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It's Show Season!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:44 pm
by JimW
Show Season!!!

Well, the fishing, boating, outdoors shows are back in full swing with several shows already happened and numerous shows across the province still to come in the next month or two.

Every year I hear the same thing…. entry fees are too expensive, they is too much “non-fishing” stuff at the show, there are no good deals at the show, not enough vendors…. the shows are not like they used to be....

I agree with the arrival of the Internet as a marketing tool, it is easier to find information and shop from the comfort of your couch than go out to a fishing show, combine that with covid and the trade show industry to a huge hit.

Personally, I love the fishing trade shows and I barely buy anything. Yes they were probably better back "in the day" or at least seemed that way, the “shows” were most people’s first look at the new gear for the upcoming year…. now you can just go online to see it.

As a kid going to the Toronto Sportsman’s Show was a big deal driving up from London with my dad to check out the new fishing gear and one year as a young teen my cousin and I took the train to Toronto met up with my uncle who worked in Toronto, the 2 of us went to the show and stayed overnight in Toronto, that was our first “trip alone” as teens…. I still have fond memories of going to those shows. I bought my first baitcaster reel at the Sportsman’s Show many years ago…. a Shimano Bantam Magnum Lite…. I still have it on display in my basement.

Since the return of the “shows” post covid, the shows have been smaller with less vendors for a variety of reasons…. will the shows every be like the “olden days” probably not, but based on the shows I have been to this winter already and the line up of upcoming shows it really looks like the organizers and vendors are working hard to make the shows they best experience possible.

Yes there are a few vendors that are not exactly advertising/selling outdoors related products…. but if you are not interested in them just “walk on by” just like some of you will scroll past this long post. LOL.

Yes you have to pay an admission fee and sometimes parking which means a little less money in your pocket for Starbucks or Stanley tumbler or "other essentials".

Are there deals to the shows…. YES!!! Are the deals on products as good as the “old times” maybe, maybe not. Remember many of the companies exhibiting at the shows are not multiple million dollar corporations, they are small to medium sized businesses trying to make a living and serve their customers best they can and are spending thousands of dollars to exhibit at the shows.

As well don’t forget….. these are advertised as “shows” not sales, buying stuff is just one aspect of the show…. when you go to a movie theatre to see a “show” you are going to watch a couple hours of entertainment while you eat your $20 bucket of popcorn. Outdoor Shows are entertainment, not just sales.

The “outdoor shows” have much more to offer then just looking for a deal on “stuff”…. walk around, talk to people in-person, meet up with old friends, meet new friends, watch a presentation or two, ask industry professions all your fishing questions, take a kid with you and let them spend some time at the casting pond …. there is a lot more to the "shows” than just trying to find deal on outdoors gear.

This upcoming week February 22nd to 25th is the Ottawa Boat & Outdoors Show. Yes, it is mainly a boat show, but this year’s exhibitor list has numerous fishing related companies displaying and selling gear and an incredible list of speakers!!!

Regardless of what you fish for the speakers alone at this year’s Ottawa Boat and Outdoor Show are worth the price of admission.
You like to bass fish well David Chong and Ashley Rae have you covered. Want to learn more about some new products coming out well go have a listen to Big Jim McLaughlin or Peter Larmand. You want to catch BIG walleye …. Greg Amiel is your man!!!

That fish of a thousand casts muskie experts John Anderson and Lisa Goodier can help make that happen. New to Eastern Ontario or just looking to improve your skills on local waters then go have a chat with Rob Jackson or Jamie Pistilli they will definitely help you improve your local angling success.

And don’t forget to check out and support the local retailers at the show they work hard to promote the great fishing in Eastern Ontario and help everyone be more successful…. so be sure to show your support.

I will be at the Ottawa Show on Friday for a few hours walking around, I am taking a group of high school students to the show.
Saturday and Sunday I will be helping at the Big Rideau Tackle booth so be sure to stop by and say Hi.

Hope to see lots of people at this week’s show in Ottawa, or if you are not in the Ottawa area there are other great shows throughout the province be sure to check them out.

And if you can bring along a kid or two….. you might not think the outdoor shows are as good as they were 20 years ago, but the kids were not around for those shows of the past…. today’s outdoor shows are their shows …. so bring the kids along and make some memories….

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