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Brown Trout

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:12 am
by Shaun_300
I am on the hunt for some brown trout, have never fished them before, I am in the Almonte area. I see on Fish-Online that there are a few lakes in the area stocked with browns. Anna, Darling long and Summit.

Dad and I went for a drive a few weeks ago and found Anna, but could not pinpoint access.

Anyone been into Summit in the winter? I am wanting to go for a drive, it's about an hour away, have researched a bit and apparently there's a trail off of Arcol Road, not sure how much snow there is there.

As for Darling long, I saw somewhere that there is no access to it anymore off the 511?

Just picking some brains here, I'm likely on a wild goose chase, rumor has it they are hard to catch around here!

Re: Brown Trout

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:13 pm
by Bear
I've wanting to try Summit as well, at this time of year you'll probably need a sled or atv and park at the Palmerston/Canato conservation lot. If you do make it there I'd love to hear how you do

Re: Brown Trout

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:58 pm
by Trevor
Ive been into summit a few times now with no luck on the browns, i caught a couple perch and rockbass in there.
I was told that the ministry stocks a "river strain of brown trout" and they don't do well in the lakes but who knows.

Re: Brown Trout

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:11 am
by Alotalota
I fished Summit once in the winter. Couldn't get a line down without having a perch on it, regardless of location. No trout.

I have tried Anna in the winter (multiple times) and summer (couple times). Some people poke through where the creek is on the east side of the lake and there is an access around the north end of the lake off an ATV trail, but check land ownership. Most of it's private around the lake, which does make me wonder why it's stocked with public money... I'm not a Brown Trout fisherman, but I did some research and threw just about everything at them... even brought in a pretty good fly fisherman and I've never seen one in there. A local told me you can get them just before dark sometimes. I'm done with it... :)

Good luck!

Re: Brown Trout

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:59 pm
by Greentrek
Hey Shaun. I'm a new member-- just joined today lol. Saw your post & had to reply. Yes there is some in there. Caught two & missed more. They were small but saw two nice bigger ones thru my camera down in the water. But kept getting hit alot with perch too. Its totally as if they're competing with them & rushing my bait! Thats what it looked like to me. I know i can do better hooking them after winter but its doable on the hardwater! Also saw another guy hooking them too. This was last winter. I'll go again this winter but its on the mission list after 2020 iceout. I know i can hook more then! You'll hook 10 inchers but should get bigger ones. What it looked like to me was alot of perch crowding what i would drop in & it was keeping the lurking B trout hanging back...? My opinion & experience anyway. Not a whole lot of them survive long enough even though stocked? Sorry for being too wordy lol.

Re: Brown Trout

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:30 am
by Shaun_300
Happy new year guys! Made it into Summit twice. First time I just took a drive, found the little road off the main road and decided to make the trek in with the sleigh. It was about a half hour walk in off the main road. Only fished for about an hour since there was freezing rain moving in, and I didn't want to fight it on the twisty and hilly roads back home. It's about an hour drive or a bit more on a good day. Anyways I set up, started at about 20' and moved in towards shore. Once I hit 5-6 FOW which I figured would be too shallow, I got my first bite. Turned out it was a perch. Then two browns one after the other right after that. I was all excited thinking I was going to hit them big, but that was all I got.

Texted my brother and he wanted to give it a shot too, so we came back the next day. Brought the 4 wheeler this time, turns out it's 2.4km off the main road! He brought his tent, set up in the same spot. Got 2 more browns that day. All little fellas, but still cool to catch! As the previous poster said, it's like the perch and browns compete. If you see a perch down the hole, it's almost a guarantee a brown is right behind it. Definitely going to try again over the winter! But really looking forward to trying in the spring with the canoe.