs to do at least once in their lifetime.

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:41 pm
by baz fish
That's a fish of a life time right there. Great fish guys :D .

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 1:59 am
by Snag
Some incredible fish for sure. Congrats on the PB!

Re: New PB - 112 X 47

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:28 pm
by zippyfx
Awesome trip guys! Would gleefully give vital body parts to catch one, let alone two 9 footers!