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The rubber match - boating more eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:26 pm
by fatluke
After spending the week in Ottawa, I was ready to slay some more walleyes, and my dad and I had a rubber match to put behind us. I also had a mission to get some fresh fish as wifey had a friend and kids coming for the weekend, and they wanted some fresh fish for dinner. The plan was to hit the water for sunrise Saturday morning and jig up some more eyes.

The weather was not idea, winds gusting over 30k. This, along with the current made for some tough jigging conditions. Real tough, but we thought we would give it a go anyways.

Dad picked up the first fish within 10 minutes and I figured we were in for a slay. I was wrong. We had a lot more water open up over the week, but we couldn't find the fish. It was a couple hours before I picked up the next one. After unhooking and throwing that one in the death well, I was into another one. I barely got it out of the net and dad was into his second fish. Here we are tied up again at 2-2. After that, the fish were gone. We must have hit a moving school of fish, but we couldn't saty with them.

We continued jigging for another couple hours with nothing else to show.

Dad and I both picked up a pair of twin clones for the weekend. Identical length on on both of our two fish.



I think that's it for the boat for me. The temps are looking all below zero, and Saturday morning was a very tough go. Rod tips continually freezing, etc. I've got a trout weekend up north coming up, and hopefully Quinte locks up again for the following weekend.

Play safe over the next couple weeks as we await the ice to stiffen back up again.

Re: The rubber match - boating more eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:53 pm
by Snag
Great job meat hunting and squeezing in some soft water days! You deserved those fish for your efforts for sure

Re: The rubber match - boating more eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:03 pm
by fatluke
I didn't get into any details about how frustrating it was out there, but the wind was brutal and the boat was all over the place. Hard to control even with the trolling motor.

Those 4 walleyes are just a memory now. They fed me and my girls, wifey's friend and her two little ones, and I also invited my parents out for dinner.

The rate we're eating fish this winter, it's hard to get a couple in the freezer. for future reserves. lol.

Re: The rubber match - boating more eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:04 pm
by Walleye'm Fishing
Nice open water outing with your dad once again, good luck with the trout this weekend! My kids are walleye eating monsters too so the freezer is always empty. :D

Re: The rubber match - boating more eyes.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:33 pm
by CBB
Congrats on the nice eye's and I can relate to the cold weather fishing, wait until you get some age on ya. :D