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Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:05 pm
by david
I searched online but I can't seem to find the answers. I will call around if I can't find the answers here.

I am an Ontario resident. If I buy a cottage in Quebec, do I still need to pay the non-resident rate for the fishing license?

I also just found out that there is a powerboat fees for fishing around Vals-Des-Monts. The cost depends on the boat motor size. For example, with a 75 HP motor, it costs $40/season for a resident, or $80/day for a non-resident! Again, if I buy a cottage in Quebec (say in Vals-Des-Monts), am I considered "resident" as I will be paying property tax?


Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:07 pm
by Walker
Dave, if you use the address for your cottage when you apply for your permit / fishing license then you would be a resident to them.

Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:31 pm
by Corvus Lacus
For what it's worth...the Quebec reg's state that you need to reside in Quebec for a minimum of 183 days a year to be considered a resident. If you're ever called on it ...whatever is on your Driver's Licence and which Health Card (Provincial ID) you have will ultimately determine residency.

I have several friends on my lake that live in the US, but have cottages up here in Canada...yes, they pay property taxes, however they still can only obtain non-resident licences.

Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:20 am
by david
Yes, the fishing licensing reg mentioned the 183 days residency requirement.

As for the powerboat fees, according to Val-Des-Mont's boating guide ( ... -guide.pdf), a municipal tax bill can be used as proof of residence.

I guess I need to confirm with the municipal office just to be sure.

Thank you all.

Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:37 pm
by Dnbmike
When C O's ask for your fishing license they also ask for a driver's license or picture ID ..When and if they don't match your up the creek with out a paddle

Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:30 pm
by david
Dnbmike wrote:When C O's ask for your fishing license they also ask for a driver's license or picture ID ..When and if they don't match your up the creek with out a paddle
Thanks for the information.
I don't mind and I have been paying the Quebec non-resident rate for years.

It is the powerboat fees that I am concerned with. If I have to pay the $80 per DAY to keep the 75HP boat in the water, I will not consider buying a cottage there.

Re: Ontario resident with Quebec cottage?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:38 pm
by david
david wrote: As for the powerboat fees, according to Val-Des-Mont's boating guide ( ... -guide.pdf), a municipal tax bill can be used as proof of residence.

I guess I need to confirm with the municipal office just to be sure.
The municipal official at Val-Des-Monts confirmed a cottage owner is considered as "resident" for the powerboat fees.