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Float beads or No Float beads?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:46 pm
by Legend
:) What do you prefer?

A float presentation with no float beads or a bottom presentation with float beads?

Could you ever see yourself using floating beads with a float setup?

One more... What color float beads do you prefer?

:) Legend

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:09 pm
Legend, Float set-up in terms of a "Float set-up?" If so I have never used, nor would I.My set up is with as little (Split, lead, and anything out of the ord to a fish as possible)

Bottom on the other hand............................I could see a series, or even one or 2 beads being a possible attractant in dirty or clear but preasured waters for sure!!!!I must thank you Legend, I personally have never thought of the idea!! :shock:

In clear waters, I think I would stick to a blue, red or maybe pink, though in dirty or "High" water areas for bottom, I think I would try to brighten the contrast with a chartruse, to any bright color, and bead number's pending on current, depth, and clarity.

Once again Legend, thx!!!!!!!!This is a tech I will try this fall!!!!

Remember, a day on the Bronte is a go!!!!!!!!

Wow, this forum is awsome!!!!!!

F.F :D

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:13 pm
Sry re-read the post :oops:

Legend, on the "Float Beads" I always put a few into my roe sacks when bottom fishing. 1 to elevate the bait off bottom when using a heavier weight to keep contact with bottom, and 2, to brighten the contrast of my bait, for most bottom fishing done by me is in the wee hrs of 12-5am.

I was under the impression of maybe live bait rig beads, in which would fall into place with my previous post :D

Still an awsome thread, and I hope to see a few more ideas on this!!!!!

F.F :D

Float beads

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 7:11 pm
by Legend
:) It is interesting and actually Float, you've got me thinking about a few things too.

The beads, could cause your roe bag to suspend in a neutral buoyancy type fashion. This would probably make the bait look even more realistic.

I must admit, I've never seen blue beads.

One other question I might have concerns distance from the float to the hook? If the stream is 1 - 2 feet deep, what would your float - hook distance be?

:) Legend

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 4:49 pm
Legend, A stream being that shallow would be hard to say a hook to float distance.In a shallow streeam case like this, I would say the small spinners or small spilt shot and floating roe sacks or other baits would be more productive.Try to find the pockets or slower moving pools on this system for the float aspect.If there is current without many slower runns, and the water is holding fish, try holding mini cranks in the current, kwikfish, and spinners or small sponns would probably out fish the float.If a cast and retrieve is what your after, toss your baits upstream, let the current swing it by you then use the current while retriveing to pick up the action of your bait(I.E spinners, and small spoons)

For the float, a fly fishing "Strike indicator" float is going to be more effective than a float per say.Smaller, and easier to lock in the 1 foot to your bait range.Try to keep your bait just bouncing bottom if you tend to use a float set up, and in shallow cons, a very small float is going to be key.

If I can offer any more plz post away :D