Fishing during outbreak?

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Fishing during outbreak?

Post by andrew1234 »

Anyone still fishing? Anyone get stopped by bylaw? While were being told to stay away from the parks etc my understanding is that a river bank is different.


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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by reefhawg »

If it's private property no issue. Wish I knew someone with waterfront property.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by Ninja Boot »

I spoke with Ontario MNR today and they said there are no restrictions being in a boat fishing as long as you're alone or with someone from your household with whom you are isolating. They did say some townships may take the step of closing down any public launches. I spoke with one and they are taking the common sense approach that this activity does involve obvious distancing and their launches are to remain open - but that this could change at any time.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by David Chong »

Fishing is not closed although many ramps are and everyone needs to make their own decisions! For me, I believe that there are much more pressing matters than whether I go fishing or not! And no one loves fishing more than I do. If you have access to water while being able to properly practice social distancing and non-essential travel then have at it! For me , my focus is more on staying healthy & well, making sure that my elderly neighbours, mother & mother in-law are looked after and figuring how we can all do our part to stem the tide of this horrible pandemic. I am working through my club and friends who have a supply chain to help to ensure that our front line workers are properly supplied with all the PPE that they need!

BTW, on the positive side, I'm finally starting to get a handle on re-organizing my garage and gear, something that I haven't had time to do in years! Be prepared for an onslaught of gear for sale! LOL Please everyone stay home & stay safe, remember we're all in this together!
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by CCLad »

Just sharing some info.. stay healthy all..

From O.F.A.H.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by David Chong »

CCLad wrote:Just sharing some info.. stay healthy all..

From O.F.A.H.
Great link for info! Thanks!
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by scarkner »

Need to be careful in Ottawa as NCC property and parks are all closed to fishing (it is considered an "individual activity"). Fines and warnings have been issued.

but, there are a few spots you can still go such as previous poster mentioned, private property, sides of the road, sailing clubs, creeks, etc.

Stay local - avoid long travel.

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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by andrew1234 »

If you have waders and in the water I wonder if that still counts as a park
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by howie »

For anyone that has not left their home because they still have a can of beans and a bag of rice in the cupboard, hence venturing our is not "essential" please forgive this recklessness that follows...
I was thinking as the realization that Covid 19 and physical distancing is a reality we shall need to respect for many months rather than mere weeks, the blanket approach to physical distancing ought to give way to thinking through implications and real infection risks of various activities rather than applying the quite understandable "blanket approach", which makes absolute sense in the short term but not sustainable longer term. I can not entirely fathom how access to our waterways and going fishing by one's self or members of their own household is an increased infection risk. I say this as someone that has and does fully respect the need for physical distancing amidst this pandemic.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by FishingFreak13 »

Fishing by design can be one of the only sports that can be done in full isolation. The problem is that even though 95% of us can and will use common sense when it comes to social distancing on the boat you will end up with the 5% of people who just don't really give a crap and will try an take advantage of it any way they can. I think they are also worried about people that end up needing to go get more bait, spend money on gassing up the truck and boat or just the truck if you are driving any great amount of distance to fish. Unfortunately for us that 5% that just ignore social distancing could ruin it for everyone else. I plan on going fishing but have set up myself where I don't need to go get baits right now as i did bought lots of baits in February Thanks Paddletales!!!! I also only plan on fishing lakes where I won't need to use my outboard other than to put it on the trailer and are close enough where I won't be needing additional gas for my truck. There are many ways we can make it work. Like i said most fishermen really enjoy fishing and will do everything in their power to make sure we can keep fishing.

Stay safe everyone!
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by howie »

I suppose I view the activity much as you do, FishingFreak13. The 5% abuser folks you highlight probably apply to nearly any activity within our existence these days. (I was seriously contemplating Gordie Howe'ing some twat in the yap at the grocery store last week if he proceeded to reach past me to grab his targeted produce item as he was doing to Like you described, I view splashing the boat and fishing as one of the more socially distant, autonomous activities that would provide a good measure of escape and relaxation without undue risk amidst the vary long list of other activities that, quite responsibly, are curtailed at the moment.
Stay healthy!
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by BillyBones »

Be patient boys, I to am going stir crazy as I am sure everybody is. Use the time to get all your gear in order but stay home. I have
already re-built my trailer, new bearings, new rollers, and a fresh paint job. It now looks like new again. Just waiting for some warmer
weather and will re-paint my little Princecraft and put a set of fresh decals on it. If I have more time after that I might even put in a
complete flat carpeted floor for the boat. I am sure that we will all be out this year if we all pull together to stop the spread of this
damn virus.

Being 73 years old puts me in the high risk category for this damn virus, so I for one, will be following the guidelines set up by the
health professionals that know a little more than you or I, and are working their tails off to keep us as healthy as possible. If you
do jump the gun practice common sense and self distancing. I'm sure that 95% would hate to spread or contract this thing, and then
you have the 5% that doesn't give a damn, that we all have to put up with... Billy Bones
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by s_chaplin »

Hey Folks, I actually called and spoke with an NCC agent this morning (wish I took down her name...). I asked specifically about NCC land (Ottawa River) and using it to solo fish from the shore/bank. She said they are allowing fishing, as long as those fishing are practicing social distancing, and doing so legally (obviously). If you are fishing right beside 2-3 others, officers very well might warn/ticket you, so be aware of that.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by scarkner »

s_chaplin wrote:Hey Folks, I actually called and spoke with an NCC agent this morning (wish I took down her name...). I asked specifically about NCC land (Ottawa River) and using it to solo fish from the shore/bank. She said they are allowing fishing, as long as those fishing are practicing social distancing, and doing so legally (obviously). If you are fishing right beside 2-3 others, officers very well might warn/ticket you, so be aware of that.
Hmmmm... I wouldn't go with that unless I had it in writing (or the person's name). I have been told the exact opposite by an enforcement officer.
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Re: Fishing during outbreak?

Post by levitch »

I called the City of Ottawa line today and they echoed the NCC agent's response. City parks are closed, but if you can get to the water from NCC land then you are ok. Still keep away from others however...

but that opens up a lot of water in this area.. and i cant think of a better way to stay away from everyone else than getting into my kayak and sitting in the middle of a lake or river.
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